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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. there is no god but thats ok.

    Tony Parsons.
  2. Cannibalism of Christ

    Metaphor innit? Yum yum, metaphor baby Jesus. More please Father Flynn. Yeccchhhhhhh! :-(
  3. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    ...... MOTHER!! Can it truly be you?

    It's all 'true' this internet info. True as I'm currently pedalling this hand knitted bicycle generator to power up the iPad. :-)
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    I didn't do it. (Bart Simpson).
  6. Vampire Lizards walk amongst us. Or do they?

    These reptilians then. What a bunch or bar stewards they sound to be. Ickey reckons that our Mrs Queen is one in disguise.
  7. David Icke. What do you think?

    The 'truth' is out there.... On the David Icke net ...... really 'far out' there. ;-)
  8. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Via squirrels. Surreal!
  9. sex appeal

    Being well off. That seems to work too. :-)
  10. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    .............. Two new pairs of glasses prescribed for me at Boots Opticians this morning, £79-00 on buy one pair get second pair free deal. Nice frames too but Boots own brand rather than designer label jobbies. Would you like extra thin coated lenses says the girl? How much extra ? Says I Just £299 for the two pairs she replies. I said, no thank you very much.
  11. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    So hillbillies still eat squirrels in the USA? The Clampetts seemed to be forever chowing down on squirrel stew in their Beverley Hills mansion.
  12. What are you reading right now?

    "Madame Blavatsky's Baboon. Theosophy and the emergence of the western guru" by Peter Washington. An interesting history especially for anyone interested in the late modern era developments in hermeticism here in the west.
  13. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Anarcho-Syndicalist here buddy, you is "preaching to the choir". Syndicates of mutual interest get the job jobbed every time and anarchism is just common sense (albeit with a history of really bad PR). Read this in the gardening section of yesterday's paper in a piece on garden bird feeders. "Squirrels are just rats with good PR" :-)
  14. there is no god but thats ok.

    Whether God(s) or the Tao exist or not cannot be empirically proven by anyone as we are, all of us; conditional and conditioned temporal beings. 'Mortals' if you will. Hence, much as some might like to, and some do try-to; tell it like it is - whatever they claim has to be partial and conditional. Try as they will, nobody can can 'eff the ineffable'. We see, as it were; ' through a glass darkly'. Those wise folk the Pyrrhonists believe that true wisdom and happiness lie in the suspension of judgement, since absolute knowledge is impossible to gain.
  15. there is no god but thats ok.

    ....... If there is God and s/he influenced which team did well then surely Brentford would deserve a blessing be up there in the Premier Soccer League and not languishing down where they are .
  16. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Very bracing a dip in the ocean. Wasn't aware I'd been 'warned' howsoever mildly. Cat usually sends me a PM. I have no issue with anyone charging at all. We charge albeit not very much. It's using general forums to push product via blatant adverts thinly disguised as posts that strikes me as just a bit cheeky. Nothing more than that, the system may well be superb, but it seems that bit cheeky to turn the forum into a rent free market stall for it. On the MA forum I post on that sort of thing happens now and again and is pretty well moderated out if a pattern emerges. Anyone repetitively promoting their product or dojo is directed to the paid advertising route. As has been mentioned on here and by other posters than me too, there are a few system sellers ( not many at all it must be said) on here who only seem to post in order to push their products. I don't think that it is trolling to raise that concern, others may disagree and that's fair enough. Accusing someone of trolling as a means of shutting down debate though.......that's a bit off. I have used the complaints post to complain about it and only posted here on the subject as it seemed directly relevant to this topic. Nuff said by me on that particular issue, if such it be; now I think. The mods are the ones to decide. OP then... I do agree that topics can evolve and maybe when they do it's best for a spin off thread so that the original topic can proceed without too much derailment. Off topic Q... Was TTB down yesterday? I couldn't get on at all.
  17. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Aye trolling is often in the eye of the beholder as has been said on here already. Just press 'ignore' buddy that'll work. :-)
  18. Hearing Loss

    Not come across one yet but if anyone knows of something I'll give it a go as I have age related directional deafness that is gradually getting worse.
  19. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    On topic.... 'Or slacking off and trolling on message boards'. ;-)
  20. increasing energy by inducing blockages?

    I've not come across anything along those lines in what QiGong literature I've read. That's mainly about promoting flow, but why not have a go and see if it works for you?
  21. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    LOL Quite right too. Wouldn't work though, first week most of 'em would be off sick and claiming compo.
  22. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Not necessarily. There's nothing prescriptive anywhere saying that teachers don't need to work for their living. John Chang was (is?) a prawn farmer. Our teacher managed a Chinese takeaway. Some of these morbidly obese system sellers you see now and again could do to do a day's work and shed a few pounds. It would do them good long term. There was a clip on here a while ago of some fat lad extolling the benefits of his for-sale product and somebody posted under it asking 'Is he a Sumo?'
  23. there is no god but thats ok.

    In the beginnng there was nothing, all was formless and void. Then God said "Let here be light". There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better.
  24. Waking up anxious Sorry to hear about your sleep issues Mike. Do you drink tea or coffee a lot? We went decaff across the board a few years ago and when we made the switch for the first week or so I did nothing but sleep. There's more caffeine in some teas than in some coffees and caffeine doesn't aid sound sleep. HTH