i am

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Everything posted by i am

  1. TCM Food Combining

    Does no one really know the answer, or am I asking a stupid question, or just expecting someone to speak up to soon? With the amount of times I've seen the chart posted, and how much some people tout it, it's hard to believe someone doesn't have this basic understanding of it down. Let me know!
  2. TCM Food Combining

    What's the difference between a "light" and "concentrated" protein?
  3. This is just awesome, please watch

    That's a great talk. I just can't get past that the guy doesn't know the difference between a deer and an elk... But his research is good. He just isn't himself the expert. He's just done research into other people's research. That's from his TED talk.
  4. The Tea Thread

    I'm on the road right now, so I've got a good stash going. I plan to hit Seven Cups teahouse in Tuscon when I'm there later in the spring/summer.
  5. Handstand on Mt. Huashan

    Yeah, worked on me...
  6. TaoMeow on Coffee

    I'm buying some cigarettes! Just kidding; already have some. I like roll-my-owns and have probably 10-20 every summer. Not so much in the winter because it seems stupid to be standing out in the cold shivering to smoke a cigarette. I'm still a tea guy but I enjoyed drinking a cup or two once a week while I was trying to get the Turkish coffee thing down. Never totally nailed it, but bought an Aerobie coffee press a couple weeks ago and I'm going to try that, too.
  7. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    Actually after listening to it again he has most things right. I think he just doesn't know the difference between a deer and an elk.
  8. Saving the World & Solar Energy

    I heard his ted talk. He strikes me as someone who is far from an expert on the issue, but has read a lot of experts opinions. He overstates a few things and misspeaks a few times, but overall he has the right idea.
  9. Any Tao Bums in Idaho?

    Haven't been to Boise, except to fly out. Idaho is, like most intermountain states, republican. Born and bred red, but with a good size influx of liberals. I've heard Boise has a cool downtown, and lots of mountain biking. I like Idaho quite a bit. No car inspections or emissions (kind of good and bad), outdoorsy culture. Not coastal or all that hip, so nobody thinks they're really cool and gives attitude. Pretty down to earth, "here I am with no facade" kind of people. Not sure if there are good breweries in Boise but you're surrounded by them on all sides once you're out this way. A bit of the Mormon influence makes it up into Idaho, but that's usually pretty easy to ignore. My states that I feel at home in these days are: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah. All similar landscape and cultures, each with their own unique twist. And to a certain extent they don't have the attitude that the "cooler" states have, where you have to peel back all these layers of slang and coolness before you get to the real person.
  10. Any Tao Bums in Idaho?

    What area of Idaho? I'm close to Idaho, lived there for a couple summers, and have visited a few places around the state. What sort of things do you want to know about?
  11. What are you listening to?

    I posted this song before but they came out with a much better video and sound quality...
  12. Politicians lie. They exist in such a complicated multi-sided world of issues that it's pretty near impossible not to. Pick a president or major politician. Any one. Insert their name into your title. Also, Obama has never said one word directly to my face. Hate on, my friend.
  13. fermented foods/probiotics

    There have been a lot of studies lately indicating that fermented foods are good for you, especially for the flora in your gut. I have little doubt that there's a lot of truth to it.
  14. Well, it's an interesting point of view and one that considerate single men need to be reminded of. There's a difference between gawking and having pickup lines and all that, and approaching a woman you genuinely find interesting and not being afraid to put it out there that you're interested. But that doesn't mean that even half the women you see out without a boyfriend or husband right at their sides wants anything to do with you or any other guy in the bar.
  15. Yeah, though I believe she speaks for herself and many other women, I always get a little annoyed at sweeping statements like these. I certainly can't speak for the majority of men.
  16. Pete Seeger

    I heard it first from Paul Brown on NPR first thing this morning. He does the quick little news updates in breaks during shows. I smiled a little hearing it first from him, knowing he's a banjo player too.
  17. The Truth About Nelson Mandela (Stefan Molyneux)

    Yes though I feel like I like you, most of your posts on this forum come from a hateful, insulting place. It's too bad.
  18. and we're back!

    For once I never even noticed it was down...
  19. Have you read "Meditations on Violence"? Definitely a good eye opener for martial artists. I agree...run away! Ala Monty Python.
  20. Idiocracy

    Thanks for supplying my daily dose of "let's make up the most hypocritical person we can to try to prove some weird point, the worst case scenario of communism sucks, everything was better in the past" negativity.
  21. Anyone have experience? I want to get Internet for my laptop through a verizon hotspot. It's $50 a month for 5 gigs. Verizon guy says that's plenty unless I'm streaming netflix every day. Other people say a few YouTube videos and I'll be over my limit... Does anyone here have real experience with this? It's worth it to me if I can do basic stuff like check email, hang out on forums, search things, and a YouTube video here and there. But if I'm going to be over my limit with just extremely basic Internet use, $50 is not worth it.
  22. Yep, that's how we roll over here...overpriced underperforming internet compared to other developed countries. Go USA! Free market! Anyway... No, if I go over, it's like going over on my phone bill. I start getting charged something like a dollar a byte every bite I'm over. I saw one guys bill who didn't realize this...it was a $1,600 cell bill!! Luckily he pleaded ignorance and they dropped it. Regular wifi, if you download something huge, it slows down. But regular wifi has no monthly data limit. If you're getting Internet from a cell signal, you have a certain allowance of data a month, just like phone minutes. You go over, you pay! I think I'll be fine if I'm careful of my use. 5 gigs a month is plenty for checking email and looking at TTBs. Thanks!
  23. Thanks! I'll check that out. I have a Mac. I'm sure there's similar stuff for it. Someone gave me this link: http://www.vodafone.com.au/personal/wireless-internet/mobile-broadband/data-calculator That helps a ton.
  24. Parents: be wary of Tylenol

    I had some pretty wild experiences/hallucinations when I was feverish as a kid... My mom is very open to alternative medicine, but also very trusting of pain killers, fever reducers, de-congestants and all that. She's a nurse practitioner... But I'm with you. I have ibuprofen in my house, but it's for other people, and to re-stock first aid kits. I have to throw the bottle out every few years and replace it with another. It's hard for me to talk, since I don't live with much pain. I don't get headaches, and my muscle/joint pain is pretty minor. But I've never been in the habit of taking pain killers for pain, so that's good. My step-dad would pop four or five pills any time after he exercised, in anticipation of sore muscles. Not my thing...