Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. Seriously, friend- do you wait by the computer until I post something? You reply the second I hit the 'send' button :)


    And... Unfortunately...


    Again, just more of the same from you...


    You are very limited in knowledge, vocabulary and even personality-


    You have no arcane secrets-


    I know Tibetan Magick.

    I am very well versed in it.



    I gave you an opportunity to clear up the mess you made for yourself- and I even gave you many opportunities to concede.


    You aren't even entertaining to debate. :)


    You just have a foul mouth, and a bad, bad temper.


    I have ''Notice reply- to My Email'' on this Thread- so even though you may "Edit" your posts- I still have the foul mouthed, cuss word loaded, originals.


    You don't practice any form of mental discipline


    You do not practice anything to do with Tibetan Magick


    You do not even act, like someone who can even survive... in a mundane world --should it get a little stressful.



    The best thing, for you- is to avoid my threads, and as I already avoid yours... they will never be any more disruption.


    You got called on your delusions... Sorry I was the one to break the bad news to you--


    Peace, brother :)



    Listen Disabled


    i got the meds so yeah.......


    :) well, please - take Them!



    Listen Disabled


    i got the meds so yeah.......


    my practice trumps your bs.


    Your so full headed. it is your ignorant approach that made the thread go south.


    I even edited my own posts so they would be not so harsh to call you on your bs. Now you could have just moved on from their but in true douche bag fashion you didnt.


    You come on here and act like an authority on all things.


    You know about my practice and all other things related to the elements and if anyone anyone posts anything that is slightly different than you instead of just learning it. You shoot it down.


    So im going to make this very simple for the mentally impaired.


    I have the meds i can do element healing i can make element fus and so on.


    What i practice is inner power and alchemy thru element training. We have martial applications and so on.


    You teach i mean quote from a book of how to use the elements for spell casting which is so below a perfected or enloighten being.


    I have a brain im not going to post how to cast spells to the public.


    Your not knowledgeable on these things you didnt learn it from anybody you just read a book and acting like a pro and shunning someone who did learn from a master.


    Kind of a douche way to be.


    but hey thats Disabled Not Broken!


    Oh and dont think we dont know that your posting just to get hits to your blog...what didnt think i caught that awww too bad.

  2. Dude why are you trying to start something?


    My school is part chinese and Tibetan.


    This isnt magic.


    We practice the mco we have iron body seated meds standing meds and moving meds...


    This is the path of element power...


    Maybe one day you will grow and learn to share with other people and discuss like a mature adult.


    I can tell your not a serious practitioner because to be honest if i came across another practitioner and they had some badass fire form that was different than mine id want to learn it because this is what i do..I wouldnt argue with them.


    But hey man go play with your magic ill stick to my breath retention standing meds moving med and seated meds


    Kid there is more than one tradition of element training you'll learn that in time.


    I was trying to be cordial, polite, and patient.


    You still use the same tactics- nasty, condescending... and still post about things you have absolutely NO clue about.


    What you speak about is Not "tibetian or part chinese"


    Air has both properties of fire and water in it. Air balances yin and yang it is the force between heaven and earth. Air is the alchemically most important for there is no thunder no sound without air.... Air balances yin and yang. All there is is air. it is air that sustains life it is air that is responsible for communication not just between us but between yin and yang.


    You seem somewhat Incoherent in most of your posts, and display No Knowledge of Science, [combustion] - Physics- or of Occult principles.


    According to you- "Air is Chi"-- I take it then, according to your logic, there's No Chi, on the MOON?

    Or on any other place without Air?

    Chi- is an energy- the building blocks of the cosmos... What "holds" dark matter, together?

    What is the consciousness, composed of?

    Is the Third Eye Dan Tien ...ALL Air? Air-headed?

    Inside a vacuum- what holds the atomic structure, together?

    What are the Elements of Spirit?

    ALL AIR?




    See how much non-sense this is?


    If I try to talk rationally to you- [& attempt to teach you] you say :



    you still posted no fact and i didnt make this fucking retarded thread man you did.

    So tell me something that you know because your the type of guy who wont post any real knowledge but will talk shit on someone else.



    What follows, again... is also Incoherent:

    --- "Dim Mak"--Dian Xue... is NOT an Elemental or Element...

    "Death Touch" is NO More An "Element" than Element "Stop Sign" or "LIbrary Book"


    and again- Chi is NOT an Element or Elemental



    oh by the way this would be element dim mak pretty similar to dim mak but introducing element chi for element chi has its own properties in and of it self.


    Now when you do element healing you are sublimenting the chakra that is low on that element chi and there is a way you can test for this to know which element is needed. Once introduced into the proper chakra the element will heal on its own.


    Element healing works on a few levels physical mental and spiritual


    And again- Incoherent- you just mumble over parts and fill in with esoteric psycho-babble... according to your logic- a man with no legs will always have some elements absent from his body.



    I know in my training that if you are collecting fire that it is a standing posture, that has breath retention, a mantra, and a certain way to breath while your doing reverse breathing and a chi circulation so its all of this while collecting and condensing the fire element.



    charging your elemental chi is a seated med that has to be done for about an hour a day and then there is of course the moving med for fire.




    Magnetic pulls and brings things together condenses.

    This yin pulled and brought all of the elements in but since it had yang it. it could not be collasped all the way. this became the earth element. Earth enhances and grounds all of the other elements. Earth is yin or the way of yin for earth keeps all of the elements together. Earth has to do with manifesting(out of the earth).



    Air has both properties of fire and water in it. Air balances yin and yang it is the force between heaven and earth. Air is the alchemically most important for there is no thunder no sound without air.... Air balances yin and yang. All there is is air.


    You know,... if I just handed this thread over to you...

    no one would be able to apply anything

    --you talk about...


    They couldn't apply it --for any kind of magickal or mundane use


    According to you, also- without a "master'- we can't attain our goals... so why should we even bother?


    I really see no point of even continuing this thread anymore...


    The momentum dwindled, and I can see that everytime we start to get somewhere, a troll will pop up, and keep it from getting off the ground.


    For some reason, all these 'magick threads/posts' get trolled and derailed.

    • Like 1

  3. Actually your bunny friend is right on the mark. There's a reason people can sense chi, yet it can't be detected by science. To you it exists, but to most people chi and qi is imaginary. Does it exist? For you it does and perhaps that's enough. After all, must I believe what other people believe?




    What you say, is half truth-- but I definitely do understand what you are saying...


    However, if anyone doubted Chi is real- and asked me [personally] for a demonstration- I could knock them down with it


    [like THE Max video, but minus the theatrics :) ]

  4. This [below/quote] was on the first page of this Thread.. Elements


    The Scientific Periodic Chart can all be easily aligned to this Element Paradigm


    This will all be linked later on - [maybe lol] to the Tree of Life, Tarot cards, and Ritual.


    This is the Correct Information :)


    I want to continue on this- but only have about 30 minutes, per day- to do it...


    I keep getting side tracked to correct faulty information... [...] ..


    -- I can not take this Thread to it's fullest Potential :)


    This is Western Tradition

    There is also Taoist Sorcery- we will discuss that too


    Please, lets keep:





    *special privy(?)





    *Hollywood Cartoon {last air-bender] magick,

    *Role playing games-


    ...out of this Thread .......


    many people are getting confused


    or.. maybe start a different thread?


    Thanks :)


    Be back tomorrow



    Next in line, would be a thorough study on:




    Basic outline:





    Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Spirit - Five Elements of Magic and Ritual






    Elemental Correspondences



    The five elements of fire, water, air, earth, and spirit are used by neopagans and occultists in magic and ritual to represent the forces of nature. They are not the same as the table of elements in science.

    Below are the symbols and some attributes of each one taken from western magical tradition, which has influenced much of our current magical thought.

    Nature elementals and other correspondences such as neoshamanic totems are outside the scope of this article.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Warm and moist, active. Corresponding direction - East. Represents clear perception and intelligence. Associated with the first breath of life and speech.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Warm and dry, active, incredibly energetic. Corresponding direction - South. It has the power to destroy and purify. It is seen as the beginning and end as it is considered the source of life and the destroyer of life.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Cool and moist, passive, creative, transformative. Embodied esoterically as the primal waters of all creation. Corresponding direction - West. Represents the subconscious, receptivity, and regeneration.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Dry and cool, passive, fertile. Corresponding direction - North. Earth is born of the above three elements. Represents stability, groundedness, and the ability to manifest.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen








    Spirit is above but is the connecting point of the other four elements (shown opening picture of this page). It is the embodiment of the alchemical phrase "As Above, So Below." As we come to understand the four elements, we come closer to understanding divinity as their source.


    Using Elements in Circle Casting



    In witchcraft, circles are commonly cast calling the elements at each direction in order to have balanced energy and as part of enclosing the circle. Students of magick and esoteric orders such as the Golden Dawn work with the elements to balance those energies within themselves.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen



    Elemental Exercise



    A simple exercise to begin to align with the energies of each element is to draw the images above separately on paper and meditate on them. You can also visualize these symbols to bring more of one element into your life. For example, if you are feeling spacey or light-headed, you can concentrate on the symbol for earth to become more grounded.

    Symbols are'nt necessary to evoke the feelings of each element. You may also create your own visuals or use none at all. They are simply tools to aid in connecting with the energies.

    Most likely you will receive information from your own guidance about what the elements mean for you and your life. It is also perfectly normal to feel an affinity with one or more of these during different life experiences. This is invaluable information to record in your journal as you develop your own magical personality. While this work may seem basic, it is a powerful way to develop equilibrium in all aspects of your life.

    More About Magic and Ritual

    Sources consulted:

    • Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Self-Initiation int the Golden Dawn Tradition, 1st Ed. Llewellyn Publications, 1995.
    • Kraig, Donald Michael. Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts, 2nd Ed. Llewellyn Publications, 1988 and 1998.

  5. okay, I can understand questioning lineage and the problems of studying only from books. It just seemed you were laying it on thick with loaded language like 'self justified fool' and 'like a rational human being'. I think your questions are good, but then got a little emotionally charged. I just hope this doesn't become a running argument from another thread that has nothing to do with the topic.


    DNB how do you distinguish quality sources from trash?

    How do you keep real without going offtrack into delusions?


    Please by all means continue with the self defense and banishing.


    I can vouch for the approach DNB is taking on this thread. The Tree of Life is an indispensable tool for practicing magic. Why is this so? It acts as a "filing cabinet" for ideas allowing the magician to create connections between concepts, symbols, systems (read: energies) and in a depth that would not be possible without it. It acts as a powerful "engine" that propels energy from the subconscious mind (the gateway through which all magic must pass) into the material world.


    I wholeheartedly endorse "Kabbalah for Health and Wellness" by Mark Stavish as the best all-around non-dogmatic introduction to kabbalah for those wishing to practice magic.



    let me get back to you, on this question(s)..


    and on every other post on this thread


    I had allotted a certain amount of time for this thread, this morning


    and I had to use it all up- on my final post- cleaning up .... :)

  6. Its interesting that you note Wind as the primary element for cultivation.

    Please--- read my latest post on here- it is all getting confused- degenerating, faulty..............quickly



    [Not wind]


    Wow, great post templetao. I don't practice elemental magic. I was simply fascinated with this aspect of the Western Tradition and its applications.


    what templetao is saying is NOT western tradition


    not sure what it is :)

  7. Thats a loaded question. Its liking asking 3 things so lets start from the beginning.


    How do you know if your even accumulating them right?


    is it reverse or normal breathing?


    sitting or standing?


    what do i do with my hands?


    I also notice in bardons book one of the levels of expertise is manifesting it out from nowhere and using it. How do you manifest it? do i just imagine that its working?....


    These are some serious questions that need answering before you could even continue in your practice if you were serious.


    I know in my training that if you are collecting fire that it is a standing posture, that has breath retention, a mantra, and a certain way to breath while your doing reverse breathing and a chi circulation so its all of this while collecting and condensing the fire element.


    and thats just 1/3 of the basic training in the fire element let alone some of the other stuff.


    charging your elemental chi is a seated med that has to be done for about an hour a day and then there is of course the moving med for fire.


    To be honest to understand the elements from the ground up we have to start from the beginning.


    Lets knock this hurdle out of the way first of all there is really only one element and that is air(follow me on this ok). Yang chi is only a gas a solar gas- yin chi is the magnetic field of that gas.


    Magnetic pulls and brings things together condenses.

    This yin pulled and brought all of the elements in but since it had yang it. it could not be collasped all the way. this became the earth element. Earth enhances and grounds all of the other elements. Earth is yin or the way of yin for earth keeps all of the elements together. Earth has to do with manifesting(out of the earth).



    Air has both properties of fire and water in it. Air balances yin and yang it is the force between heaven and earth. Air is the alchemically most important for there is no thunder no sound without air.... Air balances yin and yang. All there is is air. it is air that sustains life it is air that is responsible for communication not just between us but between yin and yang.


    Im not just talking about as you know im talking about the energetic and spiritual expression commonly known as air.


    Air is the element of balance and of sound(vibration).


    You have to understand how thing went from working with the elements to alchemy as we know it today. All of the elements have spiritual qualites that will develop spiritual abilities. All there is is air thats why all of the elements is in air.


    Air is the 3rd force that spread to the outer and the inner to balance yin and yang chi. Air is the balance of yin and yang chi. The ancients were correct chi can be referred to as air but this had double meaning.


    1. All chi is air

    2. in cultivation all you should have is a higher level of cultivated air chi(higher level of balanced yin and yang chi).


    So the training changed. To focus more on air training for with proper air training you get it all. What i found is that what most practices forgot is that you can work with the elements directly and increase your water chi fire chi earth chi and so on to a significant amount.


    This has to deal with so much much more than whats just in a bardon book this relates to all of us this is all of our heirtage.


    fire deals with independance (self)

    air the way(balance of yin and yang)

    water leads the way(yin)

    earth is center it focus' you.(focus of the elements)

    light the awakened fire the realized self


    So center your self enhance yin and yang connect to your inner fire in a yin way acheive balance and gain illumination. For this way is thru air.




    All life in nature is a struggle for air.


    Nature is a lesson of the balance


    All of the elements has a spiritual presence.




    This was all done, on this thread:



    I did not want to have to re-explain it, again...


    But, if I do not, it will confuse this thread...


    So :)


    there is No Concept of "Elemental Chi"


    Elemental, is the personification/occupant- of the Element.


    I stress this, because later on, in the lessons- we will learn about 'Contacting theses Occupants"



    Fire Elementals, are Salamanders. Also... Djinn- and some view these as VERY POWERFUL Demons...(Goetia,,, book of the Howlings)


    See where we are going here?


    Circulating "Elementals" in your body?...This Concept Does Not Work in OUR Paradigms


    Again... from the Noted, Previous [link] 'the other' Thread:


    Chi is NOT an Elemental- nor is it an Element


    The Quintessense- 5th Element- is Spirit-- or Shen


    Jing is Not an Element

    Neither is Chi


    Shen is the culmination of the other 4 Elements...










    Chi is NOT Air.... if you are equating Chi to mean Shen- then Chi, in your context- would make it the Quintessense... NOT Air


    Chi is NOT Gas. The Lowest Dan Tien- would be 'full of gas'


    That is why, if terms are used interchangeably- and each term is not originally understood- things GO AWRY.


    people get their house haunted- or get possessed... or worse


    Having a teacher- or Master... it is 2012 ...

    We have the Internet- we have access to Books, [no longer hidden, from prying eyes]


    We have THIS THREAD lol - for this simple reason


    Master/Slave- this is the Whole religion trip- reason I posted "non_Dogma"


    A Master is propelled to the (top of) Hierarchical pecking order[ and usually Patriarchal]... just like, religion


    We can do 'nothing right' without a mediator, or supervision of this 'master'.....


    I seen many 'masters' spoken about on just This Forum


    Some have "Questionable Lineages"... some "Naga lineages'....some charge a huge amount of money- with very little results....


    Careful who gives you - Shaktipat- Transmission- ....




    My Plan of Action- for THIS THREAD-- is


    Very simple- Very Effective and very safe Techniques


    THIS IS ENTITLED 'BEGINNERS THREAD' Caps/lock For emphasis ;)


    **I would suggest a seperate thread- for Templetao's 'theories' ... and I promise- to be Absent from it.**


    I can go on and on- about why everything he posted in the above is faulty- but that is NOT my Intention- nor my Goal- for this Thread




    Review My Element Post, on this Thread- and keep THAT Element Teaching as Prime Focus...




    Water is an Element


    If we freeze it- it takes on Earth [solid] Properties


    This is Now Known As:


    Earth OF Water... a Sub-Element...


    Water Evaporates...


    It is now a Gas [not chi]... is now Air


    It is known as:


    Air of Water... a Sub-Element...


    Each of these "Sub Elements" - also House an Elemental Kingdom... and these Ocupants can be Contacted...


    Fire- can be understood to be a Plasma.............it can give off Light-

    Heating a gas may ionize its molecules ...


    But Light- LUX in Extension..... is also equated with Spirit...Shen



    If we do a Ritual- and Evoke [outside the body]........


    Summon 'accidentailly' --an [Evil] Troll {Earth Elemental}...


    we want to understand why this certain Troll, is Evil....


    have we somehow tapped into- a Fire Elemental? or is This troll, just having a bad day?


    Is he - Fire of Earth?


    A Troll can bring Earth Minerals- Gold, Silver- Money - Diamonds:

    A Troll can be used for Money Rituals


    However- if He is "Full of Fire"... this guy might make you Bankrupt!




    Telesmatic Imagery - is the use of varying Attributes to BUILD an Entity


    If we do NOT Understand the Elements-



    That is All I want to say about this Topic...


    I do not want to argue 'who is right'


    I would like to keep this Thread for Beginners, so they do not become Possessed, haunted- or leave this Thread- anxious, or worried


    I want to also teach- Psychic Self Defense and Banishing


    There are parasitical vampyres- who Feed/Drain off other's Energy- and Chi Practitioners- are "Prime Unwilling DONORS"...


    Thank you :)

    • Like 2

  8. So far, I haven't seen an answer (that I can understand as one) to the question I asked about the nature of the unconscious 'archetype' above. I kind of sort of get the idea that Seth thinks the entities are independent of whatever unconscious 'qualities' a person gives them and from what DNB says, it looks like one should be making all efforts to render the archytype as 'conscious' as possible with the images, symbols and sounds etc.


    I'm sort of on the fence:-)


    If you project, your consciousness, back- to before the entity/archetype-- assumed other variables- it would be rendered, neutral, to [future] foreign influences...


    This, may appear, to be '*time travel', but, it really isn't...


    *See my above post to MPG:



  9. Sort of reminds me of a discussion with an occult friend friend of mine. (who by the way lives in his parents basement, and is convinced this next spell will let him win the lottery, and hollow out a mountain and fill it with sex slaves)


    I asked him what powers Aleister Crowley had, supposedly he was able to make another person trip if he walked behind them mirroring their rhythm, as he walked. I asked my friend, the most famous magick user of our time? And that was the extent of his abilities!?


    I think most people get into magick with the hopes of developing eastern style abilities from practice, and wind up more with trying to subtly affect their reality via memetics, and psychology, and trying to influence their luck/karma with lots of ritual practice.


    Hey and if they enjoy it more power to them. It's just not my cup of tea.


    2 things, my friend:


    If I did a ritual for money, today....


    Tonight, the mail comes, and inside my mailbox, is a a card, with $10, tucked inside.


    Now, that envelope, has been postmarked- [received at the Post Office]

    - 4 days prior


    You, and I, ponder this...


    You say "well, DNB... this could not be your magick working- because someone mailed this to you, 4 days, before you even did the ritual"


    But, I say- "magick transcends time and space... so 4 days ago- the universe knew... I was to do this money ritual, and aligned [the circumstances, -according to] my will- and timed it, for today"


    Who's right?


    Naysayers, say you


    Magickians, say me


    Thus, the eternal circle debate :)

  10. So... Understanding Tree of Life, Planetary Correspondances, and Elements is a very basic and thorough start


    Now, we can put what we have learned, into practice


    High and Low Magick


    High is for enlightenment [pure and simple- stripping tech. terms from it]


    Low is for achieving mundane goals [Love, Wealth, Health]


    We are keeping Colored Magick out.

    [black, White, Citrine, Red, etc.,... because the *WILL* of the Magickian- either paints or taints the working]


    Magickal tools are the external focus... directing of the-- internal focus


    A Wand is the extension of my Will - like pointing my finger




    Definitions and general purpose of magick


    Crowley defined Magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."

    [4][5] He goes on to elaborate on this, in one postulate, and twenty eight theorems. His first clarification on the matter is that of a postulate, in which he states "ANY required change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner, through the proper medium to the proper object."[6][7] He goes on further to state:

    Magick is the Science of understanding oneself and one's conditions. It is the Art of applying that understanding in action.

  11. Next in line, would be a thorough study on:




    Basic outline:





    Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Spirit - Five Elements of Magic and Ritual






    Elemental Correspondences



    The five elements of fire, water, air, earth, and spirit are used by neopagans and occultists in magic and ritual to represent the forces of nature. They are not the same as the table of elements in science.

    Below are the symbols and some attributes of each one taken from western magical tradition, which has influenced much of our current magical thought.

    Nature elementals and other correspondences such as neoshamanic totems are outside the scope of this article.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Warm and moist, active. Corresponding direction - East. Represents clear perception and intelligence. Associated with the first breath of life and speech.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Warm and dry, active, incredibly energetic. Corresponding direction - South. It has the power to destroy and purify. It is seen as the beginning and end as it is considered the source of life and the destroyer of life.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Cool and moist, passive, creative, transformative. Embodied esoterically as the primal waters of all creation. Corresponding direction - West. Represents the subconscious, receptivity, and regeneration.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen






    Dry and cool, passive, fertile. Corresponding direction - North. Earth is born of the above three elements. Represents stability, groundedness, and the ability to manifest.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen








    Spirit is above but is the connecting point of the other four elements (shown opening picture of this page). It is the embodiment of the alchemical phrase "As Above, So Below." As we come to understand the four elements, we come closer to understanding divinity as their source.


    Using Elements in Circle Casting



    In witchcraft, circles are commonly cast calling the elements at each direction in order to have balanced energy and as part of enclosing the circle. Students of magick and esoteric orders such as the Golden Dawn work with the elements to balance those energies within themselves.





    Credit: P.J. Deneen



    Elemental Exercise



    A simple exercise to begin to align with the energies of each element is to draw the images above separately on paper and meditate on them. You can also visualize these symbols to bring more of one element into your life. For example, if you are feeling spacey or light-headed, you can concentrate on the symbol for earth to become more grounded.

    Symbols are'nt necessary to evoke the feelings of each element. You may also create your own visuals or use none at all. They are simply tools to aid in connecting with the energies.

    Most likely you will receive information from your own guidance about what the elements mean for you and your life. It is also perfectly normal to feel an affinity with one or more of these during different life experiences. This is invaluable information to record in your journal as you develop your own magical personality. While this work may seem basic, it is a powerful way to develop equilibrium in all aspects of your life.

    More About Magic and Ritual

    Sources consulted:

    • Cicero, Chic, and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Self-Initiation int the Golden Dawn Tradition, 1st Ed. Llewellyn Publications, 1995.
    • Kraig, Donald Michael. Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts, 2nd Ed. Llewellyn Publications, 1988 and 1998.

  12. DNB,


    There is no doubt in my mind that meditation, and exploring inner mental realms, imagery etc may provide profound insights into the nature of reality.


    Also meditation may help you develop your intuition to know when to act, and how, and when not to act, etc.


    But no amount of lighting candles, and chanting spells, and drawing sigils, seals, or anything else is going to have any reproducible effect on reality.


    Those are only external tools- for internal focus.


    ...if a child found my altar tools- he couldn't make his mom vanish lol


    Check out this thread:


    • Like 3

  13. The Witches Qabala: The Pagan Path and the Tree of Life






    Because the classic writings on the Qabala have been expressed primarily in the terminology of the Western Mystery Tradition or in terms of the ceremonial magician, its usefulness as a tool for the Craft has been overlooked. With this book, Ellen Cannon Reed, a High Priestess of the Isian tradition, brings the symbolism of the Qabala into a new light so pagans can see its value and use it to enhance the Great Work. Reed explains the Tree of Life, the primary symbol used to represent the universal energies as "revealed" by the Qabala, and how its spheres and paths correspond to elements in the pagan tradition. Teachers can use the Qabala to understand the growth of students and their problems, using the Vices and Virtues to recognize stages of growth. Reed also provides exercises, meditations, and encouragement to students who are studying without a teacher. She discusses the Qabala as it appears in everyday life, which spheres of the Tree of Life to use for specific workings, and details two rituals using the Tree: a Dedication to the Journey, and the Rite of mending Love. Reed's command of the material allows teachers and students alike to gain powerful insight into their own search for spirituality.

  14. Hermetic Kabbalah / Qabalah Links

    Colin's Hermetic Kabbalah Page - the definitive on-line Hermetic resource. includes a number of fascinating on-line documents by Bill Heidrick and others. These are worth printing out for study. Also an incredible links page. Best on the Web


    Symbala - Beautiful models, visual impressions and teaching aids relating to the Tree of Life. The artist approaches the subject from a visual appreciation and explores 3 dimensional modeling, geometry and visionary arts. Includes a shockwave flash interactive Tree and movies. The Kabbalah Poster and Alchemical Star Print are among the published works on view and available for purchase

    Qabalah Study - discussion forum dedicated to the Hermetic Qabalah


    "The Qabalah Study site is dedicated to fostering a greater understanding and personal life application of the principles of the Qabalah. Members are encouraged to share their perceptions, questions, experiences, and intuitions on the Qabalah as well as on kindred subjects such as Tarot, Alchemy, Astrology, and Magick, and the many other pathways of the Esoteric Tradition through the Message Board, Links, and Photos areas of the site. All participation that is respectful, sincere, and on topic is welcome."

    Quabbalah - The Tree of Life - by by Karen Chapdelaine. From a 1994 alt.magick newsgroup posting, this article gives a good very basic intro. Unfortunately the spacing in the ascii diagram of the Tree did not come out very well in unformatted html

    Qabalah Linkz - good page to mostly Hermetic (with a few Traditional) Kabbalah links, arranged according to whether they are Elementary, Intermediate, or Advanced

    My Qabalah - interactive image map, follows basically the Golden Dawn /Hermetic/Dion Fortune/ tradition(s) - gives a list of correspondences for and description of each Sefirah

    The Qabalistic and Thelemic Works of Frater Achad - the complete works of Frater Achad, in both html and pdf format, includes interesting Qabalistic writings, as well as other material - part of

    High Magick: The Hermetic Kabalah - original writings on Magick, Hermetic Kabbalah, the Tarot, and more. By Suba

    Qabalah Web - introductory site on Qabalah and related subjects. Includes annoutated recommended reading list

    The Keys to Kabbalah - by Alan Bain - electronic version of Dr. Alan Bain's book The Keys to Kabbalah. Covers each sephirah, each of the Tarot paths, and includes diagrams, appendix and supplements.



    Some Books


    The Kabbalah Unveiled by MacGregor S.L. Mathers - essentially extracts from the Zohar, with Mathers' commentary. A number of Lurianic themes are incorporated here. This was the basic Kabbalah textbook for the Golden Dawn

    The Mystical Qabalah - Dion Fortune - a popular and very readable introduction to the Qabalah and its symbolism -

    basically a popularisation of Mather's book and his teachings




  15. The Tree of Life, is a paradigm,

    commonly used in Western magick.


    It can be religious Kaballah.


    This is not our purpose.


    QABALA/QBL is the magickal 'map'


    It's Components, contain:




    4 Worlds


    Can Include:

    Tarot Principles/Cards


    Can also, include:

    Sound, Color, Planets, Numerology


    Sometimes Gematria


    Can be used for Astral Travel/Pathworking


    Can have practical, mundane uses, such as catergorizing scientific principles


    Entropy, for example:



    TOL, can also be incorporated into other magickal paradigms...



  16. If you are/were a *Practicing Magickian:


    -whatever your flavor-


    This Thread will be a good podium to help instruct those with Questions.


    This is *Real Magick:

    Not Role Playing, Not Hollywood Magick


    Maybe we can outline a basic

    non-dogmatic paradigm, for those interested seekers.


    Those who want to be like Harry Potter:

    ...or just Qi-Curious?



    Witch Wizard Sorcerer Mage and all the Spectrum in between :


    NOTE: The origins of the words Witch and Wicca is that they are derived from "Wic," which means to shape or bend.


    So, in essence, Magick is all about Bending



    Tree of Life:

    is a good map


    It can be non-religious and non_dogmatic


    I will post info. about it- shortly


    Background on:













    • Like 1

  17. If you are/were a *Practicing Magickian:


    -whatever your flavor-


    This Thread will be a good podium to help instruct those with Questions.


    This is *Real Magick:

    Not Role Playing, Not Hollywood Magick


    Maybe we can outline a basic

    non-dogmatic paradigm, for those interested seekers.


    Those who want to be like Harry Potter:

    ...or just Qi-Curious?



    Witch Wizard Sorcerer Mage and all the Spectrum in between :


    NOTE: The origins of the words Witch and Wicca is that they are derived from "Wic," which means to shape or bend.


    So, in essence, Magick is all about Bending


    Thread Idea Inspired by:






    this Thread will eventually become

    a Sticky/Pinned Topic...?



    Tree of Life:

    is a good map


    It can be non-religious and non_dogmatic


    I will post info. about it- shortly

  18. I am not sure those are the sorts of results I am looking for, but thanks anyway.


    I was referring more to effecting reality in some tangible observable way, not gaining insights.


    Well, I had a few enemies, and now, they no longer exist...


    was it magick?





    How can one actually prove anything?


    I did a ritual to find my "Twin Flame", love of my life- and married her a short time later...


    again- magick?


    Those who oppose what I say, will tell me, that magick can not be proven to be the catalyst- ...of miraculous healing:


    [Mom's Macular Degeneration - in 1 eye- Healed]


    [A Young female's brain tumor- Healed].


    [Many many many more!]


    Doctors tell me "sometimes, miracles happen- who knows?"


    So again:


    was it magick?




  19. Tapping into Akashic records, discovering past lives and knowing future lifetimes.


    Absorbing knowledge, from living a simultaneous life time, somewhere else [right now!]- & receiving/transmitting a point of reference/focus

    "The research raises the possibility that humans could be made to remember things that have not happened - or even 'taught' whole new skills using electronics or chemistry.

    One technique used a drug to 'turn on' a memory of a different room in mice - making them remember a 'safer' room while in one where they had been given electric shocks.

    The other technique used pulses of light delivered to cells in a mouse's brain.

    'The expression of a specific memory, can be generated in a mammal by highly specific physical activation of a specific small population of brain cells,' says Susumu Tonegawa, Professor of Biology and Neuroscience at MIT.


    Tonegawa's team used a light-activated protein to 'tag' the tiny group of cells a memory appeared in as mice were given electric shocks in a new environment.


    The researchers found that they could trigger the same reaction again simply by applying light to the group of cells.

    The brain cells 'switched on' and the mice immediately went into a defensive crouch."

  20. DNB,


    I'd be interested in hearing the best examples of magick producing some repeatable. direct cause and effect, stimulus and responce type phenominon.


    To the best of my knowledge there is no such thing.


    If there is however I'd like to see your notes and try to recreate it myself.


    Certainly, but by 're-creating' my results, in your personal laboratory, is a hit and miss venture


    each of us cut their teeth on their own personal paradigms


    if one female is raised in a moslem home


    another guy, who is gay, is raised in a strict pentacostal home


    and the third guy, is raised in an atheist home, all 3-- will get varying results


    When I was a pre-teen, I would scry in my mom's cabinet mirror and an old lady named KaBeedee would teach me things


    I learned about Quantum Mechanics, Planetary alignments... etc,


    30 years forward--I would often conjure Belial in a mirror, and question His presence at the start of the Big Bang- some of these 'Consciousness" are that ancient


    I learned cobra breathes, and various asanas from interviewing foreign intelligences.. long before they became popular in the western world


    just the synchronicities, border on miraculous


    magick is like nailing a chunk of jello to a wall


    -elusive ;)


    BTW, I wrote 19 Books on my Magickal experiences- all free downloads on pdf

    Links all over my Blog...

    Explicit details, for your laboratory work :)

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