Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. Been practicing daily self-cultivation for about 2 years now through my my Neigong practices and have found that personally in the realm of cultivation it is all that is really required.


    However as of late i have been proportioning a bit of my time in exploring the Western Tradition and working a bit with the Tree. I have noticed that in the Western Tradition there is a very large emphasis on Ritualistic Magic.


    For the practitioner does practicing this kind of Magic add another dimension to one's practice which self-cultivation does not?


    What's the point of doing Ritual Magic, i don't really understand what the point of this kind of practice is or what value it brings to one's esoteric practice? I assume people practice it for a genuine reason?


    Could someone perhaps enlighten me on the value of this practice?


    I have been a Mage for over 35 years.

    4th Generation Strega [italian Witch]


    I wrote 19 books on it.

    [All Free PDF Downloads]





    I am currently writing a new one called:


    "ChiCraft: Bridging Eastern Chi with Western WitchCraft"


    There is Low and High Magick


    * High Magick is the exploration of the Higher Self, and the path to Ascension, Enlightenment


    * Low Magick is getting Love, Money, Healing, etc - fulfillment of the Lower self

    • Like 2

  2. Taoist Sexual Kung-Fu for Increasing Testosterone Levels ~ How To Stop Leaking Jing

    Male Hormonal and Sexual Health ~ Semen Retention for Building Testosterone (Part 1of 6)

    Androgenic Testosterone Building Elixir for Male AND Female Hormone Rejuvenation


    I started watching a couple of them... they seemed decent enough to share


    Take a look at them- then we can discuss them...[?]




    {Or fight about them lol}

  3. No matter which Qi practice you perform, this easy visual will boost it's power.


    Sitting or standing


    After you have entered your desired stance, perform your Qi circualtion as usual.


    Once you entered the deisred state, where the Qi just starts to move by itself...


    Visualise a Bar Magnet suspended over your Crown Chakra.


    Close enough, where... if suddenly you stretched upwards-- your head would touch it.


    Now alter it's height over your crown- higher...


    Now do the same, by switching Polarities.




    If the Southern Point was over your head, now switch it to North


    Unbeknownst to many Practitioners...


    Altering your Cardinal Direction during practice will give you varying results.


    If you face North everyday, turn 90 degrees, and practice at this new Cardinal direction...


    ...`feel the difference?


    Next week, turn another 90 degrees...


    Are you Aligned to True North?


    Magnetic North?


    -The Changing Seasons

    -Barometric Pressure

    -Full/New Moon

    -EMI- Electromagnetic/Solar/CMEs/Magnetosphere-


    If you have Running Water near you- Large Pipes, Underground Streams, Reservoirs, etc...


    ...These are all Variables in your Chi Practice


    Some days your Chi may feel stronger than other days...


    These can all be the reasons for +/- in power


    Questions? :)

    • Like 1

  4. Has some good insights by Yogi Bhajan

    Not sure who Yogi Bhajan is...

    When a guy has a "Sufi" or "Yogi" prefix- before his name, ...always makes me throw up my whistles horns and red flags lol

    so...caveat emptor :)

    not sure why they have drums in the background- is louder than his voice lol

  5. I know one thing... I am a Tattoo Artist- and to draw a Celtic KnotWork on someone, is extremely difficult...


    Making something, like this, in a field- without bruising the actual grain ... :)


    ?...maybe using light, sound, magnetism, diatonic ratios, w/sacred geometry


    spoke about it in my books

    • Like 1

  6. article-2187640-1486B708000005DC-765_964x949.jpg


    This is the latest intricate crop circle to appear overnight in a British wheat field.

    The mysterious pattern resembles the ancient Tibetan Buddhist symbol of an 'endless knot' - a complex loop of lines and circles used to illustrate the eternal flow of time.

    The symbol has many meanings but because it has no beginning and no end many people who follow the religion say it represents the wisdom of Buddha.






    :) So - if anyone knows who these "2 drunk college kids are, who fashion these"... I'd like to hire them to craft some gnarly pictograms on my front lawn...

    <insert sarcasm face here>

    • Like 2

  7. hmm what would you suggest I take away from this?


    Not a big fan of animal sacrifice to appease... any life form

    Take away from this...that if you ever choose to become a shaman... become a shaman who never sacrifice animals.


    Animal sacrifice is never necessary


    Abrahamic Religions LOVE BLOOD.


    ....And BLOOD SACRIFICE is STILL being DONE TODAY in the Name of yahweh


    This keeps that DEMONIC EGREGORE ihvh/hvhi Alive


    A raw fresh chicken egg can be substituted in ritual personal magick


    of course, so can sex


    No one should EVER be Harmed for magick purposes

  8. Excalibur is the sword of King Arthur, attributed with magickal powers... and it's bearer-- branded the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain.


    The Excalibur Sword & the Clarent Sword- are often confused to be the same weapon, but in most versions they are considered separate.


    The Clarent Sword was the proof of Arthur's lineage, and the weapon used to murder him.


    Excalibur was given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake-- sometime after he began to reign.


    The Lady of the Lake calls

    the sword 'Excalibur' [Cut Steel]


    Now that we explored some "History" behind the story, we can understand it in it's true Occult/Hidden context:


    This is a tale of Alchemy.


    Merlin [the Magickian] puts the 'Sword into the Stone'... using Magick-- and Arthur is the only one who can retrieve it.


    First hint of Alchemy:

    Magick is used to put the sword, into the Stone.


    Only Magick can be used to retrieve it.


    Arthur uses Alchemy to Separate Metal from Stone


    Iron out of Earth


    Mastery over the Elements.


    Ironically, Alchemy is also used to Kill Arthur...

    as I noted, prior.


    Arthur, most likely, lost his Magickal connection to his Alchemical Path, due to mundane life as King.


    The Metal was no longer to be Balanced in

    his Grounded/Earth life.


    He lived 'By the Sword'


    In Alchemy, Iron is representative of the Planet Mars, in Astrology.


    Mars = Martial


    Iron rules Physical Strength,

    & symbolizes Male/Yang Energy.


    Mars is also a Male Energy Current.


    Iron represents a need to Temper the primal urge... while at the same time... consummating the fire within.


    [Tempering Steel: Hot & Cold]


    The Stone - Earth - is Yin


    The cool, dark womb, in which the Iron/Yang-

    was Embedded... and later, Extracted...


    King Arthur is a true tale of Daoism,

    and walking the Balanced Path.


    Arthur's Alchemical Skills allows him to overcome the Iron/Clarent sword, by melding with it...

    controlling the Element.


    He can over come Martial aspects by Balancing Yin and Yang.


    This incident gives proof of Arthur's Lineage- generations of Alchemists.


    The Lady of The Lake [Druid High Priestess]

    is Female/Yin ...awards Arthur, the Excalibur.


    Water, ruling over Iron - Flows into Arthur's possession.

    This shows his sovereignty.


    Water is emotions... love.


    However, in the end...


    returns to it's 'sheath'...



    The Iron/Clarent sword-- returns into the Earth,

    when Arthur is Pierced by it, and buried...under the Earth.


    ashes to ashes...


    iron to iron~



    Once again, the Elements await- to be 'Bended'....