tao stillness

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Everything posted by tao stillness

  1. Xiang Gong - Fragrant Qigong

    I want to reply to these posts about Fragrant Qigong. It is something I learned about 2 weeks ago and the first day that I tried it, a health condition that I had symptoms of for over 20 years, maybe even 30 years, healed in a major way literally over night with the combination of a very simple qigong method from a different form. This was the first miracle healing I ever experienced. And my experience includes 44 years of daily TM meditation, and 20 years of consulting with a top ayurvedic medical clairvoyant and all of his recommended herbs and supplements, 26 years of Reiki, and trying at least 80 different styles of Qigong. So obviously I am indebted to Master Tian for teaching this form. I learned it from the online videos of his daughters teaching the form which I have to assume is the correct way. Earl Grey was kind enough to tell me how to get in touch with his teacher who visits the Tian family. I then exchanged emails with Earl's teachers and read about Fragrant Qigong on his website and then obtained his book on Qigong. Few Westerners have accomplished in TCM and qigong what this teacher has. Therefore, if he has said that he has visited Master Tian who is alive and well, then that is good enough for me. And my guess would be that Master Tian would prefer to have a group of 5,000 to learn Fragrant Qigong because that many people creates a strong Qi field and the stronger the Qi field, the stronger the healing for the participants. That is also when people can smell the fragrances, in very large groups. The Chinese government does not allow large groups to gather to practice qigong, but they do allow large tai chi groups because that is a martial art and not qigong, according to their paranoid thinking. Fragrant Qigong was eventually banned because of the large crowds filling soccer stadiums. So just like the large numbers of Falun Dafa people were a threat to the Communist Party, so was the large numbers from Fragrant Qigong. The Chinese government is known to use propaganda to discredit whomever they fear. I also want to say that many people on this blog have probably wondered over the years why I have tried do many different qigong methods. I often even questioned myself about this. But I finally realized the reason after the healing I had from Fragrant Qigong. In spite of the great test results about what each qigong method was doing for me according to what my medical clairvoyant was seeing each of them do for me, I still had this strong sense that I am not really experiencing that many benefits in daily life other than more energy. So my search for the right qigong method for myself has really paid off. Now I am glad that to my own self I remained true. As Grandmaster Doo Wai says on some of his qigong videos, the proof of the method is if it gives you results.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The harder work required by TTP is one reason I stopped doing it. But when I did it briefly even just doing the first movement resulted in so much stronger sensations of chi coming from the few other styles of qigong I was doing. But these days I am not into harder work.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Not all Kundalini practices create problems. That is one reason people engage in Kundalini practice. Another reason is not so widely known. Awakening, which is a stage of higher consciousness different than Enlightenment, is achieved when Kudalini rises to the upper chakras, the brain, and remains there. It is that simple. It all depends on who is teaching you the kundalini methods in order to know if they are safe or not. That is how I view it. The Kundalini experience I had 40 years ago resulted in the most normal functioning of my brain/mind/consciousness that I have ever experienced. Thus, it was completely opposite any negative effects whatsoever. As I said, it depends on who is teaching what. And I practiced the short form of TTP without any problems. It was taught by someone from the Lew K. Share lineage.
  4. Hi Johnny,

    Did you have a link of Master Tian's daughter demonstrating Fragrant Qigong? I watched it the other day but now cannot locate it. If you have the link could you please send it?

    Master John replied to my request and I then ordered his dvd for Fragrant Qigong. I want to see how I do with that before I arrange a Skype session with him. If I read his website correctly the other day, his Skype session was $28 AU which is even less than US $. So that would be great. Either way, I think his rates are affordable. I just want a little more experience doing the simple method and then what stories he shares and tips via Skype will have more meaning.

    I appreciate you telling me about him. When I first stumbled upon his online videos a few years ago I had no idea who he was and how much training he had in China when he was young. Looks like you found a good master. If you are originally from Australia, have you heard of Master John Douglas? He has those series of CDs that are supposed to do great things for you. Eric has tested them for many people over the years and they always tested good but when Eric was given the whole series of CDs as a gift, he said he did not experience much from them. Very ironic. I have most in the series and have never felt anything. But my friend had great experiences using the CD that is for the chakras.


    1. Earl Grey

      Earl Grey

      Hi Steve,


      I believe it's posted in one of the threads here on Fragrant Qigong, which are these links: 





      I'm actually from the United States originally, but serendipitously met Master John and trained with him during one of his travels to Bali and was supposed to do the same in China recently. 


      Unfortunately, I don't know much about Master John Douglas, so I can't comment on that. 


      Enjoy Xiang Gong! I have dreams about practicing it at times even though I haven't done it for a long while and wake up feeling healed. Very powerful for physical and psychic healing. 

  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This is off topic but to end it on this blog with disparaging a teacher of a different qigong method I think might be considered to be lacking in virtue. I did practice Jeff's qigong method several years ago and had no problems with it. And as far as overpriced, his 4 day workshops are the lowest price qigong workshops in the United States. It was 4 days for a total of $99 and I think it is a little bit more now but still the best price anywhere. And to compare EST to a Jeff Primack workshop makes no sense. There is tremendous energy in group practice. Just look at the research on what has been called the Maharishi Effect which I was part of that study on what group consciousness can do at the individual level and even effecting world events. So I think we can enjoy the Grand Master Doo Wai methods while accepting that other people may be drawn to different teachers but that does not mean there is something wrong with other qigong methods. A little tolerance goes a long way, especially when we have not experienced first hand the methods of someone we are critical of.
  6. Potent Systems

    Unfortunately, the qigong forms that I know of that are holistic and develop the mind, body and spirit, such as Falun Dafa, take too much time to perform. So instead, I do multiple short forms. Probably not the best thing to do in terms of giving the system mixed energy signals, but I find it to fit my lifestyle.
  7. Potent Systems

    10 minutes to do the Eddie Chong form. But he told me it is best to do it 3 times a day. Chi-Lel is the same as Zhineng. I am impressed with the way Mingtong Gu teaches in comparison to Luke Chan so I have ordered Gu's dvd for Zhineng called Wisdom Healing Qigong. I have arranged for one of his teachers to teach me the basic form via Skype since there are 2 Flying Crane like arm movement that cannot be learned correctly via a dvd because the movement is done with the shoulder blades and not the arms and done in a circle but it does not appear that way when you see it performed. So needs to some instruction to make the dvd valuable after you learn it correctly. So Zhineng for health, 690 AD for health and spiritual, and Sheng Zhen Qigong Awakening the Soul form for Spiritual. Along with Longevity Qigong for health and spiritual. At least that is my latest plan.
  8. Potent Systems

    I recently had Eric Isen do a comparison testing between Eddie Chong's 5 Petal Plum Chi Kung and Chi-Lel/Zhineng to see which one would be better for my health. Eric saw that there was no comparison, Chi-Lel was far superior as it mainly works on the first 3 chakras which is the seat of health. So I have ordered Mingtong Gu's dvd version of Zhineng Qigong called Wisdom Healing Qigong. I am also learning Awakening the Soul form as part of Sheng Zhen Qigong since Eric recently told me that the heart is the area that needs some work now in me. He meant the emotional part. I was not enjoying the Eddie Chong form as it was like a very mild form of isometrics.
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I now remember the Oliver Shanti track that was played while the Wudang chi kung master was demonstrating I think the Five Animals. It is called Sacral Nirvana. As I said in earlier post, it might be too fast for accompanying Flying Phoenix but I use it for other chi kung forms that I do that are faster paced. But it remains my favorite piece of music associated with chi kung. I use 2 other Oliver Shanti albums for doing most of my chi kung. There is another great piece of music that fits well with any style of chi kung and it is really unique. You can find it on you tube if you watch the trailers for Ed Rockett qigong. Ed was kind enough to email me that piece of music so I could put it on my computer.
  10. Last night I stumbled upon the School of Chi Energy website and spent some time listening to their podcast advertising and a few of their videos. I was impressed with the findings from the J.B. Rhine Institute, or whatever it is called these days. Dr. Rhine gave a presentation at our university sometime in the 1960's and I was impressed how they tried to use the scientific method for paranormal research. Now they have computers and complex instruments for measuring energy. The researchers on this video were really impressed with the energy this head instructor from the Schollof Chi Energy was giving off according to their instruments. It was way beyond what they had seen before in the past 30 years. I think for me the only way to find out how legit their claims are is for me to fork out $30 for Eric Isen the medical clairvoyant to test it. He has saved me a great deal of time and money over the last several years by finding what is effective chi kung and not effective at all chi kung methods for me. Anyone can claim anything, and Eric's abilities to literally see what something will do for a person even before they try the method is the litmus test for me. However, the fees for their teaching is outrageous, in my opinion, especially since my income is Social Security retirement. If you choose to actually listen to their podcast advertisements, I warn you that Rob Jones repeats the same points endlessly and thus really stretches it out. If you want to work on improving your patience is a virtue, then try to listen to his discourses to the end. I was unable to and found his repetition to be frustrating. In fact, I dozed off. His number one teacher while undergoing testing at the Rhine Institute claims to have merged with her photons or energy and left the testing room to go into the room where the researchers were watching the instruments and then she said she was able to go outside of the building via this energy. I am going to email them today to see if they have any research and I will also give feedback about Rob Jones' redundancy. Something that turns me off about them is whenever Americans add Sifu to their name. Sifu Chang sounds natural. Sifu Jones sounds like matching stripes with checks in clothing, you look like a clown. Update: I recently had my medical clairvoyant test this system and he found that it is a good one for mind and body but it will not send he energy high enough to reach the upper chakras and therefore it is not a holistic method. I had him compare this one to the one I already am doing, Purple Petal Plum Kidney Breathing Chi Kung by Eddie Chong and he found the Purple Plum does much more. So once again the advertisement is full of hype that is not real.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The Zhan Zhaung postures do produce a strong sensation of chi for sure. But the sensation still feels much different than what I have felt from doing the Flying Phoenix movements or static postures. The resulting sensations from FP chi field has a more satisfying and compelling feel to it.
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Looking at the Crowley Star card it is interesting that the figure in front of the sphere with the way she is curved actually turns it into the Taoist yin-yang symbol which I forget is either properly called tai chi or taiji . I just could not understand the Crowley deck so I donated my deck to the local metaphysical bookstore a few years ago. Is there any book available that simplifies the understanding of that unique deck? I have been using the Rider-Waite tarot system for about 25 years and the synchronicity of information from the tarot system is pretty impressive. It becomes even more impressive when authentic psychics use the tarot. I still fail to understand how it works but I do know that it does work, and that has been good enough for me. If I had the right book for the Crowley tarot I would order another Crowley deck. I will have to research if there is any book out there that interprets the method in Taoist terms.
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes, I discovered Oliver Shanti albums in a similar way as Sifu Terry did. I saw a YouTube video of a Wudang Shan master doing qigong to this wonderful Asian modern music that fit the qigong movements perfectly. So I emailed the master asking the name of the music. He gave me the name of the right musician, Oliver Shanti, but he gave me an incorrect title to that piece of music. But I later found the correct piece from Shanti. It is great sounding but a little to fast for slow moving qigong forms. I can't recall the name of the track now, however but I think I still have in my favorites file.
  14. Has anyone here achieved super consciousness?

    The Avatar of the Oneness Blessing method, Amma-Bhagavan explains that the higher states of consciousness are achieved when Kundalini reaches the brain centers. That could account for your temporary states of being in a normal state of mind. When the Kundalini is able to remain in the brain centers instead of traveling back down to the coiled position, we are then Enlightened. Enlightenment is our normal, natural state of mind. The stress from daily life blocks the normal functioning of the nervous system and that is why we are not in our natural state of consciousness. I would say that Super Consciousness that is mentioned above would best be described as Unity Consciousness. This is when everything you perceive is perceived as the same as the Self. The ego at this point is pushed to the side and you are experiencing life from the quantum level where everything is connected to everything else and made of the same substance, the Divine experiencing itself thru you. This cannot be achieved by the thinking mind, it happens on its own when stress is gone and Kundalini is up there. Before this, there are lesser states of higher consciousness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has laid out understandable descriptions of the 7 states of Concsiouness and there is a book by that name that goes into his teachings quite well. So if you want to consider Super Consciousness as the highest state a human can achieve, then in Vedic terms it would be Unity Consciousness, then Brahmin Consciousness and then Krishna Consciousness. None of these can be understood on the level of thinking. It takes direct experience of these states to then understand their descriptions in the Vedas. Which is why it is said by some that to understand scriptures it takes an enlightened master and a quantum physicist to interpret the true meanings of them. No coincidence that Yogananda's master made him stay in college for his degree in physics. Not sure why this is underlining what I type, LOL.
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    ,In the interest of the ancient culture surrounding Chi Kung, I have just started reading, "Seven Taoist Masters". Will my past English teachers forgive me for starting the above sentence with a preposition? Really good eternal, universal truth teachings. Wisdom, in other words, based on what happens when a chi cultivator achieves Awakening. How the Divine or Spirit then works thru his higher state of consciousness and the resulting change in perceptions and behaviors spontaneously. It is taught in this novel via fascinating stories. Translated by Eva Wong.
  16. Celestial Nei Kung download

    I have used Michael Denney's Celestial Qigong dvd and I just ordered his Thunder Qigong dvd. His answers to my questions have always included practical suggestions and I appreciate him being available like that. I have probably tried about 50 different qigong dvds so far. What I find unique about Michael's qigong is the lineage of these styles which claim to be the real stuff previously only taught to closed door students. Michael paid quite a price for bringing these once secret methods out to the public. He was cast out by one of his teachers after the first dvd was produced. The postures are very easy to learn, and being 69 years old, I appreciate qigong methods that I do not have to struggle with memorizing complex and numerous unique movements. Most dvds that I have contain very little information about the movements. This is not the case with Celestial Qigong. Michael explains what these postures are doing for you in terms of the energy. So well worth giving it a try and remember that qigong works in layers or levels. It works on something that needs healing and then with its own intelligence it moves on to another area that needs something. So the only way to keep reaching these other levels is to stick with a method for a long time.
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    In terms of music to accompany chi kung I almost always listen to one of the Asian themed albums by Oliver Shanti available on YouTube. I tried the Weightless piece by Marconi but I don't like New Age sounding tunes while doing chi kung.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I would like to reply to a few things that Sifu Terry mentioned above. There is an interesting benefit to "just keep doing it" for chi kung. Eric Isen, the medical clairvoyant who by now has tested many chi kung forms for people all over the world, recently told me that he finds that sticking with a particular chi kung form for a long time is essential because chi kung works in levels. It heals something and then it goes on to another level of work for you in terms of what needs healing/balancing/cleansing. He saw that one form I have been doing daily for 2 years now has been changing my neurons to be able to produce higher states of consciousness. I saw online a video of GM Doo Wai recommending people have some form of ginger in their mouth when they perform chi kung so I asked Eric to test that to see if it does increase chi as GM Doo Wai claimed it did. Eric found that it indeed does increase energy. I admit that I have almost always forgotten to use ginger with my chi kung practice even though I have a root of ginger sitting in the fridge. I also want to comment on using chi kung to heal colds and flu. I have heard some chi kung teachers warn against doing any chi kung when you have the flu, etc. That makes no sense to me since I literally was cured of a very serious virus over night 4 or 5 years ago by doing 3 and one-half hours of chi kung when laid up in bed. I woke up the next morning with no more chills or fever and was full of so much energy that I was able to chop away at the ice around my car in an attempt to return to work even though I had hardly eaten anything for days. So the idea is to do as much chi kung as your are physically able to when sick like that.
  19. Oneness Blessing (deeksha)

    The Oneness Blessing is said to quiet the parietal lobes and enliven the frontal lobes. Seekers have spent lifetime after lifetime trying to be permanently Awakened. Thanks to this unique energy/deeksha, anyone who goes on a 14 day course at Oneness University leaves the course at some level of Awakening. Unfortunately, one percent of the world's population cannot feel anything from this energy. I am a Oneness Blessing Giver who has been receiving this deeksha for the past 11 years and I have yet to feel even one iota of a sensation from it. But others report great experiences and sensations from it.
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I know for countries other than the USA it makes sense to have digital download. But I now prefer dvds because I can then use VCL media player to get rid of the mirroring so I can learn the movements easier. I don't know how to get rid of mirroring using downloads, so I no longer order any downloads. So I think it is a good idea that both formats be offered still.
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    My best friend called me the other night and he spoke almost non-stop while I listened to him describe his experiences being with his girlfriend from a very brief previous relationship while she was dying of cancer a few weeks ago. He did his Transcendental Meditation and qigong practice in her house and at times meditated in her room. He said he had the deepest meditations there in the 40 years that he has done TM. One night he went outside of the house to do qigong and while doing the first movement of the Wudang 8 Qigong form by Arnold Tayam, which is called Connecting Heaven and Earth, he sensed the energy from his hands going up to the Cosmos and when he did the Earth part of the movement he could sense the energy going deeply down into the Earth. This was not visualizing or intention, it happened spontaneously and he had never before felt anything like this from any qigong method that he had performed. His take on this was that all of the meditation done in that house by the dying woman's visitors had attracted Higher Beings to be with her and thus everyone, including visiting nurses, commented on this energy as soon as they entered the house. The dying woman had described seeing all of these people coming into her room but not thru the bedroom door. So I surmise that high energy from meditation and qigong attracts like energy from the Universe. Therefore, based on that, I would certainly do qigong in a dying person's room. And I would let go of any fear based superstitions preventing that from being done. What a great way to transition, being in a room with such high energy. Otherwise, the person is leaving the body surrounded by low vibrations of grief and sadness.
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    In terns of where to place your attention during Flying Phoenix, Sifu Terry answered this question several weeks ago. He said he focuses on moving at the speed of a shifting sand dune. With other qigong methods that I do I have to focus on coordinating my lower dantien breathing with the same pace as my movements and also focus on moving slowly. So it is a relief when doing Flying Phoenix that I only have to focus on moving as slowly as I can. The breathing is free to do as it will, none of my concern.
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    ,Great stuff there Sifu Terry. I immediately got the German theologian's drift from that quote because it reflected my few times in actual Samadhi, higher states of consciousness, thru the Siddhis program of the Transcendental Meditation program, Peter Hess' Sound Massage using special ancient formula for Tibetan Bowls placed on specific energy centers on the body, and a session over the phone with the energy worker/Vedic astrologer, Stephen Quong performing Yuen Method. Kam Yuen was a consultant and stunt man for the Kung Fu TV series but he also became a gifted energy healer. Anyway, the point is, when you have even just a temporary degree of enlightenment, you then can recognize that same state anywhere it shows up when someone else is describing it. The words of that theologian cannot be understood correctly without first having had the direct experience of the state of higher consciousness that he is describing. And great synchronicity reading today that you remind us about the value of true and effective meditation. Less than 2 weeks ago I had a Vedic astrology session and was given an individualized mantra based on the energies in my natal chart. I began using this new mantra in lieu of my advanced technique TM mantra. The result has been that my meditation is now once again producing that state of silencing of thoughts and almost no breathing with very deep relaxation in a way which my previous mantra had not done for at least the last 7 years while I was just spinning my wheels and could not figure out why TM stopped working. So I underscore the reminder of the importance of meditation in addition to doing chi kung. \ And someone above was mentioning the 8 fold path of Buddha. It was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of TM who taught us that history has distorted the teaching of the 8 fold path. He said that the first step should be enlightenment and as a result of that state of consciousness you would automatically be living from the home of all the Laws of Nature and thus you would have spontaneous right action and the behaviors described in the other 7 steps would then happen on their own. I think of it as, "first things first!"
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I got here by using group studies and put in flying phoenix chi kung. I then put this page in my favorites and that is how I get back on the thread. I have no idea why they messed up this system.
  25. Bagua Zhang and Longevity

    I would like to reply to the Bagua question of how many people have reached enlightenment. Usually before reaching enlightenment people achieve Awakening. Per the Oneness Blessing movement, Awakening is a state of consciousness due to rewiring of the brain which quiets the parietal lobes and enlivens the frontal lobes. This pushes aside the ego and causes Awakening which is when the Kundalini reaches the brain and stays there instead of going back down. In this state you then experience in the here and now thru direct perception of consciousness instead of unconsciously having old memories and associations from past experiences color your perceptions of any event. Another result of Awakening is that you still have full range of emotions but the effect of an emotional charge no longer stays with you and bothers you. It just washes away in a few minutes or less. It is said that now when anyone goes for a 2 week course at Oneness University in south India they become Awakened. 100% of the course participants now achieve Awakening by the end of the course due to the Oneness energy there. Of course, the next step would be Enlightenment and I would assume that would happen when much more of the population becomes Awakened which I have heard should start happening in 2018.