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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. It took me 10 years

    Yay. Partay! Way to brighten up an afternoon man! :-)
  2. The World's Airpocalypse

    In England flatulent cows get some of the blame for air pollution. That seems harsh to me. Does seem silly IMO all these green taxes and 'sustainable' eco fuels when we are sitting on top of about 500 years worth of coal. They converted one of our biggest power stations to wood chips burning from coal. The wood chip is imported from the USA and produces as much carbon as coal when they burn it. That power station sits on top of the biggest coal field in England. If they can filter carbon out of wood smoke then they could surely do the same for coal.
  3. Some tattoo suggestions :D

    I was married to a dragon once.
  4. It took me 10 years

    I march beneath the white flag. Ya want any top quality surrendering work ever doing then I'm your (married) man. :-)
  5. Hello everyone, questions and sharing

    Welcome to TTB guys.
  6. What's the deal with Tin Foil?

    I had some black sheets one time. Kept losing the ( black) cat though. She was forever going on my bed and blending in.
  7. Philosophical Taoism

    Yep. Same thang just different labels. Makes sense really. Someone out in a bamboo forest in China is going to use different language and terms of reference than someone up on a mountain in Tibet or in living a hermitage cum cave in the back end of Egyptian desert. Somebody once said that any path involving you in having to learn a complete foreign language probably aint the path designed for you.
  8. Some tattoo suggestions :D

    You'd be OK buddy. Their one looks to have eaten a guy on a white horse.
  9. What's the deal with Tin Foil?

    It's NOT tin! Don't trust it man. False flag!
  10. It took me 10 years

    Some stories are OK though. Can't beat a good yarn. I'm never without a good book on the go. Fact or fiction depending on what I fancy at the time.
  11. "The trouble with being a god is that you've got no one to pray to. (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods).
  12. What's the deal with Tin Foil?

    Madame Indira's Persian Tarot those are. There's was a pdf online that translated the book from the original French. Hope that helps
  13. What's the deal with Tin Foil?

    It's not actually 'tin' at all is it?
  14. It took me 10 years

    The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues. (Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures).
  15. Some tattoo suggestions :D

    " If you meet the Buddha along the road. Get him tattooed on your erse." ( IdontwannagotoSri Lanka sutra, Ch 274 verse 57c).
  16. It took me 10 years

    It's all down to stories innit mate? One way or the other that's all we're doing. Telling reassuring tales around the campfire in hopes of keeping the shadows at bay.
  17. It took me 10 years

    Classic narrative form... Boy gets case. Boy loses case. Boy gets case back again.
  18. It took me 10 years

    Or did she? (((( strokes beard))))
  19. It took me 10 years

    There was no case to rest. A fat lady just stole my case.
  20. It took me 10 years

    I rest my case. :-)
  21. It took me 10 years

    No fat lady.
  22. Philosophical Taoism

    "The Taoist saint is always in no-mind , he lets the Cosmic Mind as his mind " )..of course, such a Mind is free and at ease no matter where it is situated .." Sounds good. :-)
  23. It took me 10 years

    There is no fat lady. :-)
  24. Some tattoo suggestions :D

    Heavily tattooed I am. Legacy of army days. I've got Betty Boop tattooed on my right erse cheek. Was keeping the left cheek free until inspiration struck. Tempted.......
  25. No creator in Buddhism?

    "The potters workshop is large enough, friend. Let the venerable one stay as long as he likes. :-)