Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. Surya Namaskar is a great stretching routine which you can recieve enromous benefit from....i should know i do several salutations every morning...however, for me personally although it is a routine that promotes great flexibility and health....it did not allow me to fully get into full lotus without pain in my knees.


    From what little experience i have with sitting in Full lotus for a few minutes....i can say it effortlessly brings you into a deeper meditative state than any other position i have tried.


    I plan on integrating some of these hip stretches into my Sun Salutations so i can eventually get there, but for now its Burmese for me :) . Thanks for the post DB. Interesting albeit a bit cryptic...as usual. :lol:


    -My 2 cents, Peace

    Thanks brother :)


    If you stretch alittle past the intended asana, then the Full Lotus is easier on the knees

    Bromelaine tablets help too [i'm old as dirt lol]

  2. Great Poem DNB :)


    Full Lotus is wonderful.


    Do those hip stretches people, as the position pays for the effort to get it, many times over...

    Thank you brother :)


    `since my Kundalini cooked and fired up in 1991, every few years I experience cycles of high weirdness


    last couple of years, I been 'receiving' [channeled like Crowley's 'Book of the Law"] huge amounts of 'teachings'

  3. I `m trying do full lotus, unfortunatley I have to stretch my muscles a lot more to do it


    I have to say it again brother, and sorry for repeating this: Great thread. Every time I enter to this forum, the first thing I check is if there is a new thread from you.



    Thanks brother :)


    it is worth the stretch


    sitting @ the root, by passes a lot, `legs, etc


    energy - magnetic- is set right at the groin in Full Lotus


    is also how one levitates..

  4. No disrespect intended to any Magick people here but is it stupid for me to doubt the legitimacy of Magick practices in the West versus Oriental practices because the Western ones seem like something made up or mashed together? Granted a lot of Eastern practices are fusions of different things but the lineages seem longer and more continuous than the Magick traditions.

    All of it... is Yoga :)


    Something that began to bother me about chaos magic in general is that it tends to descend into dilettantism fairly quickly. It is my opinion that one's depth of experience within a paradigm is what will generate the results. As a wise man once said: "if you are looking for water in the desert it is better to dig one deep well than many shallow holes."


    Paradigm shifting is all well and good but without a deep understanding of each paradigm it becomes nothing more than New Age eclecticism. A Huna ritual one week. A Shamanic Soul retrieval another week. Ad infinitum. To me this sends a confusing message to the subjective mind and waters down the results.




  6. OldGreen, to me thats, Um... Stupid?


    Lol, sorry to sound flippant, but there are many many 'stupid' magicians out there, with all their really 'informed' opinions. Many of them rarely practice what they dis, and probably rarely practice anything.


    Some have just bought a particular traditions dogmas {the one they ascribe to} and like regular church goers, don't really think outside of that.


    Can you yourself think of multiple cases of possible Rituals that are not Black Magick? I can.


    Many rituals are purely to set space to Honour and connect with Natural forces, some are to transform the Magician, some are to help one familiarise oneself with the subtle realms, some are to work change of 'good' or 'eeevviiiillll'!!!


    Indeed- Intention paints/taints the color of the magick


    I can have- 2 white candles


    I can heal someone, with one


    and maim someone else, with the other white candle


    Io Kaos 156/93 ;)

  7. I have heard of no western traditions producing anything meaninful from their students or their "masters".


    No sense in wasting your time on a practice if no one ever has gotten any meaninful results from it.


    Just my $0.02


    "They"... say a lot of things..


    If you would have asked me, I would have told you something completely opposite


    best way to find out?


    Do it :)

    • Like 1

  8. come man Western Tradition is not Ritualistic Magic , it called ceremonial Magic!


    The difference between Ritual Magic and ceremonial Magic ( as Kabalah ) , is that in ceremonial there is Evocation and invocation .

    Opposed the Ritual Magic can be Nature Magic .

    Initiation into Hermetics is a great book from a great magus .


    Disabled Not Broken when you said Egregores you mean Creating Magickal Entities ???

    That's i understand ! :excl:


    "Hands on Chaos Magic" is a great book and it can make magick to actual

    work !

    Servitors are entity creations- but they can be fed via egregore current/streams... deliberately-- or not

  9. Have you ever dined at the table of the Immortals?


    Meditating in Full Lotus has it's advantages...


    It creates a circuit betwixt the practitioner and the cosmic energies that encompass us.


    Some who work with Yi Gong, grok... that by just slightly lifting the heels and doing certain arm postures-- can immediately connect with foreign energy streams that can cause intense bliss in just a matter of minutes.


    How does that happen?


    It is almost as if, the Human body raises Antennas, and allows communion by higher conduits.


    The feeling of being 'watched'... or being stalked & trailed by shadowed masters,... long departed from this minute, third dimension


    Placing an individual as a Nexus, this person(s) is the catalyst for all remaining Earth inhabitants... to receive life giving LUX 'photon' food.


    No doubt, some people have been nominated as Meridians, and some Chakras, to serve "Hue-manity" in this, solo capacity.


    Uncanny ability of some, to yoke with the invisible spectrum of enchantment.


    A dark fog descends, then un_swirls, to set this stage...


    A blackened womb, [or cascading pantomimes]-- open up for immortal delivery, as THE Black Flame, reveals itself.


    How many have had this experience?


    Blood colored rose petals, envelope the meditating voyager, as various dormant senses unveil themselves.


    Have you smelled wood burning in the morning, or tasted sweet Amrita dripping down from the brain?


    Have you been shown Visions of future outcomes, or lingered on a time travel escapade, that was so amazing, you wouldn't dare share with others.... out of fear of being anathema or ostracized from mundane society?


    There is an infamous secret, about the Kwa, and the building/pumping streams of magnetic energy- storing it, then releasing it, in accord to the imprisoned desire.


    It is powerful...


    [& it works!]


    Imagine, by [mentally] reverse engineering, Full Lotus-- and then, locking into this macabre design...


    ` becoming a store house of immense power, readily available, to be unleashed, upon the fleshy landscapes & desired terrain(s)


    At your disposal- flooding the lower Dan Tien and occult Chakras - [the ones you discovered, like pearls from a buried treasure chest]


    These are hidden portals on the Tree of Life, as some dare to venture higher/lower (?) upon the Qlippoths...


    To eat demons and regurgitate the light, grounding it for Gaia's consumption... & for your neighbor's life-force

    [but, your neighbor, of course- hasn't a clue]


    :The Full Lotus Assassin:

    Removed from the circus of infidels.. the hooded, spirit seditionist,... travels among the lonely bourgeois~


    {Juggler, the Fool, & Chi_Naut}


    This is the dinner table of the Immortals, who beckon you to dine on the feast of the Golden Dragon-- when She awakens... from her abysmal recesses-.


    Invitation, by Initiation, only...

    • Like 6

  10. awww sorry i couldnt buy into your bs. I wasnt trying to argue with you. I would have gladly told you what i know if you didnt act like a know it all. I have talked to different elemental practitioners who have taught me quite a few new things.


    you should come off of your high horse and be open to exchange and different ideas.


    if you didnt know of element dim mak you could have aksed about it and i would have told you about it oh well.


    I tried to teach you


    You rather confuse yourself with cartoon and Hollywood air bending


    I really don't care what you do- but don't do it on my thread, because I am trying to teach people


    You are highly delusional, and your energy is diseased with mental illness... so I won't continue onward

  11. You need to cross the anger bridge and come to friendship shore.


    Why get so personal?


    I'm trying to engage you intelectually that is all.


    You are somebody so am I.


    Do me a favour and just listen to some people who have dedicated their academic careers to Merlin and Arthur.


    You'll love it. It'll change your whole world!


    I guess you're not going to do that. You'll be poorer for it.


    I'm out. Good luck with your life friend.


    I really do wish you well.


    No, you're a troll.


    I don't get angry with trolls... anger equates with feeding energy


    You're a parasitical vampyre


    Contributing nothing to this forum, and leeching off of other's coat tails for attention


    You got called on it- I had you're intention figured out, along time ago --while you were giving others a hard time on their threads


    The viewers on the forum know this to be truth


    I post here to teach


    You come here to feed for attention


    Obviously you are missing out on the big picture in life

  12. oh by the way this would be element dim mak pretty similar to dim mak but introducing element chi for element chi has its own properties in and of it self.


    Now when you do element healing you are sublimenting the chakra that is low on that element chi and there is a way you can test for this to know which element is needed. Once introduced into the proper chakra the element will heal on its own.


    Element healing works on a few levels physical mental and spiritual


    No such thing as "Element dim mak" lol


    and AGAIN...


    chi is NOT an element

  13. Open your mind.


    Listen to this. http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/p003k9j2


    Come back and debate.


    Until then, I ask you politely to stop posting such delusional fantasies.


    You, in my opinion


    are nobody


    I will continue to post, whatever, and whenever, I choose to


    Should a moderator- or the majority of viewers, here- tell me they don't like my stuff... then I will stop posting


    until then, not a chance :)

  14. I'm trying to sober you up.


    You never address my points.


    Arthur had nothing to do with this Pagan hocum.


    He's clearly a Christian/Empirical figure.


    I am going to make a suggestion to the moderators that witchcraft/neo-paganism or whatever you call it, is given its own stem.


    The Front page, to THIS FORUM, says:


    Tao Bums


    Discussion is encouraged to wander eclectically across a wide range of spiritual thought and practice, whether

    Taoist, Buddhist, Yogic, Tantric, Judaic, Advaitic, Christian, Islamic, Shamanic, occult, "New Age", Integral, etc.

    As long as you are up for a good time, you're welcome to discuss your path.





  15. and i explained to you how i use the term so lets move on please answer my question.


    I'm done.

    Done with you and mrtiger


    Fruitful discussion, always welcome- by responsible adults, from now on...


    I was hoping for educational debate- instead you turned it into mudslinging


    sorry- not my style ;)





  16. Im not angry please Master disabled not broken,


    Please start us of into the topic of elemental martial applications.


    Now this goes 3 fold


    you can interrupt their elemental chi flow

    you inject your elemental chi into them to have a certain effect

    and you can cast elemental spells on them.


    you can use all 3 or a combination of them together.


    Now a master of your caliber should be able to answer all of this.


    I already explained to you- 1 page back [or was it 2 pages back?] that "chi is NOT an element, nor is it an elemental"


    I'm glad to see you and mrstiger. have worked together as a team now lol

  17. You say Arthur is a Daoist.


    You want him to be a Daoist. I think you've just invented this for your own amusement.


    You want people to congratulate you for your profound insights.


    But you've just made this fantasy up out of thin air.




    Really why do you invent this hogwash?


    lol I answered you back 3 pages ago


    But here's an idea


    if you don't like 'my hogwash'... maybe others do?


    how about not clicking on my threads, anymore?


    and if a moderator thinks my threads are hogwash- they can delete them...


    how's that for a good idea?


    I have noticed, though - you have Never contributed anything useful to this forum


    you only go on other's threads- and troll


    -just an observation on my part ;)

  18. you still posted no fact and i didnt make this fucking retarded thread man you did. You could have just asked what i was talking about but instead of just asking like a sane human being you acted like an ass.


    So tell me something that you know because your the type of guy who wont post any real knowledge but will talk shit on someone else. So im asking you to post something that most people here would not know about element stuff that cant be found in a book.


    should be simple for you right. i know i can because i didnt learn this stuff from a book. unlike you.


    Stop getting angry... too much element fire over load &

    you can't control it.

  19. right you post bs man. You dont post facts. You have no real experience with element training you have no real knowledge at all so lets test it. First tell me how to make an element charm.


    and i use the term elemental interchangeable just to refer all things that do with elements.


    You never proved me wrong on anything.


    Im still waiting man teach us something about the elements that you know that cant be found in a bardon book.


    Im still waiting man teach us something about the elements that you know that cant be found in a bardon book.


    if you had simple common sense, you'd realise you're making a total fool out of yourself- by now :)

  20. If i know element magic and martial applications and can give empowerments why would you think that i dont know that.


    To be honest your the uneducated one here. Please teach me something that you didnt learn from bardon....


    dont worry i have time. I can wait.


    you are immature


    calling names?


    you can't stand up to my defense, to your initial attacks


    I'm done talking to you, 'chi elemental master' :)

  21. bending and willing seems anti taoist anti flow to be honest.


    Heres more or less heres how it works. I dont bend elemental chi i have elemental chi stored in me. and by having this stored elemental chi strengthens that element in me. I can manifest my own water fire air or earth chi that i stored. Now when i do this since at the time of manifestation i am connecting to the element in me and bringing it out so in turn i will also start to connect to that element in nature as well. Since im bringing my own earth chi out and controlling it the immediate earth chi surrounding me will follow this flow as well.


    A natural connection to the elements will build and strengthen over time. But your control and use of the elements in the world is directly proportional to the strength and flow of your own elemental chi.


    Qintessence- 5 elements- Spirit being the 5th element


    chi is not the 5th element

    nor is chi, any element


    shen/spirit is the Quintessence


    you have no clue

  22. Sigh....


    You have to have a teacher to know your learning the real thing. Making an element bend to your will? that doesnt seem quite correct either.


    The elements are powerful and have their own distinct nature. I have to learn fire first before i can use it right. if you do elemental training wrong you can hurt your self and others around you.


    The job of an elemental practitioner is to build up and strengthen and balance their own elemental chi and do so for other people in nature.


    The elements have a physical and spiritual nature as well. You can use the elemental training to push storms away and all of that good stuff. But you have to know what large amounts of air and earth chi will do to a storm environment will do.


    The elements if not balanced in great proportion can kill. If you have way to much fire chi that is not balanced in you it can cause heart problems high blood pressure and so.


    The elements are very powerful very pure and very raw. If you had the correct training you would know that it is nothing to mess with or play around with.


    My choice hmmm...


    Well i know alot about elemental training so id love to hear what you know :D


    You are NOT getting any of your 'teachings' from a reputable source.


    You telling me I am not a Daoist, was your first error.


    You have no clue about me, nor about anyone else.


    You can't walk up to a stranger and tell them their path is not 'the way' [that's what Dao actually means].. because it doesn't fit your description.


    You can do that in christianity, tell a pentacostal he is not a christian because you're a baptist and think you're better.


    The Dao means something to everyone- there are no limits, nor box to fit the Dao inside.


    If you have no idea what Daoism is, you are not going to understand Daoist Sorcerery.





    The elements are very powerful very pure and very raw. If you had the correct training you would know that it is nothing to mess with or play around with.


    My choice hmmm...


    Well i know alot about elemental training so id love to hear what you know :D


    Now you throw around this secret knowledge you have, and try to back it up with mystical fear and ''nothing to mess around it''


    No, I am not going to explain all I know to someone like you who pretends they know it all.


    If you have a direct question, I will be glad to discuss it.


    Just because I am nice and post a lot of info in an altruistic manner, does not mean you can try to make a fool out of me.


    My original premise stands- you have no clue what you are talking about.



    The origins of the words witch and Wicca is that they are derived from "wic," which means to shape or bend.


    This means... simply:






    First you say you need a master to learn to bend


    Then you say there's no such thing as bending


    Now you have a lot of elemental training


    Elemental is NOT element

    An elemental is the personification of the element

    a mermaid is an elemental

    the water is the actual element


    shut off the TV and pick up a book before you challenege someone like me


    I told you, before- stop with the attitude or I will allow you to look ignorant