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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    ..... It just ended... NO Hang on... Here it is again. :-)
  2. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    Pope Adolf retires on 28th February and if, as is rumoured; he was the penultimate pope then the next incumbent will be the last. Next Pope betting odds here.....
  3. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    ....... When? Now? Or Soon?
  4. Any chance stage magic can include real magic?

    They are all illusions but jolly good ones. Conan Doyle was convinced that Houdini used real magic even though Houdini kept telling him otherwise and even showed Doyle how a couple of tricks worked.
  5. Descriptions and explanations of "The Now"

    "There is no such thing as time.. Just this minute, and I'm in it". (Joyce Grenfell).
  6. It's all reaching after faith. Wanting to experience the numinous, same as we are doing on here, no different. Ezekiel says... 'A river without banks becomes a swamp' so it's no wonder the new age is so disparate because they don't flow between dogmatic banks they just meander where they will. Good luck to 'em. Not my cuppa tea what bit I've seen of it, but each to their own. Sooner a woolly new ager than some of the "this is the ONLY truth, the way and the light' shysters that I see around the place pitching their dubious woo.
  7. Water Crystals changed by words.
  8. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Not round Manchester it's not. Sign outside Droylsden Council House... "Happy 30th Nana"
  9. Americans bringing everybody down

    I'm old. No wiser though, just older.
  10. I don't offend easily. Very thick skin. Politicians though, they are offensive. All of 'em whatever party.
  11. Absolutely. It makes no sense whatsoever that straight people can get married but LGBT aren't allowed to do so. That's neither fair nor just and , hopefully; in England at least; the law will be changed soon. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and if any couple wants to get married rather than have a civil ceremony then they should be able to.
  12. Everything we put into our mouths as food has been GM-d at some time or another. Monsanto just hurries that along artificially, Tao knows what the long term consequences will be. Monsanto certainly doesn't nor, apparently; do they care. Fluoride is a done deal in the UK it's in the tap water everywhere.
  13. GMs been in the crop chain since the first GM crops planted out in the open air matured. It's a done deal, everywhere.
  14. Americans bringing everybody down

    I blame HiViz jackets. Put anyone into one of those and in a job involving joe public and they seem to turn onto right little Hitlers.
  15. Americans bringing everybody down

    I don't watch the main channels TV news here any more and never really watched it that much before I gave up. BBC news on TV seemed especially bad. They would introduce a 'news' item then maybe show a short clip of what it was about and then cut back to the studio where the newscaster would talk interminably some 'expert' or other, quite often one of the BBCs own correspondents. Breaking news these days I can find here on t'internet and the views of forum posters on big stories are far more amusing and sometimes informative than anything any old BBC 'expert' I ever listened to; came up with. When Reg Presley of the Troggs died this past week it was online in minutes, the day after on TV and two days before the sad 'news' appeared in the newspapers.
  16. the FASTEST way to ground ?

    Sink Down.
  17. Advice on something else, haha...

    One of those daylight bulbs couldn't hurt it's SAD time of year right now. 6 Healing Sounds are ace too.
  18. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Narf :-) Want chocolate. NOW!
  19. How to Learn a New Language

    Immersion's the quickest for an age but expensive of time and money. After that any programme that engages visual, auditory and maybe motor domains will work better than a purely auditory or AV programme so a language class incorporating activities with others is a great booster. The older you are the harder it is to learn a new language from scratch.
  20. the FASTEST way to ground ?

    Horses swear by it. Ours does little else. He just stands there, costing money.
  21. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Custard etc, like squirrels is bang on topic as the topic is, in part; just how far some topics stray from the OP.
  22. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Why summer I wonder? No biggy just curious. Summer pudding here is sloppy mixed berries usually topped with cold custard.
  23. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    What's in a Summer sausage mate? Sounds interesting.
  24. David Icke. What do you think?

    He came up elsewhere and so far we think he's maybe got some good ideas but perhaps some whacky ones too. Anyone seen him or heard him? Either way what do you think about David Icke's work?
  25. Have you ever come across a vampire/lizard type of person in real life? Were they born or made that way do you think? As a workplace union rep I reluctantly have to spend some of my work time alongside vampire/lizard types. We call them managers. That sort gravitate to jobs where they might find a chance suck the life out of others. Not all managers are like that just some but the ones that are are real doozies. David Icke has an interesting take on this. Even if the guy is a bit odd, taken as a metaphor; his idea that there are those amongst us who are lizard/vampire sorts, seems pretty sound.