Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. There is no such thing as bending...there is something similar but it is not the bending that is portrayed. Plus you cant call people from another culture that never heard of the tao taoists. They may be similar in some respects they are what they are and taoists are what they are.


    Just because you meditate and know some witchcraft does not mean your a taoist.


    Tao masters have detailed knowledge of the path and of the tao in real terms.


    On this thread:



    you showed, you have no clue whatsoever, about "bending"-


    Listen there is so so much to elemental training. Its more than just playing with the elements.


    There is


    Elemental magic

    Elemental healing

    Elemental astrology

    Elemental fighting

    Elemental spiritual alchemy

    and so on.


    The elemental chi must be charged and flowed and even that is not elemental alchemy.


    Element training has a direct connection to the rainbow body.


    Find a master and learn how to do things like give an elemental empowerment and so on.


    Initiation is a big thing in the elemental schools. Infact you cant learn the elemental alchemy until you are initiated.


    and even then you must be initiated into the spiritual practice.


    I remember i had to charge my elemental chi for 100 days before i could start the spiritual practice. and during that time i was told that i coudlnt do any elemental healing and or make any fu(s) or charms.


    You can have all the elemental chi you want but if it isnt charged then it cant help you. The charge stays with you...and can be built up to almost an unlimited strength.


    I could go years without doing an elemental med and could still activate my charge and summon my elemental chi.


    You must find a master to know what its like you have to know that you can kick on your elemental chi like a jet engine.


    You were telling people they can not do nothing without having a 'master'


    They can not do nothing until they get 'initiated'...?


    you are absolutley clueless



    we are not talking about cartoons and Hollywood 'bending'


    bending is making an element conform to your will


    if you want to talk nicely, and discuss it, we can


    if you want to keep up with that attitude, i will allow you to make yourself look ignorant


    **The origins of the words witch and Wicca is that they are derived from "wic," which means to shape or bend.**

  2. You will need:

    1. One bottle of Clean drinking water [Distilled-ok]
    2. One Pure [as pure] Gold Coin (Yang+)
    3. One Pure [as pure] Silver Coin (Yin-)
    4. One Empty Dark Glass Container
    5. One Candle or [portable] Oil Lamp (any color)

    Clean the Coins with an Antiseptic- [Alcohol]


    After Circulating your Qi...

    [hands should feel 'that' glowing sensation]


    Take the Gold Coin, and pass it close over the candle flame.


    Too far away will cause black carbon smudge


    Do this briefly, just enough to make the coin, hot.

    Gold will melt if left over the flame too long.


    Drop the coin immediately into the glass container, filled with clean drinking water.


    This should cause a slight sizzle.

    If not, dry it, and do it again


    --Now do the exact same procedure with the Silver coin.



    Afterwards- seal the dark, glass container.


    Check when there will be a Full Moon.


    The same [preferred] Day of the Full Moon, keep the dark Container in Direct Sun Light


    The container should feel relatively hot, afterwards


    Now, leave it out in Direct Full-Moon Light


    The container should feel relatively cool, afterwards.


    Store this container in a dark area, room temperature.


    On New Moon [no Moon is visible]:


    Circulate your Qi.


    Upon completion:


    Place your Left Palm [Lao Gong Points] over the Solar Plexus/Middle Dan Tien...


    Visualize The Sun encompassing your Solar Plexus, and the Golden Lux/Light expanding to the area behind you-- the Right Shoulder Blade and about 24 Inches away/outwards.

    [This is an Assemblage Point]

    Read About This, Here:




    Simultaneously... placing your Right Palm on the Top of the Glass Container.


    Breathe-- Inhale 'into' Solar Plexus/Left palm

    [from center of Cosmos/'Sky"]- Exhale out through Right Palm.


    Visualize the Emanating Golden Coloured, Qi Mist... Entering the Top of the Glass Container.

    -Positive Ions-

    [*Will* the Qi to remain in the container]


    This is Yang Qi



    This Liquid should 'feel' like it is buzzing with Electrical Energy/Vibration



    Now, for the Yin Filling.

    -Negative Ions-


    Place your Right Palm over the Lower Dan Tien


    I want you to Expand this Lower Dan Tien, so that it also Expands down to the Root Chakra, and past the Pelvis & Kwa points and Leg Meridians-- deep inside the Earth.


    Place your Left palm on the Bottom of the Glass Container.


    Inhale through Earth, Feet, Legs, Kwa, Pelvis, Hips, Intestines, Sacrum, Coccyx and Lower Dan Tien... and Exhale out through Left Palm Lao Gong Point.


    This is Cool, Silver, Magnetic Qi Mist.


    Upon completion- store Container in a Dark Area.



    This is your Yin/Yang Elixir.

    -Holy Grail-


    Alchemical Procedures can [sometimes] also include Male/Female Copulation Sexual Liquids

    [Not Solo Porn Masturbation- Yang Nor Yin]


    Whenever you Circulate your Qi-

    Keep the Container within your Aura's reach/distance...


    If you do Standing QiGong- keep the Container between your feet.


    If you perform Kunlun - either place the Container on your Upper Left Palm, or Under your Chair/or between your feet.


    This is similar to a tincture that's 'Homeopathic', in that- when the amount starts to dwindle, you can refill it with bottled water, again.


    It will not dilute- no matter how much remains prior to the re-filling


    No need to keep re-doing the original procedure

    [as long as you keep the container within your aura's reach, while circulating your Qi]


    So, what do I do with this stuff, now?


    You can:

    • drink
    • anoint
    • heal
    • destroy
    • Shaktipat- short/long distance

    Put it on:

    • people
    • children
    • animals
    • plants
    • magickal ritual items
    • wardrobe
    • wear as an attraction perfume
    • orgone capacitors
    • Florida Water/banishing/cleansing

    Use it as a Foundational Base, and add other properties to it for:

    • astral travel
    • candle magick
    • incense forumla creations
    • anoint sigils
    • scrying mirrors
    • radionics
    • psychotronics
    • dowsing
    • divination

    Use Your Imagination, Intention & Will...

    Always good to the last drop!



    Courtesy of: 1 Future Excerpt from:

    "ChiCraft" BY Me :)


    © SaToGa/sǝuoɾ oɐp

    • Like 1

  3. With the substitutes mentioned...


    What is the purpose of making exchange with these beings?


    Is this purely for material gain? or...


    Depends which "Entities"...?


    Gods/Goddesses, Demi-Gods, Demiurge, Olympic Planetary, Archangels, Angels, caco-demons, Goetia/Howling Entities, Enochian, Primordial Vodoun... list goes on-


    Everything from the machinations of the macrocosm to getting a stripper-gram

  4. This forum is a discussion on the way. If it was called witchcraft 101 I wouldn't be busting your balls.


    If you post grandiose claims on here, expect to be challenged. I'm not trying to be unkind and it's nothing personal. It's in the spirit of Chan.


    I'm suggesting you learn some of the real history about King Arthur to give balance.


    I think you find the following podcasts illuminating


    The Fisher King http://www.bbc.co.uk...rammes/b008p0nv


    and Merlin



    There was No Real History IN Fiction... according to you?



    I said Arthur was a Daoist, not a witch


    I just find, in many threads that you frequent- you give people a hard time.


    Everyone else gets the depth- but you refuse to.


    Like I said- a challenge is cool. I can learn from them also.


    But when you are deliberately refusing to acknowledge- it gets tedious


    BTW.. a discussion forum on 'Dao- The Way" [as quoted above] is 'The Way'... & it is Interpreted by all - Not just You ;)


    I am done with discussing this issue with you.


    Thanks for your input though :)

  5. I've nothing against myths per se.


    Take the Greek myths. I'm open to idea that these describe real events tens of thousands of years ago. Or maybe they're just myths. We'll never know.


    With Arthur on the other hand we can clearly trace the fiction and how it's evolved.


    To be clear I'm talking specifically about King Arthur and the grandiose claims made about him in this thread.


    If you look at how the fiction developed over the last 1000 years it just reflects the imagination of the middle ages/Georgians/ Victorians.


    I find it difficult for the op to get away with such hogwash.


    Firstly Great Britain wasn't united till the 1700s. Bang goes your British sovereign.


    Secondly castle building only arrived in the UK with the Normans around 1006 so the fantasy of a king with knights in chain mail living in a stone castle is ridiculous.


    In fact the history of Saxon kings is pretty good and there in no reference to Arthur.


    I've nothing against myth but when people start revering an invented fiction it's plain ridiculous. You might as well base you rituals on The Lord of the Rings.


    In this case..

    Fiction is allegory.


    It explains something hidden from the masses.


    Thus it is called "Occult"


    Why did I choose to do this?


    I showed how the layman can read over a simple story, and find buried truth in it.


    Like nursery rhymes.

    "London Bridge" is a dark history lesson.


    Tarot cards look like a game- but it isn't.


    You gave me a hard time on another thread, too- where you asked for a ''really really good explanation'' of something.



    OK you're going to need to give a really really good explanation of this.


    Science is about measuring and categorising things.


    Tao is about cultivation the self.


    If you took away the dogma from Tao (of which there is very little) how the heck is this going to become scientific?

    Then when I gave you 2 detailed explanations....




    ....you said my answer still wasn't good enough for you...


    OK great. That's easy.


    Not sure what that had to do with my original comment though.


    Of course there is some dogma in Tao, but like I said there isn't much in comparison to other religions. Not sure why you've gone to such lengths to prove the dogma in Tao when I've already recognised it exists.


    As for the science, people teach acupuncture in Universities without the Daoist/magical element already.


    I get the impression that you think you've discovered some incredible truth. But I'm finding it very difficult to see what that is.


    Succinctly, what is your point?



    That's why on this thread- I gave you a short explanation.


    I have a feeling, I could do this, with you- for 50 pages- and it still, wouldn't be good enough for you.




    Another one of your posts. I think you enjoy giving people a hard time? Is it intentional trolling? Or are you just a difficult person, in general?

    Very good points, mrtiger. Personally, I like the backstory, and I think the text does a very good job at turning your attention to the truth, which it (!) calls the Tao*. If you don't get it*, you can start and/or participate in threads like this. If you get it, however, you won't post more than twice in such a thread, should you choose to participate. Prove me wrong.



    I get the impression you're trying to communicate something very clever. Sadly it is lost on a simple person like me.


    Furthermore your point is also lost among bad grammar and unusual punctuation.


    So you "like the backstory". How jolly that must be for you.


    I sugest you let go of these delusions and come to the center.




    There's more, too. :)

    • Like 1

  6. DnB, do you mind elaborating on the egregore of YHVH, & YHWH? i always like to hear what people have to say about it. is yhwh the same egregore as yhvh?


    yahweh is yhwh or ihvh - in Hebrew there are No letter J's... W's... or vowels.


    Y is I


    Hebrew is read backwards [back cover to front cover] - so-- yahweh - YHWH = IHVH.. .


    but is actually HVHI... [reverse]


    so IHVH is Satan- if left without the Hebrew 'backward rendition'.

    (This is if it is written down- saying it aloud, is different obviously)


    So, if written in a normal English book- because none of it is written in Hebrew- back to front-- the IHVH would be acceptable [maybe]


    Enochian is also read 'backwards'. I wrote the First Enochian book as it should actually be- in Enochian Script- from back cover to front.


    As you can see- those non-initiated [Profane] are left in dark [a lot!]..


    Most of what I speak about on This Forum- You will NOT Find Anywhere. Not in Books or Seminars. I write these long articles and I hardly get any replies or views. I wish I had this material readily available to me when I first started.


    [ LOL I made`m big heap`em messes :) ]


    of course - over the years-- the spelling might also affect the diety. Telesmatic Imagery uses the Alphabet and Gematria to "assemble" the thoughtform/entity

  7. That's all very well but it doesn't really answer the question my question.


    Maybe King Arthur existed, maybe aliens built the pyramids and maybe we are all descended from Atlantis. But then again maybe not. We'll never know.


    The point is, you're just dealing in fictions and it's taking you away from the path.


    By giving these things so much weight surely it's just distracting you from the big questions and of course your practice.


    If I pick up a seashell, and listen to it.. what does it say?




    According to your logic - I should throw it away, and just listen to the ocean, instead.


    Everything is related, to everything.


    That's the key...


    Finding the links

  8. I want to know how helpful you think this actually is?


    King Arthur is clearly a fictional character.


    Whilst I admit it's interesting to ponder who, where and why, surely it doesn't have any more merit than watching and pondering the latest soap opera.



    Its interesting to explore the hidden depths of classic 'myths'. I've heard the Illiad has a pretty accurate map of the skies hidden within its stories. These stories survive and thrive for a reason.


    Great thread DNB, I`m always surprised on the subjcts of your posts. Things I didn`t read anywhere else.




    One man's treasure - is another man's garbage

    • Like 1

  9. Each of these magicks have Egregores- which allow the tapping into their own unique flavor/current



    You've mentioned the "egregore' before but I can't find the other posts right now (and not actually looking hard enough, forgive:-))


    I was wondering for quite a while whether the 'tapping in' to some kind of 'entity' (for example an archetype, for example a deity of some kind) brings ALL of the 'stuff' associated with that deity to a person whether the person tapping in knows about them in detail or not. Whether the result is highly dependent on the individual's understanding/ideas of the deity. You know, the fun questions:-) In other words, let's say I'm attempting to 'incarnate' 'Diana the huntress' (the kind of thing I don't do these days) and decide to 'tap in' - am I going to end up with ALL of Diana's qualities or just the ones I think she has (dependent on my prior understanding of her)?


    I'm all for using my own imagination, not so happy about it being used, if you see what I mean.


    Here's an Example:


    Isis became Ishtar and Astarte


    Then the church [Easter] made Her into a Male Demon -Ashteroth


    So, if you are going to invoke/evoke an entity, you want to assume the 'Godform' of it... by locking into your psyche, those intended attributes/archetypes-- so you 'dial in' the right one


    Sigils, the entity's 'signature' - is useful in that measure


    Like for instance- Lucifer


    Lux - the Phosphorus LightBearer, or the evil 'devil' satan- which now exists on the astrals due to fear and misinformation


    if satan wasn't real back in the day- he is now


    So if you invoke Lucifer- lol which one do you get?


    Basically - learn as much as you can about the entity, prior


    Create some kind of tangible attachment to this one



    -incense/color coordinate


    Visualise what it looks like to you

    how it speaks

    how it feels

    mantra/name - call to it in a vibratory voice that shakes the astrals and impregnates it --so it becomes heavy and descends


    make it real


    Allow you and 'it' to share the same 'space'

  10. Thanks for the input everyone. From some of the responses it seems that Ritual Magic is as intimate and involving a practice as Self-Cultivation....rather than just gathering some stones and plants to manifest cash when needed...it actually greatly involves and expands the participants on an energetic level?


    I occasionally used some of my energetic practices to manifest money or a job when i needed it...however like others i am more interested in clearing out the cobwebs of my soul and continuing to expand past my limitations (High Magic). Based on your responses it seems that Ritualistic Magic is a useful tool in this and worth investing some of my time in learning.


    I see many references to different kinds of Magic in the Wester Tradition: Enochian, Chaos, Golden Dawn, Hermeticism....etc. Could some one clarify what the differences are in each approach? Are they all similar practices with a slight twist or widely different approaches.....are they all some how rooted in using the Tree?


    I know very little about the Western Tradition except from my minimal studies with Bardon's work (Initiation into Hermetics) which seems to try and bypass as much cultural non-sense as possible and go straight to the source...nor does he mention much about Ritual Magic? Is Bardon's work and the skills he promotes for pracitce a good base which can be used as a cross-over into what ever practice you run upon?


    Western Magick incorporates a lot of Qabala, Tree of Life.

    [too] Much Yahweh dogma [for my taste]

    Tetragrammaton YHVH/IHVH work- Much Hebrew [he's a nasty demon Egregore lol]


    It is all Yoga and spiritual gymnastics- tainted/colored by the mage's *will*


    Chaos magick, no rules everything goes.

    One can blend Lovecraft/Necronomicon fantasy- and it will still work because of the Egregore(s)


    German Bardon is an offshoot -- sort of on England Lodges Golden Dawn with a twist of Fire and Ice Saturnalia Magick Lodges [their golem was Nosferatu]


    Old Witchcraft was Shamanic


    Wicca was made by Gerald Gardner- who had Aleister Crowley make their Book of Shadows


    Enochian is advanced, and can be dangerous to the psyche


    Vodoun uses raw primordial godform streams/currents


    Each of these magicks have Egregores- which allow the tapping into their own unique flavor/current


    --And each one I mentioned has many more facets to them

    [very generalised on my part]


    Bardon is good, [for beginners] but some of it is greatly exaggerated



    That new book I'm writing: "ChiCraft": is ideal for what you're asking.


    It will be a free pdf download when it's done.


    It will teach how to use your Chi, for magickal purposes


    High/Low end magick(s)

    • Like 1

  11. 5 Ways to Leave Your Body


    Want to teleport through space or travel the world 
at will? Out-of-body technology can alter your sense of place and set you free.


    Humans were long assumed to have an unshakable innate body plan, meaning that our brains and hard-wired sense of self could never accept having anything other than one head, two arms, and two legs. But in 1998, University of Pittsburgh psychiatrists Matthew Botvinick and Jonathan Cohen conducted the now-classic “rubber-hand illusion,” which showed the brain could feel ownership of a body part that was not truly its own. In that experiment, a research subject’s real hand was stroked while a prosthetic hand was also stroked in exactly the same way. In less than two minutes, most participants felt that the rubber limb was part of their own body, provided their own hand was hidden while the rubber one stayed in view.



    Taking the findings further, cognitive neuroscientist Henrik Ehrsson, who heads the Karolinska Institute’s Brain, Body and Self Laboratory in Stockholm, showed the brain could fully accept ownership of three hands at once. To make his point, he again induced the illusion that his subjects had a third hand but this time threatened either the prosthetic hand or a real one with a kitchen knife. Next he measured the subjects’ degree of sweating, a stress reaction, in 154 test participants and controls. Ehrsson found that people exhibited the same fear-based physiological response regardless of whether a real or fake hand was threatened, suggesting the rubber hand felt almost as authentically their own as their flesh-and-blood appendages.

    How could this simple illusion seem so real? By scanning his subjects with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), Ehrsson found the illusion involves interconnected areas of the brain, including the premotor cortex in the frontal lobe (responsible for sensory guidance of movement) and the intraparietal cortex in the parietal lobe (involved in locating and recognizing body parts). In the nexus of these two regions, neurons take signals from muscles, eyes, ears, skin, and other sensory organs and weave them together to create the experience of the body in space. The brain’s tendency to bind what the eyes see to what the body feels is so powerful that the cues can make a participant take ownership of the rubber limb.

    Recently, psychologist Roger Newport of the University of Nottingham in Great Britain showed that the internal self can also be convinced that body parts have changed shape or even disappeared. Instead of working with a static fake hand, Newport developed the Mirage, an illusion-creating box that incorporates a series of mirrors and cameras. Stick your hand in, look through the clear top, and it seems as if you are looking at your real hand. In actuality, you are looking at a real-time video image of your limb that can be manipulated and distorted. The video input can be altered, for instance, to show fingers stretching like putty or telescoping into themselves.



  12. Might sound a bit cheesey --but...


    If you have this contraption, sitting on a table, over in the corner - without being in the crossfire of air conditioning, vibration, pets, or window/door vacuum/drafts...




    It is 3AM.. and this thing starts screeching...


    You wake up, and check it out-- you can tell...

    something "just isn't right..." :)

  13. Entity/EMI/Telekinesis Alarm


    Invented out of necessity, by myself...



    This has a multitude of functions.



    Easy & cheap construction.



    If your house is "haunted".. or you are practicing Telekinesis...



    Or projecting Qi, for whatever reason...



    Consider making one of these contraptions...




    Excerpt from my book:


    "Sons of Liber Typhon"

    By SaToGa


    I invented an

    Electro-Magnetic Pendulum’.


    [Figure 4]




    It sits in my temple, alone, grounded, shielded, and off to the corner.


    It is composed of a dry cell battery, a stand which hangs a metallic ring, within a loop of wire.


    If the slightest electromagnetic ‘sensation’ comes within a few feet of this sensitive, but ugly looking contraption...

    the wire holding the swinging ring will make a

    circuit connection with a buzzer.


    This is my alarm, alerting me

    that an EMI &/or PSI field has ‘breached the area'

    & entered the Temple space…and wants
