Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. Great post. While I'm not interested in who'd win in a meditation fight, I am interested in more descriptions of the similarities and differences you've found in these 3 practices.


    Thanks and I understand you'd have to explain within the constraints the respective teachers and traditions have for secrecy.

    Indeed, difficult being concise and articulate while keeping secrets lol


    Wonder if that's how the Ninjas started out? :)


    ...and Thank you

  2. I've practised Kunlun 1 with a full on K-awakening for about 4 years headen on now. I dont have much to say about it that others could find useful except I ain't dead. I think your observations are too incomplete or unique to your constitution, to draw any conclusions from, except you ain't dead. But that's a good thing.

    Full Kundalini Awakening [and not an 'Arousal']. Kundalini awakened first, followed by practicing Kunlun?


    Awesome - and being alive, does help :)


    Thanks for the feedback

  3. Thank you everyone for advice and links:


    I will check them all out :)


    Again, most appreciative :)


    "Kundalini has been sensationalized over the years - and has gone mainstream and mass marketed.


    It is NOT 'instant enlightenment'.


    It is a tool that teaches you - because it breaks you down and pushes you into a corner and forces you to 'be one with yourself'"


    Agree! At the same time I think it's time for a whole lot of it (Kundalini) because it may help us people turn things around.


    It's dangerous IMO/IME but so is waiting in line at Walmart for god to save you.

    I agree- my only concern is when something gets commercialized it is made easier for the masses


    Pre-packaged drive -thru enlightenment.

    Shake, stir and presto! thou awakened


    The solar flares might be prematurely activating people and some appear to be like 'zombies'...it isn't bath salts ;)

  4. Kunlun(1) Red Phoenix(1,2) Kuan Yin(Matsuo) Vs. Kundalini



    I want to express that this is solely My Experiences & Only My Opinions and observations.


    I noticed there was a lot of heat on other threads regarding these subjects so I do not want to add fuel by any means.


    Last night when I was meditating I seen this Thread Topic flash before my inner eye(s) but had the word "CONTRAINDICATED" on it....

    The thread is not here, so I am starting it


    If you have read my previous threads, you will know my Kundalini has peaked over the last couple of decades.


    I am in no capacity to be a judge on which systems are 'better', nor in a position to perform anything outside of my limited confines of "practitioner".


    However, I can tell what is affecting my Kundalini [surges] and what external alchemical sources 'aggravate' said 'condition'


    I keep a diary and enter Solar conditions, Moon, Planetary, etc so as not to have variables influence results


    My Kundalini is peaked:


    I practice Christopher Lee's Matsuo's Kuan Yin Magnetic QiGong


    This is affecting my central channel.

    [i know some terminology might be 'painting with a broad brush', but I can only use what is familiar to myself]


    Many will say Kundalini rises up spine

    Some will say it descends from above into the Fontanelle


    Mine - arises (front) of my spine, as opposed to feeling it 'under my skin, on the back of my spine'


    This is close to the central channel


    My Ida/Pingala are mixed so I do not feel the heat/cold - it is 'just' surges moving upwards.


    I practice Christopher Lee's Matsuo's Kuan Yin Magnetic QiGong


    This is affecting my central channel.... this does not feel similar to Kundalini energy.

    Max's and Lamb's Kunlun level 1 is also empowering my central channel.

    Again - the potent 'aggravation' to my central channel is over powering the Kundalini upward flow as this is moving magnetic energy down the middle of my core.


    If I run Kundalini upwards simultaneously running magnetic down my central - I feel a 'tug' on my coccyx and crown chakra


    Kundalini and Central Channel Gongs are different energy(s) IN MY OPINION.


    The weird thing is - if I cease ALL central core Gongs, and continue on to Kundalini THE NEXT DAY - the Kundalini seems to have been fed by some 'Alchemical Metastasis'


    Again- *just my personal observations*


    Do not practice Central Gongs during the same 'practice period'. Preferably different day, after digesting a meal/grounding thoroughly


    Doing these in same period is similar to "taking Melatonin with a Red Bull Energy Drink"


    The Kunlun really delivers magnetic resonance to the heart chakra and the contrasting Kundalini energy creates heart palpitations and gastric disturbances


    Red Phoenix 1 and 2 without prior Kunlun 1, jumps the Kundalini to Fontanelle. The energy remains 'localized' and feels then, like there is a link-up to an "8th chakra" that pulsates.


    Curiously, it I change 3rd eye 'coordinates' from false 3rd to hairline location- the crown chakra becomes one large encompassing 'portal'



    Kundalini, [Jing- Qi - Shen] feels very anxiety-ridden


    Whereas the central Gongs feel very calming


    [My observation: Kundalini has Yang with Yin following and central Gongs have Yin with Yang following: this may not be 'technically correct-- but it 'feels like it']


    I will not go so far as saying the central Gongs neutralize Kundalini awakening, because it seems to feed it.


    However if your Kundalini is not awakened [yet]- the central Gongs may prolong it's awakening (?)


    I am trying to promote a 'consummate synthesis' between both- I will update if I 'personally' can maintain this...

    • Like 2

  5. I know David Hawkins has said that after he became enlightened - that he had to stop meditating - because the bliss would become to intense - and he wouldn't bey able to function in society. So, maybe you've had all the experiences you need - and now the universe just wants you to focus on boring mundane stuff. Maybe in past lives you meditated all day in caves and just don't need this stuff anymore.....I'm probably wrong - just throwing something out there.

    I do not think there is right or wrong here: many possibilities and everyone's guess is as good [or possibly better] than mine. It is all subjective @ this point :)

  6. I received numerous emails regarding some threads I posted:


    Thank you for that :)


    I think I should answer some of them here, so others might benefit...


    So to preserve anonymity, I will paraphrase and compile some of them here:


    * I was born with a 'bad spine'.

    I am sure I was 'destined' for it- and I think maybe it was set up this way for a Kundalinic response [?]


    *It has not healed, but the pain is manageable as long as the energy flows unrestricted. If I give Shaktipat- the surges 'might' remove the Lactic Acid from the muscles and relieve some spasms and Sciatic inflammation. [Kriyas are painful]


    *Arthritis sufferers can tell you when it will rain.

    I can do that [lol] and the energy (peak) surges can forecast a coming a full/new moon - sort of the same way.


    * Solar flares definitely affect my particular energy field


    * Someone asked about the 2012 Mayan calendar and the possible influence of X-Flares/CMEs


    Check this out:


    The Cosmology of the ancient Maya was a holistic one, including a highly developed science of the 7 energy centers of the human body (called "chakras" in Sanskrit), indepth understanding of the healing and restorative power of the sacred kundalini life-force of our sexual energy ("k'ulthanlilni" in Mayan), extensive practices of Solar worship, meditation, yoga, and ritual, and an exquisite language which incorporates the songs of the birds. The characteristic dynamic of Zuyua Mayan language is that its words are invertable, for example "y'ak" means "language" and "k'ay" means "song". The Mayan word for flower, "l'ol" literally means vibration and consciousness.



    In retrospect - I imagine I had a lot of karma 'to burn'.

    Not everyone experiences the same things.

    I am grateful for everything I endure.


    I am grateful to call Tao Bums my peace :)

  7. Wanted to add this:


    The benefits are astounding, but I do not want to get into that topic, as it just sounds like an ego stroke.


    There are other reasons for that, as well.


    Kundalini has been sensationalized over the years - and has gone mainstream and mass marketed.


    It is NOT 'instant enlightenment'.


    It is a tool that teaches you - because it breaks you down and pushes you into a corner and forces you to 'be one with yourself'.


    Sometimes, I feel like I have Alzheimer's, because I get confused a lot, and Dyslexic. It is constant work to keep that crown from getting overly congested.


    Think twice if you are really searching out for a Kundalini experience!


    Of course, flip side - there is much to attain from it.

    Yes it can border on miraculous.

    Yes I can do some 'cool stuff'.


    But you have to make a list of 'pros' and 'cons' and see if it is all really worth it...

    • Like 1

  8. virtue.




    That, and...how's the j-q-s rollin? Thinking refinement, lots of good lil pointers about that at the link. How's your ability to enter stillness, shut off the cranial nerves, drop breath below threshold of turbulence? :) in a context of Qi-refinement.


    'That' [thing/no-thing] develop during the testament of time...and yes, very sound advice.


    I can enter 'stillness' at will [almost]- of course, my atmosphere is deliberately intended to be chaos-free... so I am always close to 'still'.

    [ Loner = Aspie! -stress is a bad trigger for someone with Asperger's, Tourette's, OCD, Spinal Cord problems]




    Within a few seconds of 'powering down' - and 'flame on' command to my lower Dan Tien, my breathing comes close to a halt. My middle Dan Tien tightens, and my abdominal muscles stretch out like a board. My breathe comes almost to a stop and the central pillar starts to [magnetic ripples] pulse.


    In an email someone mentioned that by sending my consciousness elsewhere it will still incorporate the upper Dan Tien to 'search it out' [paraphrased].


    All great words of wisdom.


    Thank you all for this :) [really, thank you all -- more appreciative than you might realize]


    Have a bad headache this morning [Qi-head lol]

    As I type this - just 'thinking about it', my middle Dan Tien 'expands' and the sides of my throat [neck muscles] tighten and twitch [uniformed]

  9. Tao Sempko of KAP springs to mind (so does Santi, but he came to mind after).


    I don't reckon kundalini can get used as such (at least the warnings against doing so, or attempting it abound) but then I've chosen a relatively passive approach to it and although I had what I consider a hell of a time with it, it wasn't (and isn't, thanks to all kinds of help) anywhere near what you (and other people) have experienced.


    Tai chi has been highly recommended, often.


    I seen your reply last night and did a Google, then YouTube search- found some videos by the first individual you mentioned.... His wisdom [videos] would have been essential --20 years ago.

    The second you person you mentioned I do not know, either


    Thank you sister :)

  10. In the first video.

    That was the effect of resonance. It was the frequency of the drum was being resonant with the human voice.


    The human flesh may not be in resonant with the ultra sound. It is because the ultra sound frequency is too high for human to respond to. The human ear cannot even hear it.

    Not the physical body I was referring to. ;)

  11. Twenty One years ago - I had a full blown Kundalini Awakening

    [as opposed to an Arousal].

    Don't want to be repetitious, you can search my other posts if interested


    When I do QiGong, I always have to make certain 'adjustments':


    I keep my mind buried under the Earth, many feet deep- almost to 'the core/root' [sometimes I can feel a cold blast of air hit me in my perineum]


    If I even think about the 3 'third' eyes they get flooded instantly.


    My crown feels like I am hiding a magnet inside a hat.


    I practice meditation 2 hours, daily, in full lotus - my body keeps being pulled backwards. If I start to intentionally sway counter-clockwise, my body grossly exaggerates it, and I can literally end up off my mat. [usually sway clockwise - to send the energy downwards]


    I can tell when a new moon or full moon is near - especially a full moon. I often wonder if the tales of Lycanthropy have their origin with a Kundalini experience. The solar flares are really affecting me [thus my thread about them]


    The benefits are astounding, but I do not want to get into that topic, as it just sounds like an ego stroke.


    My earnest intention is to continue onward with this



    In the beginning, [1992] the 'power' subsided - and the chase began to find it again, and because it was elusive, it brought on that depressing yearn to feel it just one more time.


    1996 it happened again - another huge surge - total 'whiteout'


    Last year - it feels as though it is building up again - this time, like a tsunami that feels it has the potential to smash me into pieces.


    I am trying to prepare for it


    I never had a teacher, and I do not know many of the technical terms, let alone, pronounce them. I never had transmissions, attunements, never been to a seminar


    I have healed many people, and have given Shaktipat numerous times.



    I live my life as a monk, a loner. That might be the core of the problem, but I prefer tranquility, a drama-free atmosphere to continue on my path [obsessed]


    If I shop @ Walmart, passing people, I can feel their anxiety, moods, etc


    I can feel WiFi, etc, also - which leads me to believe we are wired with magnetic resonators [like some animals]


    I much rather read a great book, than do the Disneyland trip


    I am always searching for the 'right technique' that fits this...although, at times, I am unsure what 'this', is



    Also, not sure if anyone experiences this- but I am having very big EMIs...



    Electrical appliances are breaking, light bulbs burning out quickly, and loud crackling and popping sounds on the plasma screen TV and PC monitor.


    The walls bang, like poltergeist phenomenon, but I used to practice ritual magick, so I know it is not 'entities',... just PSI


    If I am in thought/Alpha, or talking with someone about something 'relevant' -- things start popping.

    My son, who is 15, is actually leery about spending the night over the house because of all the stuff that is going on now, sounds, etc.,


    I guess, what I am asking, is if anyone else has experienced this?


    I want to be able to channel it, to use it constructively - rather than have a 2 hour meditation just grounding lol


    My Ida/Pingala channels are balanced, and the right and left hemispheres of my brain do not feel more 'energetic' than the other


    Lower Dan Tien, no longer spasms, nor squeezes - the thought of it makes it jerk slightly and tightens up

    Middle Dan Tien similar to lower, but much larger and pulses

    I spoke about the upper Dan Tien previously


    Feedback appreciated!


    Thank you for your time:)

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  12. I've read that the 'eighth' chakra is above one's head. I wonder. I also read that there are loads of 'chakras' all over the body. Except I've seen them described as 'nadis' if they are 'lesser' points and they kind of remind me of acupuncture points and the chakras remind me of 'dantiens'. And so it goes with each systematic mapping of the terrain.

    100% agree