Disabled Not Broken

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Posts posted by Disabled Not Broken

  1. Golden Dawn has some info on it. I can get you some info on it too, if you find GD not to your liking

    Actually, the new book I am writing, will most likely contain information about it.

    • Like 1

  2. Perhaps at the highest level bending is possible, but there is the phenomena of people seeing fiction and taking it too literally. They watch star wars and thus think they're Jedi's, or watching an excellent cartoon like Avatar and thinking they'll be able to perform acts like the cartoon characters.


    IMO There's value in these archetypes, but it isn't in having the powers of a cartoon character. For me its in decision making and understanding the world and its patterns.

    I agree-- Hollywood always makes it much more hyperbolic


    like kungfu masters flying and fighting in tree tops lol

  3. oh.. I thought you were a little more open minded....


    If I wasn't open minded-- I wouldn't start a thread on 'serpent gurus' teaching people lol...


    I want to emphasize the corruptions of myth, and satan is allegory... and how the 'serpent' in the western world is associated with 'evil', thanks to Abrahamic religions


    Then you post a video about how a 'guy talks to the devil' lol


    Kind of goes directly against the whole point of my thread.. :)

  4. Uhm, DNB, i read the link about sorcerers and perception and well that spot where the filament comes in, that bright whole, i keep feeling a pain around my right shoulder and wondering if its because i once spent a week in bed(which is when it started) or perception?

    It's the assemblage for the light body(s) - it can be perceived

  5. And what is telesmatic Imagery and where can i get them? I already kind of know the wind. When i bend, it's like another extension of me, a brother. The wind feels, free, playful and most of all, great yet humble. I am the wind :)

    Golden Dawn has some info on it. I can get you some info on it too, if you find GD not to your liking

  6. Find a master and learn how to do things like give an elemental empowerment and so on.


    Initiation is a big thing in the elemental schools. Infact you cant learn the elemental alchemy until you are initiated.


    and even then you must be initiated into the spiritual practice.





    You must find a master to know what its like you have to know that you can kick on your elemental chi like a jet engine.


    This sounds like an Infomercial to buy a Master. Totally untrue. No one needs a Master. No one needs a god. No one needs anyone to learn, nor to have their hand held.


    Sorry, but unless someone has thousands of dollars to spend, to buy, travel, & sift through 'fake masters' to find a '

    real master', [whatever that is] - then we're doomed unless we hit the Lottery.


    I ''seen'' some of the "masters" you guys talk about on this forum... [...]

    • Like 1

  7. If you have a contraceptive coil fitted, or a pacemaker – arguably even if you wear contact lenses or have pierced ears – then you are in a sense part-human and part-machine. For a small but growing global community of "biohackers" or "grinders", however, there is far more fun waiting to be had.




    A common procedure is to implant a strong neodymium magnet beneath the surface of a person's skin, often in the tip of the ring finger. This causes nearby magnetic fields – and even their strength and shape – to become detectable to the user, thanks to the subtle currents they provoke. For a party trick, they can also pick up metal objects or make other magnets move around.



  8. Pore breathing....


    Absorb the element, through inhale...


    exhale and become like it


    the elementals who dwell within the elements, become 'allies'


    you can project your consciousness inside organic and inorganic articles this same way


    feel what a rock feels


    and even astral project through tarot card imagery [or tattvas for elements]


    cool off a hot room using earth breathing


    opposite of g`tumma :)


    I own the 'Last Air-Bender' movie-- I watch it once a week


    I didn't know it was 'suppposed to be a kid's movie' -- I hope they continue making them :)

    • Like 1

  9. says he even talked to the devil once... very charming person....

    If he 'talked with the devil' -- then he is Delusional.


    *There is No personified "devil".


    Normally, I wouldn't oppose another viewer's input, but being this is my *Own Thread, I do not want misleading information on it.


    Especially when I am posting information about how cultures [deliberately] misconstrue such concepts for their own personal gain.

  10. Of course there is some dogma in Tao, but like I said there isn't much (in comparison to other religions). Not sure why you're making such a big deal out of that.


    OK you're going to need to give a really really good explanation of this.


    You asked for a really really good explanation?

    Ok, you got one

    Of course there is some dogma in Tao, but like I said there isn't much (in comparison to other religions).

    Compared to which religions? Broad brush you just used.

    I'm not really sure what your point it here.


    You asked for clarification, right?

    I gave it to you... that was the point.


    Daoism is a religion

    Chi is a science


    Some people mix them, some do not.

    • Like 1

  11. Daoism have Tenets of Faith, Doctrine, Dogma -- such as:


    Nonresistance ...Daoist principle of Wu Wei – achieving without undue effort.



    Dao Te Ching is also a sort of operator/owner's manual.


    This makes Daoism a Religion.


    This Forum is the TaoBums


    Many here practice Daoism, and also practice Chi manipulation


    Some are also Atheists-- but still practice some sort of Chi manipulation.


    Some other core beliefs [religion] of Daoism are:


    Detached and Nonjudgmental


    Seeing Clearly


    Knowing Yourself


    In this forums archives, you will find threads about self defense-- some incorporating various viewpionts, even though many of those opposing viewpoints are owned by Daoists.


    If they were not 'confined' by Daoist principles [Religion/Philosophy] - they would defend themselves without seeking "What the Dao would say"


    Now, those who only practice some sort of chi manipulation, without rigid dogma attached, can analyse it as a Science.


    Acupuncture points, Meridians, Chakras -- all the while having no qualms to defend themselves without consulting the magickal Dao 8 Ball :)


    For your research:


    Daoism and it's Relation to Other Religions:



    Relations with other religions and philosophies



    The terms Tao and De are religious and philosophical terms shared between Taoism and Confucianism.[118] The authorship of the Tao Te Ching is assigned to Laozi, who is traditionally held to have been a teacher of Confucius.[119] However, some scholars believe the Tao Te Ching arose as a reaction to Confucianism.[120] Zhuangzi, reacting to the Confucian-Mohist ethical disputes in his "history of thought", casts Laozi as a prior step to the Mohists by name and the Confucians by implication.

    Early Taoist texts reject the basic assumptions of Confucianism which relied on rituals and order, in favour of the examples of "wild" nature and individualism. Historical Taoists challenged conventional morality, while Confucians considered society debased and in need of strong ethical guidance.[121]

    The entry of Buddhism into China was marked by interaction and syncretism, with Taoism in particular.[122] Originally seen as a kind of "foreign Taoism", Buddhism's scriptures were translated into Chinese using the Taoist vocabulary.[123] Chan Buddhism was particularly modified by Taoism, integrating distrust of scripture, text and even language, as well as the Taoist views of embracing "this life", dedicated practice and the "every-moment".[124] Taoism incorporated Buddhist elements during the Tang period, such as monasteries, vegetarianism, prohibition of alcohol, the doctrine of emptiness, and collecting scripture in tripartite organisation. During the same time, Chan Buddhism grew to become the largest sect in Chinese Buddhism.[125] Christine Mollier concluded that a number of Buddhist sutras found in medieval East Asia and Central Asia adopted many materials from earlier Taoist scriptures.[126]

    Ideological and political rivals for centuries, Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism deeply influenced one another.[127] For example, Wang Bi, one of the most influential philosophical commentators on the Laozi (and Yijing), was a Confucian.[128] The three rivals also share some similar values, with all three embracing a humanist philosophy emphasizing moral behavior and human perfection. In time, most Chinese people identified to some extent with all three traditions simultaneously.[129] This became institutionalised when aspects of the three schools were synthesised in the Neo-Confucian school.[130]

    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Arthur Schopenhauer both wrote of Taoism.[131]


  12. OK you're going to need to give a really really good explanation of this.


    Science is about measuring and categorising things.


    Tao is about cultivation the self.


    If you took away the dogma from Tao (of which there is very little) how the heck is this going to become scientific?


    Daoism have Tenets of Faith, Doctrine, Dogma -- such as:


    Nonresistance ...Daoist principle of Wu Wei – achieving without undue effort.



    Dao Te Ching is also a sort of operator/owner's manual.


    This makes Daoism a Religion.


    This Forum is the TaoBums


    Many here practice Daoism, and also practice Chi manipulation


    Some are also Atheists-- but still practice some sort of Chi manipulation.


    Some other core beliefs [religion] of Daoism are:


    Detached and Nonjudgmental


    Seeing Clearly


    Knowing Yourself


    In this forums archives, you will find threads about self defense-- some incorporating various viewpionts, even though many of those opposing viewpoints are owned by Daoists.


    If they were not 'confined' by Daoist principles [Religion/Philosophy] - they would defend themselves without seeking "What the Dao would say"


    Now, those who only practice some sort of chi manipulation, without rigid dogma attached, can analyse it as a Science.


    Acupuncture points, Meridians, Chakras -- all the while having no qualms to defend themselves without consulting the magickal Dao 8 Ball :)


    For your research:


    Daoism and it's Relation to Other Religions:


  13. Wait, so how do i now know what to believe? Who puts negative things in my life and who takes them away? Why would God lie to us? Why is there another world intertwined with this on but we can't see it? Whats up with devil worshipers?

    YOU are god... & Master of YOUR OWN, Destiny ;)

  14. Like most of my threads, lol --hardly any feedback



    That being the case... perchance, I upset some people?

    Not my intention, at all.


    I know there is much debate about Lineage here, and a lot of pride involved.


    Not a bad thing. However, all of them, can be condensed and/or reversed engineered ...back to a couple of prime sources.


    Some viewers pride themselves as "science-minded" and this 'fringe stuff' might not sit well. If you can dispute it, then by all means, please do.


    If my sources are wrong, I would like to know, so I don't go around telling people false info.


    Those who are 'mystical-minded'... probably knew all this stuff, already.

    My wife learned about "Nagas" in world history class, in College.


    100 years ago, we were riding around in horses and carriages. Now we each carry mini-computers in our shirt pockets.


    [Talk about advancement]


    Kundalini is evolution.


    Our World-Wide Ancient Ancestors talked about Serpents as teachers.


    Nachash- which is "Serpent' in Genesis...


    Well....Look at this:



    Who Was The First Biblical Liar?

    © By SaToGa

    Genesis 2 (King James Version)

    17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof

    thou shalt surely die.


    The Lord God (Yahweh/IHVH) says... that the Day Adam eats from the tree of knowledge,.. is the Day that Adam

    would die.


    Genesis 3 (King James Version)


    1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman,

    Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?


    3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye

    touch it, lest ye die.


    4 And the serpent said unto the woman,

    Ye shall not surely die.


    The serpent informs Adam & Eve that they would NOT die the Day they eat of the tree.


    5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing

    good and evil.


    The serpent also promises them that, not only will they NOT die that Day- but their eyes will be opened, & become like god.


    7 And the eyes of them both were opened

    The Serpent was Truthful here.


    22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil.


    Serpent was Truthful here, too.


    Genesis 5 (King James Version)


    5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.


    Obviously, Adam did NOT die the Day he ate from the tree.


    So the Serpent was Truthful here, too.


    So, the very First Liar in the bible was

    Lord God (Yahweh / IHVH)


    John 8 (King James Version)


    44 When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.


    Jesus keeps the Lie, too.


    Isaiah 45:6,7 (King James Version)


    6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and

    there is none else.


    7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.


    But...doesn't everyone, including jesus himself, say Satan is the entity... who causes evil?


    ...and is the original liar?


    Yahweh says there is NO ONE ELSE though, Just "Him"


    The Serpent (Satan/HVHI) actually told the Truth...


    wanting Adam & Eve to lose their original bondage of ignorance, and have their "eyes opened" so they can be like god.


    Yahweh admits that "Now they have become as one of Us"




    Satan means ‘Adversary'...But who's adversary?


    He tried to help Adam & Eve to Evolve into Godhood.


    Satan was not Adam & Eve's ’adversary’.


    Satan was Adam & Eve's, Prometheus.


    Satan did destroy Yahweh’s plan to keep Adam & Eve in bondage, though.


    Perchance, Satan is, only... Yahweh's 'Adversary'?


    Obviously, Satan was the Original 'Truth Teller'.


    We know now, that Jesus was also in on the original Lie conspiracy, as well.


    Who else?


    Revelation 12 (King James Version)


    7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his


    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more In heaven.

    9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


    Satan, who was a serpent and got promoted to becoming a dragon- is cast out, along with his Angels


    (Not Demons, but 'Angels')


    It says Satan was 'the Deceiver'.


    But, we now know, Yahweh & Jesus were the Deceivers.


    Now, a whole puppet regime of Liars are in place, in heaven.


    So, who has 'Demons'?


    The Truth Tellers who tried to elevate Adam & Eve into god status?


    Or the puppet master regime who Lies, and tries to enslave humanity with guilt and submission?


    Isaiah 45:6,7 (King James Version)


    6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and

    there is none else.

    7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.




    If Yahweh makes "Darkness"


    & Lucifer means "Light Bearer"...


    were we being Lied to, all along?


    2 Corinthians 11:3 (King James Version)


    3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.




    Who was the original 'Liar'?


    Obviously, we have a huge conspiracy being perpetrated upon us, & for a very long time


    --Everything is Backwards.


    The Liars are being portrayed as the Truth-Tellers...& vice-verse.


    If demons Lie...who's team are they on?


    How many events in the bible, involve "angels" slaughtering thousands?


    Who sent these 'destroying angels'?


    When demons are cast out of 'possessed individuals', in whose name are they cast out in?


    Jesus' name.


    Wait, was not jesus in on... the Original Lie?

    • Perchance these demons are, in fact, really 'Angels’...

    who follow along with Deceiving everyone?



    Maybe, like a Black Op?


    Similar to - Flying another Country's flag, and blowing up another Country's ship- pretending to be 'someone else'... to provoke trouble?


    Agent/Angel Provocateurs?


    They get expelled in the name of jesus, who we know is also in on the whole scam....


    Are You starting to see the complete picture, now?