Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. hehe manly p hall is an intellectual and a scholar, not a mystic or a yogi


    so for him i guess they are "in the brain"


    patanjali is my favorite new age loon


    "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali"


    "The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga" By Arthur Avalon


    were the first books I read once my Kundalini went full blown...


    what a mess I made lol

  2. Neutrinos do not interact electromagnetically, they flow right through. But when one is able to ride a certain lagrangian it might weakly interact with a quark and flip it - it is how "lead can change to gold", really...udd can flip one to uud, a neutron has become a proton... (although it would have to go 3 in the opposite direction in order for lead to turn into gold :lol:




    I lol'd :D. Neutrino flow has an impact on weak decay like the c14 dating, the quantum sky isn't falling hehe



    N.A.S.A. = Never A Straight Answer :)


    Google shows many conflicting reports, and a hot topic up for debate amongst 'the learned'



    *IMO* ... Either way - Sol is definitely bringing changes to the subtle body(s)

  3. Quartz crystals and their Piezoelectric properties are said to retain 'memory thought forms'


    They also oscillate...breathe/pulse when energy is applied to them


    Thus their use in watches, etc.,


    Hold a double terminal one in your hands during a horse stance and apply *The Will*...


    Then... Next time you pick it up, while in Alpha state-- you might be pleasantly surprised

  4. today i finished Swami Satyananda Saraswati's Kundalini Tantra. It was completely great, one of the best books on kundalini i have read yet.

    I read that recently, and agree - an awesome read.


    Currently reading:


    "Opening the Dragon Gate - The Making of a Modern Taoist Wizard" By Chen Kaiguo & Zheng Shunchao


    Most recently, was listening to a Manly P. Hall commentary in which he speaks about the chakras.


    His opinion [though he addresses it as 'fact'] is that there is no such thing as chakras.


    They are only 'in the brain' ...


    Those who believe in such 'absurdities' are new age loons


    Those energy ganglion appear real to me... :)

  5. Interesting, but won't the Earth's Magnetic Field, act as a shield protecting the Planet & all life / matter on / in it ?


    Basher (the non Scientist)

    There is much debate that the magnetosphere is decreasing... which is our shield.


    Is it true that the Earth's magnetosphere is expanding?


    Although the shape of the Earth's magnetosphere changes depending on the strength of the solar wind, I have not heard that there is an overall expansion to this field over millions of years. In fact, because the magnetic field of the Earth increases and decreases with roughly a 250,000 year period, it does undergo expansion and contraction every 1/4 million years. Currently, the strength of the field is decreasing so that the magnetosphere is also decreasing in strength and in size.



  6. Strange emissions by sun are mutating matter…




    Neutrinos are being effected


    Our yang is being 'changed' on a molecular level...


    Our time being alive 'now' is very different from ages past


    This IS the time of the Immortals...








    Not sure how far to take this...


    Also...all the 'zombie-talk'....everyone is being affected.

    Consciously or not. It isn't bath salts, lol


    It is an electric universe- one way or the other...we will all feel this...


    Those CMEs, solar flares and magnetic tethering create vortex(s) and magnetic portals


    The yin body(s) will being affected, as well




    The findings raise the question of whether human cells are capable of forming magnetite and if so, how much. It's already been discovered that human retinas contain the same protein that senses magnetism in drosophila.

