tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Eugene: don't worry about only feeling chi in your hands from FP as I have been doing it for over one and a half years now and that is only where I feel the chi but that does not mean it is not having its healing effects on all levels, cellular, organs, brain, subtle bodies, chakras, higher dimensions. I would not judge progress by where we feel the chi. I too need less sleep now and notice my intuition keeps increasing and there are more synchronicities going on and I can manifest desires more quickly. And I don't see any problems doing FP and SYG. But we are of the instant generation. Want faster and faster downloads just like with computers. I see this in myself very clearly. Keep on cultivating the garden, the karmas are being burned just like weeds.

    Sifu Garry, Thanks for post #180 as you just answered the question Sifu Terry suggested that I ask you since my Transcendental Meditation used to automatically take me close to the void and when stress release from my nervous system for past 3 yrs has kept me on the surface during TM I no longer get close to the void/Source/emptiness any longer. So I was to ask you which of your systems would be effective for getting back to that state which in TM we called Restful Alertness. Mind and body relaxed and no thoughts, or at least very few and far between. Sounds like you are saying that over time SYG 1. will be the ticket to get back there.

    Yes Ron, I can identify with that feeling that something is about to bust loose as that energy continues to build and you are tempted to just stay on that ride as long as possible to see where you end up. I guess this is proof that the energy is cumulative.
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    A few nights ago I was doing some energy work which I usually do not do close to bedtime but that is when I had to do it bc it was an online energy transmission. I always try to do the Big Sleeper on FP vol. before bed but that night I was just too tired so I went to bed without. I went to bed but was unable to fall asleep which is very rare, so after a long time of this I just sat up and did 50 20 10 and that is all I remember since when I finished I went right to sleep. I'm glad there is always a yin for every yang!

    "Longer the better" on SYG 1. med 5 resulted in continuous building up of energy and stronger quivering in upraised hand and also nice strong chi in the bottom palm. A very nice workout for the heart chakra as it has its blockages of stress being removed from this mudra per my medical clairvoyant. I also found meditation 6 to also be a high strong build up of energy and could feel it not only in the chest but in the teeth/mouth also. Really enjoyable ride. In gratitude to the lineage.
  6. Your favorite Qigong DVDs?

    I have been doing Spring Forest for 6 yrs because we do that at work as part of our mental health center. It is easy to do and you can soon feel chi from it but it does not compare to Flying Phoenix in terms of feeling more powerful chi and the benefits at all levels.
  7. Is John Chang really that hard to find and train with?

    About Chunyi Lin. I received training in Spring Forest Chi Kung from Chunyi at a workshop for psychotherapists in Washington, DC 6 years ago. He asked people to stand up who had an ailment and he then diagnosed each person telling them where their health issue was located. Later, when asked how he did it, he said that chi kung opens the third eye. He is very down to earth and just acts like a regular guy with a good sense of humor.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    To answer the question about mantras for the deity. I come from a Vedic tradition where our meditation is based on mantras which means the benefits to mind body spirit come from a vibration/energy which purifies the nervous system. The mantra is the medium for that vibratory energy which is ultimately Divine in essence and source. Flying Phoenix is Heavenly Healing Method. So I think there is no need to add a mantra when the FP meditations already produce the vibration/energy associated with Spiritual healing which to me is all inclusive of mind body spirit. The song comes to mind, "Who Could Ask for Anything More?"
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have written before how the martial arts of China can best be understood if we consider the history of China where the populace has not been safe due to almost constant warfare, warlords, political fighting, foreign invasions, bandits. So martial arts were learned by so many just to stay alive in those days for generations. And Shaolin and other temples were not safe from persecution so the monks had to fight to stay alive. I don't think we can understand the Chinese people without understanding what they had to do just to survive centuries of bloodshed. Self-defense was not an option, it was a necessity. I think those who have served in Vietnam might have a better understanding of the Asian situation. Friendly villagers by day, Viet Cong by night. Just my take on China. Survival of the fittest.

    I did med #5 on SYG 1. and the energy in my upraised hand started to build and also in the palm that was at the dan tien. Eventually there was some slight quivering in the upraised palm toward the end of the session and I wondered how much stronger that energy sensation/quiver would have become had I extended beyond 5 minutes. Are we allowed to do a mediation beyond 5 minutes?

    Sifu Garry, since we are making wish lists, are there plans to market SYG as dvds instead of download since the resolution makes some of the hand positions not clear, at least from my download.

    I just did the 6 meds on SYG 1. in succession and this time the chi came in loud and clear! Number 5 was interesting as the upper vertical hand wanted the fingers to bend a bit because of the energy. Therefore it seemed like I was able to detect that the energy is moving in a certain direction. But I kept the fingers pointed straight anyway as the energy kept wanting to push them. And number 6 sure does have a different feel to it than doing the Monk Gazing at Moon with Flying Phoenix.

    Thanks Sifu Garry, I was thinking I should try the whole series of them. My medical intuitive tested this dvd before I ordered it and he saw that it will immediately blast out the blockages, stress in my heart chakra and he said these meds "are extremely powerful." I thought the first med was not doing anything for me until later tonight I just realized that this morning and during the rest of the day I felt this libido for no external reason. And at my advanced age this libido does not happen unless I am with a woman. So I just might be having some kind of results already and certainly not as I had expected, LOL! I will take it!

    Sifu Garry, I am a seasoned meditator having done Transcendental Meditation, TM, daily for the past 39 years and I have been doing the meditation number one of SYG 1. for 3 days but as yet I do not feel anything from it, it does not give me any sense of being in that deeply relaxed state of mind and body that I get from meditation. I also do not feel any chi yet from it. But I always feel strong chi in the hands from all of the Flying Phoenix meds. What is your assessment of this? I realize my nervous system just might take longer to register this new energy? Steve

    Sifu Garry, can we do any of the SYG 1. meds more than once a day? Or is it one and done? Steve
  16. Bak Fu Pai's Sunn Yee Gong-Q&A

    I just began SYG on June 16, 2013 and I look forward to hearing about other people's experiences with it. Sifu Garry, did GM Doo Wai ever give a date as to when his family was given SYG? Steve
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Leif, I Your analogy is right on. I took one look at GM Doo Wai doing advanced FP moving meds and it did indeed seem as complex as a foreign language that we have not learned. Fortunately, I was able to easily learn the sitting meds that are also on that expensive DVD and to me they are worth the price I paid but I will never do that again. We already have what we need from FP and SYG. So I am learning to be satisfied with the powerful methods that I have instead of seeking for the supposedly more advanced. I remind myself that I did not go from elementary school directly to graduate school. I had to take all the steps that came before that advanced learning. Cultivation is the same. Our nervous systems cannot handle that energy unless the channels are cleared beforehand. I get too eager at times because of my fairly advanced age. It's not like I have 30 more years to do this stuff..... I figured cleaning the bathroom could wait a few more minutes... LOL
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And I agree with Eugene that it is about our own karma and not any Deity. I think the judgment aspect of western religion has people unconsciously wondering if they are good enough. I also consider the story about the origin of Flying Phoenix in the context of the culture in China at that time in history. They have had such a long lasting history of warlords and bandits in that country and foreign invasions. Almost every kung fu movie portrays those kinds of things. So the good and the bad people both learned martial arts for survival. So in that context I can understand why the Goddess would mention pure of heart. The Divine would not want to give energy to a force of evil to increase evil in China. And if any Doo Wai lineage student doing chi kung wonders if they are evil, they need only ponder if they have committed the atrocities that we have read about that have occurred in China from the ancient to the modern times. Remember, Chinese citizens caught doing Falun Gong in China are still sent to prison and some are tortured for that! So I hope that we all can just enjoy doing energy cultivation and ease up on the judgment of ourselves. Shall Sifu Garry be considered not to be pure enough because he uses naughty words on this blog? He sure has benefited from the Doo Wai arts in spite of using profanity. And I have read or heard on video GM Doo Wai state that the story of the history of FP might be legend. He uses that disclaimer, "according to legend....." This means to me that there is some factual basis to the story but there could have been things added to the story as it was passed down through his family over many years. This stuff to me is supposed to about energy, not mental concepts and debating philosophy. Life is to be lived, not dissected to death. I have to go clean my bathroom now so you guys will be spared from any more of my ranting, LOL.
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Regular readers of this thread know that I have bought some of the GM Doo Wai demo dvds that Sifu Garry mentions and what he has said is true. As of this weekend, June 15, 2013 I now own Sifu Garry's Sunn Yee Gung 1. dvd. Sifu explains what it all is about, what to expect, how to do it, why we do it. Knowing this information for most students will be the difference between staying with the practice and getting benefits versus being so confused about what to do that we just put the dvd away after a few days and never use it again. I had a few questions about the SYG dvd so I emailed Sifu Garry and he replied almost immediately each time. What other chi kung/nei gung Sifus are making themselves available like this besides Sifu Terry and Sifu Garry? I think that in the West we overthink everything instead of develop the habit of surrendering and trusting in a lineage of masters. And if we don't believe these two guys are masters of the Doo Wai family arts, then just take a video of yourself doing the meditations and then go watch those two guys doing it. They do not have to put their teachings on video, there is not much money to be made there without an infomercial on cable tv. Where would any of us be if we had to go where the sifus live in order to learn this stuff? They made this art readily available for a reason. Without FP and SYG we would still be settling for less doing Spring Forest and the rest that many of us have tried. Gratitude goes a long way. This is just one person's slant on it.
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Purity of heart and Flying Phoenix and all energy methods: from my personal experiences and the teachings of a guru and an avatar: when the nervous system gets clear of stress then the kundalini can reach the brain and when it does there is the bliss and the love. If the nervous system is purified enough from the energy methods, whether it be meditation or chi kung, or deeksha or transmission from a master to disciple, then the kundalini can remain in the brain instead of descend back down. The descent is felt as the dark night of the soul in literature and in personal experience when the bliss and love goes away. In that state of a purified nervous system there is naturally a pure of heart feeling. This cannot be created by intention of trying to be a loving person etc. Sorry, but religion has put the cart before the horse! When I went into a state of Awakening or a stage of Enlightenment, I don't know which one it was, I was unable to even create a negative thought. Pure of mind, body and spirit. This is why I continue doing chi kung because its energy releases stored stress in the nervous system, chakras, etc. and thus it purifies our system, mind, body and spirit. Trying to act pure is merely a mood. Chi Kung is a psycho-physiological method for inducing purification. Until then we do what we know is right. The Eightfold Path is backwards. It should start with Samadhi and then the rest of the 7 behaviors are spontaneously lived. This perception is also found in the Tao Te Ching about virtue and kindness being merely an act if one is not connected to Tao. In other words, "Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added." J'ai Guru Dev since those insights come from one of my teachers.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Riding the Ox, We look forward to hearing about your experiences with vol. 7. I do 2 of them so far.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    And I will take poetic license with the above quote and state that it could also mean that when stress is eliminated from the nervous system, meaning purification of karma which will then result in a whole brain functioning which will create the feeling of bliss which automatically makes one pure in heart, Divine love from within. This was my experience on top of the mount in the French Alps once.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you Sifu Terry for confirming a medical clairvoyant's findings. Since working with Eric since 1998 to maintain my health I have no medical issues at age 65. When I go for my annual medical exam my doctor asks what I am doing in his office as he has proclaimed me the healthiest patient in his practice. So I need no confirmation of his abilities as my current health is confirmation enough. Anyone wishing to avail themselves of Eric's services can reach him at: [email protected]. Or go to his website by putting Eric M. Isen in the search bar. He works over the phone. And to Eugene, I like your question as to why I resort to a clairvoyant about effects of chi kung. You have answered the question. It is true I am not very aware of most subtle energies. This is due to the condition of my nervous system. Some are just more sensitive than others. I feel chi from chi kung in my hands only and I have been doing chi kung for the past 6 yrs usually 3 times a day. I accept my limitations to feel energy, nothing I can do about that. So I am indeed grateful that Eric is able to tell me what is happening to me from Flying Phoenix meditations even though I cannot feel it directly. In fact, during the last 3 years I cannot even feel subtle energy that I used to feel from my practice of TM and the use of the Egyptian Healing Rods. So I am like a blind man needing someone with sight to describe the scenery that is right in front of him but he cannot appreciate. Steve
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Alright! We are now taking this thread to the spiritual aspects of Flying Phoenix. This is what I have been waiting for. Keep it rolling guys. Thanks Sifu Garry for moving us upward in levels.
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks Sifu Garry.