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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Choosing Between Daoism and Buddhism

    East of Suez you'll travel a long way to find a Buddhist Temple that doesn't have a Daoist shrine out back , usually for burning paper tributes. Many Daoist places have a Quan Yin shrine on site. Mix n Match has been around for centuries. Be pragmatic and do what suits you best but be aware that, unless you are Chinese ; here in the west you'll be hard put to find any groups to join and be able to 'fit in' with. No problem at all on a hermit path though. Labels are just labels. Wishing you all success on your path.
  2. celibacy for 8 months...

    I wonder if he's still celibate? That would make it four years and eight months by now. I'm guessing. NOT.
  3. Help out a skeptical beginner..

    Slow and steady wins the race. Keep up your regular 15-minute cultivation and maybe focus on one short set. Baduanjin is excellent. There's a photoset and lots more info in that link of my sig here....
  4. If you are managing 15-minutes cultivation each and every day and ( hopefully) at around the same time every day then you are already doing far more than most people ever manage. Keep that up. If you wish to 'add on' then create a separate space for the 'extra' whilst retaining that core 15- minutes that you know you can do. Too much too soon is a recipe for disappointment because more people pack in cultivation altogether when they find they haven't the time or inclination to play an extended set each day. GM Mantak Chia's stuff is best avoided IMO. Others will think differently but, for me GM Chia's merchandised cultivations are focused upon meeting felt need or desires. A 'means to some end' if you will. Will into Power via some sort of 'force of will' that appears to be somehow transmitted from the GM or his accredited teachers and 'into' the cultivator. Tending towards cultivation for its own sake and devoid of desires i've not found any resonances in what I have seen , read or heard of GM. Chia's methods.
  5. Here's another burning question

    If your nose is itching you scratch it. If my nose is itching you don't scratch it.
  6. What the hell is all this complex stuff?

    Yes those jigsaws are good aren't they.
  7. What the hell is all this complex stuff?

    Try the 6 piece jigsaws here then.... They are pretty straightforward.
  8. on practical qigong training advice

    Sorry to have taken this off topic. That wasn't the intention. I read the blog and thought that it was pretty good stuff. Your dedication shines throughout and you're sharing info free rather than selling anything. Kudos!
  9. What the hell is all this complex stuff?

    Which complex stuff do you mean?
  10. Hello everyone!

    Welcome to TTB Exibo. I hope that you find what you are looking for here.
  11. Why is the sage so useless?

    I echo that sentiment whilst thinking more along the lines of 'bull'.
  12. Am I dreaming?

    Beer is said to help in relation to 'ugly'.
  13. Am I dreaming?

    Its old mum loves it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Circus is a good analogy TI. It does seem a bit like a circus on these Buddha threads now and again. That said we'd little or no interest in the Zen or PL discussions begun elsewhere. I suspect Dzogchen and Rainbow Body interest people predominate here. I'll leave you to it in good health.
  15. Am I dreaming?

    Once upon a time, Chuang Tzu dreamed that he was a butterfly, flying about enjoying itself. It did not know that it was Chuang Tzu. Suddenly he awoke, and veritably was Chuang Tzu again. He did not know whether it was Chuang Tzu dreaming that he was a butterfly, or whether it was the butterfly dreaming that it was Chuang Tzu. Between Chuang Tzu and the butterfly there must be some distinction. This is a case of what is called the transformation of things.
  16. Is being unborn the same as being dead ?

    Trees may not have soul but their roots go way back.
  17. on practical qigong training advice

    Just a 'word to the wise' here buddy and please don't take this as any sort of admonition. I've read your blog and it is most interesting, thank you for posting. However I did have one concern in that I could not find a disclaimer/warning. Those are legally essential ( in the UK and, I believe; also in the USA). That legislation follows on case law involving injured cultivator-claimants. All cultivation works have a disclaimer/warning right at the beginning along the lines.... "Some of these Qigong exercises may be contraindicated in people who are ill or in the wisdom years. If that might be you then you should take professional medical advice before commencing Any of the cultivations described here. The publishers cannot be held responsible for any injuries resulting as a result of cultivation undertaken without due care." Best Regards. GMP
  18. Watching The Birds

    I watched a plump pigeon see off a Magpie this week. Mano a mano I'd have thought that a Magpie would beat a pigeon but not that one. Been wondering since if it was just an isolated wuss of a Magpie or if feral pigeons aren't maybe a bit tougher than I had imagined.
  19. Spirituality and the Marketplace

    Boundless fluffybunny.
  20. There is no such thing as "empty mind"

    If someone thinks they are in a state of mindlessness then obviously, they aren't. Bit like the Tao in a way... ( to paraphrase) .... " The empty mind that can be described or thought about is not the empty mind."
  21. Fireflies !

    Used to see glow worms when we lived in Devon. Not seen any anywhere else though.
  22. If you are feeling ill as a direct result of cultivating in a particular way then stopping is good advice. There are plenty of tried and tested cultivations out there that won't cause you any discomfort. It's always best to learn from a teacher. Going it alone can be a recipe for disaster, certainly in the early years. There's an old motto....... " The self taught cultivator has a fool for a student."
  23. Who needs I Ching? The Tao Bums is my oracle!

    "Bloke in the Pub No-Nonsenseness'" would be a great ( if rather long) online name. If a Synchronicity resonates then for sure it has more impact than a mundane synchronicity. They are all synchronicity though. We invest the 'value'.
  24. The Rainbow Body by Dr Nida Chenagtsang

    Thank you TI. I've deleted that post and asked elsewhere if anyone knows of somebody in the online Spirituality arena who does NOT have an online shop or merchandise to sell. Mine was a general rather than a clip-specific point and should not have been made on this thread at all. I was thinking out loud. You might be a sweetie and delete your quote of my post and that way it will be gone forever. Many thanks.
  25. The Rainbow Body by Dr Nida Chenagtsang

    Good call . I should have made that a general rather than a clip specific point. This thread isn't the place for it hence deleted.