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Everything posted by kaaazuo

  1. New Bum

    I am not sure about the interesting part. I have the usual ups and downs but generally I feel locked in a prison and trying to get out to a better plot as a better character. I would like to play a modern Genghis Khan or a better version of Hitler minus the gory stuff. The character closest to this in real life is Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. I would really like to play him but running a bigger nation like the US and putting things in order there and moving on to deal with Putin, the Chinese, and rooting out the bad guys and regimes oppressing people all over the planet. Don't you think doing this for real would be far more exciting than making a Sci-Fi thriller? But everyone would consider making the movie of the transformation of this hell hole of a planet into a better world would be awesome but doing it for real would be nuts. This is another reason why I came to this site. It's safer to be a loser fantasizing in virtual reality than risking one's life to make dreams happen in real life.
  2. New Bum

    Clint's movies - the ones that defined him both as an actor and a story-teller - has that no bullshit, true-to-life quality. So, it was natural for him to be honest about the things he had to say and the way he said it. I suppose you can be honest too in making a Sci-Fi thriller. What's the difference? Basically, they are both action thrillers in the Sc-Fi genre. I have made a request for that book at the library. There's a hold on that book. Looks like it's popular and there are other screen-writer wannabes in my neck of the woods. I'm no more a Japanese than you are an Immortal. I don't do anything. I guess I'm kind of a bum with no regular job. As a matter of fact, I never had a regular job. I live off an inheritance like that Hugh Grant character in the movie "About A Boy". If I had my way, I wouldn't even have gone to school let alone slogged my way through college. What brought me to this site? I hate to say it but I'm a loser and that's why I gravitated here. In the real world, people are too busy working and trying to get ahead. I keep telling myself that they are all going nowhere. The problem is, I'm going nowhere either.
  3. The Science of Sex Appeal

    Well said. So, is Obama real or a hoax?
  4. New Bum

    I am glad you have a sense of humor. I suppose being in the filmaking trade attunes you to acting and the inhabiting of a character of the story. What do you think of Clint Eastwood's coming on simultaneously in two roles - one, as a speaker of a poltical convention and, the other, as a party to a conversation with Obama? Thanks for the link. Action scifi makes me think of TRON. Who writes the screenplays for your movies? Can you give me a break and let me work with you on your next movie? Even a short, creative 60-second skit for an ad could make a lot of money. I don't live in Tokyo on a permanent basis but go there once or twice a year for short stays from a couple of weeks to a month max. I will be going again next month on the way to the States. I hope we are not in anybody's way chatting here in the lobby.
  5. New Bum

    And what part of the universe do you come from? Gee man, I am just a persona created for a conversation. You are an Immortal and I am a Jap. This doesn't mean we can't talk seriously about stuff. I like to learn about writing screenplays. So, what kind of films are you making?