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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Mindfulness or Mindlessness?

    We kinda did this elsewhere. It's important to define one's terms for discussion to proceed meaningfully. How are you defining Mindfulness and Mindlessness please?
  2. What would you ask a master? Are you familiar with the Yan Xin corpus Charles? There's some published work in refereed journals out there on Qi effects on water. As far as seed funding for your own device is concerned, if it does what you hope it will then possibly James Randi's skeptic organisation one million dollars 'challenge' might be worth looking into.
  3. Marble Gardens & Fish Ponds

    Came across this today... "Sitting quietly, doing nothing Spring comes, and the grass grows all by itself."
  4. best time for sleep.

    Yep, he reposed on his right side. There are statues showing that. There's a good lying down meditation position illustrated here in this free book. Chapter 2 page 24.... On right side one hand under your head and left hand on left hip. I find it is a very nice position to sleep in.
  5. The Tea Thread

    We call it 'builder's tea' made that way I describe. Do agree that green tea etc is best enjoyed without any additions though.
  6. What are you reading right now?

    Raising Steam is good. I'm up to date with Pratchett whenever a new one comes out Mrs GMP treats me. I like the early stuff best but it's all good. Anything with Nanny Ogg in sets me chuckling. His 'Small Gods' is quite profound.
  7. Mo Pai and Neigong

    Thank you. That looks to be a most interesting book. Wishing you every success with your cultivation. If you can find a teacher then so much the better as a teacher can help and correct us whereas a book cannot do that 'there and then'. However not everyone has access to teachers so books or CDs are the best 'second best'.
  8. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    For sure. We start off very gentle because most people have been breathing 'wrong' for years and if they go at it full bore from the get go then they might damage their lungs at worst and for sure will have stiff and sore ribs the day after the first class. It takes a good eight sessions over eight weeks 'building up' as a rule. Longer for cigarette smokers. Red faces are pretty common even then for the first few sessions.
  9. What is Neigong?

    +1 Books or CDs and such are all very well but only a teacher can correct and guide you 'there and then'. Problem with book learning and all is that mistakes can be compounded without the learner knowing they are doing something wrong because there is nobody there to point out the right or 'best' way. Also a teacher gets to know the learner so s/he can differentiate delivery to suit each individual. Everybody learns at a different pace and in different ways . A good teacher knows how to differentiate so that all learners benefit equally.
  10. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Did you get a 'rainbow body' though? Sounds nice.
  11. The Tea Thread

    Yorkshire Tea here Two sugars just a drop of milk. Lovely.
  12. Enlightenment Is An Exclusive Destination

    Nice posts deci belle.
  13. Mo Pai and Neigong

    Maheosphet welcome to TTB. Do you have a Mo Pai or Nei Gong cultivation manual that indicates the " Level 4" you believe that you may have reached? If so, where did you get it and how much did it cost please?
  14. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    I accept the penalty in good grace but, in mitigation it was posted simply to answer your question and not to support my case. We get threads like this on DW now and again and , at worst; they end up as... " My Lama/ Buddhism School has a bigger member than your Lama/ Buddhism School" - type shouting matches. Then, as soon as someone has a pop at a Mod's chosen Buddhist club; but not before - the thread gets locked. Which is a bit sad. As ever, TTB is better than that.
  15. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    Western Pure Land Clubs. For example... Sorry about the link. Orthodoxy evolves. Pure Land for example has really caught on in Thailand. Sunryu Suzuki's SF Zen 'hippies' preserved his form of pre and inter war Japanese Zen then re-exported it to Japam when Japan had largely moved on from what the younger Japanese saw as very old fashioned 'religion'. What has evolved from that interface is possibly stronger and certainly different from what was there before. Everything changes especially religious practices, fashions come and go in Buddhisms as in Catholicism or any other path. I don't think the OP as it stands can be answered as it seems to imply that Buddhism is a single entity. It isn't. Like a well cut diamond ,Buddhism has many facets. Hence it sparkles attractively to all sorts of people. Atheists and Deists all can , and do; find a variety of Buddhism to float their particular boat.
  16. What became of Qigong Master Yan Xin?

    He doesn't appear to be a registered teacher with the Chinese QiGong Health Association and if that is the case he would not be permitted to teach QiGong in China. Anyone not registered and caught teaching QiGong can expect a hard time from the authorities. If he's tenured for research in a Chinese Institute then that would be a different matter. From that link to a quasi official Chinese Government publication that I posted above I suspect that this guy is persona non grata in China. We're a CQHA registered school so I have emailed to ask and will post their reply when that arrives.
  17. Performed Aerobic Tu Na(吐吶) for Thirty Years

    Nice cultivation. It does sound a bit like QiGong breathing for sure. Maybe the effort 'red face' forcing is different to our recommendation of 'natural unforced breaths' but the general concept seems similar to what we do. We do - in through the nose - tongue up and behind upper teeth then - out through the mouth - tongue down and behind lower teeth.
  18. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Night poured over the desert. It came suddenly, in purple. In the clear air, the stars drilled down out of the sky, reminding any thoughtful watcher that it is in the deserts and high places that religions are generated. When men see nothing but bottomless infinity over their heads they have always had a driving and desperate urge to find someone to put in the way." (Terry Pratchett, Jingo).
  19. Immortality & Crossing Over Question

    Wow. So many words. We'll all know for sure soon enough. My take ( to take or leave). When we pass we go to Summerland which is just over Rainbow Bridge where our pets 'gone on before' have been waiting for us. We'll be greeted by loved ones and, like them; we can stick around as long as we choose to and whilst we still have loved ones on this side of life. We can speak to and communicate with, in order to comfort and guide; our loved ones still on this side of life. Eventually , everyone likes a change so; once everybody we know and love is across and with us in Summerland and at that point but not before and then only if we choose to... We can reincarnate for another ride on the roundabout. Now that's a stone fact attested to by everyone who ever communicates from the other side of life with this side of life. We say 'Summerland' our Buddhist chums say Pure Land but it's the same place. Christians call it Heaven and their part of Summerland has a high wall around it cos they like to think that they are the only ones who got there. (It's next to the Moslem's enclosure). But that aint dogma and I aint preaching it. Everybody has their own opinions and that's a fact same as 'we'll all know for sure eventually' is a fact too.
  20. Finally something that suggests mindfulness?

    Good point. It's important to define ones terms. The definition of mindfulness I'm using here is the one that I teach and link to in my TTB sig..... "Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to the present moment, using techniques like meditation, breathing and yoga. It helps us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, we're better able to manage them. Practising mindfulness can give people more insight into their emotions, boost their attention and concentration and improve relationships. Its proven to help with stress, anxiety, depression and addictive behaviours, and can even have a positive effect on physical problems like hypertension, heart disease and chronic pain." Other, equally valid definitions of mindfulness are available so we do need specify which definition we are using in order to progress debate.
  21. Is Buddhism a form of rational atheism?

    Possibly in some of its manifestations. Buddhisms is maybe better than Buddhism. A western convert Pure Land Buddhist has as little in common with an ethnic Tibetan Tantra/ Bon devotee as has Richard Dawkins with Ian Paisley. Many western Buddhisms such as the western PL clubs or 'San Francisco' non ethnic- Japanese Zen might be said to be rational and atheist. Other western Buddhisms though, NKT for example; are about as far away from rational atheism as one could possibly get.
  22. banging inside walls

    Cool. Bats are super. I once bat sat for a registered bat carer neighbour. Had to attend a short bat care familiarisation morning prior to doing the job. Bats are protected species in the UK. One of the convalescing bats was called ' Barry the Singing Bat'. As soon as I opened the front door to go into the house Barry began 'singing' for his supper ( meal worms). They are clever little chaps are bats.
  23. What are you reading right now?

    Lynne Truss. ( the ' Eats Shoots and Leaves' lass) new humorous 'horror' yarn ' Cat out of Hell'. Published by Hammer ( who made Hammer Horror films). It is laugh out loud funny.
  24. One strives to facilitate consensus. :-)