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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Discuss beds with me

    Interesting topic. I can sleep on a plank but for preference a medium firm mattress suits me best these days. Very soft beds at holiday cottage and I tend to dull backache after a week on those. Nothing too bad just a grumble. Bed shop chap did say last time we bought that the older folk get the firmer a mattress people prefer. Nice place literally hundreds to try out if you wanted too before you bought and no pressure to buy. Furniture Village I think it was called, great big out of town jobby. One thing I can't be doing with is foot board bed ends, I'm not that tall at 5foot 10inches but always seem to have my feet squashed against a bed end if the bed has one of those. B&Bs seem to be the worst offenders for having bed ends.
  2. You are saying 'sloth' as if that were a bad thing. Can't beat a nice bit of sloth. Very restful.
  3. Oscar Hsu

    Can't be ersed with the vid but help me out here please guys. Is his name pronounced Oscar Sue?
  4. Circumcism

    Not something we go in for. Just not British!
  5. Scrying

    All the time. No luck so far though. One day....... :-)
  6. ..... Lost me there Jack. Not sure I've ever encouraged conformity. If it seems that way I repudiate it right now. If it harms no one, do whatever floats your boat. HTH
  7. It can be a subjective call. What one thinks is OK may be totally unacceptable to someone else. I'd say anything that emphatically excludes an identified gender from voluntary participation is unacceptable, others on TTB don't agree. Best to let the mods call it on a case by case basis.
  8. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    It's great poetry, in the KJV anyhoo.
  9. Never say never. Here's a guy reckons that just walking in the park gets the job jobbed.
  10. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    .... 'Are you happy? Then you are thick!' Best Regards... God.
  11. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    Dunno. I fancy the Coptic Pope lives after the manner of an Ottoman potentate. Well I'd like to think so anyway. No point being a Pope if ya can't 'pope' it up a bit is there? This departing Pope Adolf was a great one for hand made shoes by all accounts. New pair every day and blow the expense.
  12. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    ...... Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 ... 17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. 18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
  13. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    All hail Eris. Far too few Discordians in the world, it'd be a more interesting place if there were more. :-) That Pope Shenouda III was a righteous dude. Had to take bottle being a Pope in a moslem country. Those Copts seem to have the right idea Pope wise. When one dies pop in a caretaker and see how he gets on before deciding on the full time appointment.
  14. The Importance of Sunlight

    Just on a point of physics, would you say that undivided light was 'white' light and divided light a spectrum/rainbow V?
  15. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    ..... Orgone.... Qi Reich was either on to something or on something.
  16. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    Now you are talking. V for Pope. Pope Vmarco the Virst. Go for it V, they can only say no and if ya don't ask.......... :-)
  17. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    I'm just not sure about Heisenberg somehow. ;-)
  18. Any chance stage magic can include real magic?

    Nice work if you can get it. :-)
  19. Scrying

    Useless for selecting winnng lottery numbers . Hence, useless.
  20. The Importance of Sunlight

    Daylight bulbs are good at this time of year.
  21. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    ....... Whisper it but I'm hearing Cliff Richard's name too. Cliff v Peter Mandelson three rounds, two submissions or a knockout to decide the Papal Throne winner.
  22. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    That doesn't narrow it down enough for a sure fire punt. All the contenders have blood on their hands if only by proxy. Let me know if you get any inklings though V, I feel lucky for this bet.
  23. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    If there's a choice always back the black guy when betting on boxing but for Papal election my money's on an Italian this time round. Peter's a fair call for his chosen name though.
  24. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Next Pope betting odds. Online within minutes of the announcement that the old boy's decided to retire.