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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Robert Rankin who you'll have seen me mention in Books is a Discordian author. Makes me chuckle anyhoo. There's a forum...
  2. How to achieve abundance and wealth

    These system sellers do pretty well for themselves by all accounts. Some of 'em for sure don't starve. Package up some stuff and flog it to seekers. Rebrand a bit of QiGong or come up with something like Course in Miracles and you're set for life, almost as good as having a number 1 record.
  3. Synchronicity

    Yep, that's synchronicity for you. Red Cars. Works for topics too. Begin to research any topic and like as not you'll bump into reference to it in all manner of unrelated media. Stuff was there all the time but you weren't focused on seeing it.
  4. Selling Out? Really?

    Not so sure about us boomers being advantaged to the extent some say. Sho nuff I never paid a penny for education, state took care of that then a grateful research council with exes from my union, that was then. Thing was with first degrees, everybody was in the same place so the competition was fierce. Doing your M then a D postgrad staves off having to work too hard for a good few years. These days the middle and uppers pay fees but those from low income families don't so to some extent the poor have a free ride. However, since we scrapped grammar schools in most places those from low income groups don't get the chance to go to decent schools unless they are very lucky in where they live so the number of working class kids from poor backgrounds entering higher education has dropped off. Whatever the degree, over a working lifetime a graduate will likely earn more than a non graduate hence it's a fair investment. Vocational degrees are the best bet, those tend to lead to paid work sooner than the more esoteric subjects.
  5. Selling Out? Really?

    .....True and true. Alice is Captain Jimmy Tarbuck vice captain and Bruce Forsyth Hon. pres.
  6. Synchronicity

    You buy a red car, all of a sudden you notice how many red cars there are on the road. That's synchronicity.
  7. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Before he became a hermit, Zarathud was a young Priest, and took great delight in making fools of his opponents in front of his followers. One day Zarathud took his students to a pleasant pasture and there he confronted The Sacred Chao while She was contentedly grazing. "Tell me, you dumb beast." demanded the Priest in his commanding voice, "why don't you do something worthwhile. What is your Purpose in Life, anyway?" Munching the tasty grass, The Sacred Chao replied "MU".* Upon hearing this, absolutely nobody was enlightened. Primarily because nobody could understand Chinese. * "MU" is the Chinese ideogram for NO-THING TAO FA TSU-DAN FIND PEACE WITH A CONTENTED CHAO
  8. Selling Out? Really?

    Anybody else got any ideas or suggestions for sweet jobs that combine living wages with fun?
  9. Selling Out? Really?

    It's a valid thread and an interesting general topic. I wasn't recommending anything to MPG personally, anybody at all is free to ignore my postings here.
  10. Selling Out? Really?

    You could go for a job that combines work and play or brings time for laziness, study, reflection and self indulgence alongside the necessary modicum of work to justify salary. Tenured positions in universities are pretty sweet, takes while to get one but the jobs are out there and always hiring. Next best is possibly a paid minister in some non demanding sect such as Methodism or the Unitarians. Plenty of time for reading and hobbies, you're only constrained on Sundays the rest of the week you can more or less plan your own timetable. Elephant circumcisers are a happy crowd too. The wages aren't great but the tips are enormous.
  11. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    If you want in on the Discordian Society then declare yourself what you wish do what you like and tell us about it or if you prefer don't. There are no rules anywhere. (Discordian Manifesto)
  12. David Icke. What do you think?

    There's Madame Vastra that married lesbian reptile keeps popping up in Doctor Who too, the one whose wife is Jenny the feisty maid who moonlights as a Ninja. They both popped up again in the last Christmas special. Rather good characters both.
  13. Selling Out? Really?

    Selling out tends to be a term I associate with Dylan going electric or Alice Cooper becoming senior mens' captain at Wentworth Golf Club. Making a living is a harsh necessity for all but the most fortunate. I've been in paid work since I was 15, never ever developed a taste for it over the last 46-years but it has served a purpose and I have met some good people and had some interesting experiences through work. Being a full time religious is just as much a job as is stacking shelves. Maybe it's natural to feel dissatisfaction at our lot and role in life, but factor out that dissatisfaction and it's still the same life, just that bit less dissatisfied. Now that has to be better than going through life burdened with a degree of resentment AT life. Make the best of the cards you're dealt, enjoying what and where you can.
  14. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    On a rope of infinite length any point must be the middle with exactly as much infinity on either side of it.
  15. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    Aye cough syrup gets you there. I've been out of my tree on Mucillage of Squill most of this past week. Today's been the first time I've been able to drive for a week. Seems to have done the trick. Cough Syrup works for sure, you take it, you cough. Job done.
  16. Christian Mingle vs TTB :D

    New Singles on Mature dating UK plus photos of available ladies... new banner ad above TTB this week.
  17. My Novel -- selected chapters for review

    Hijras are great fun, those gals know how to entertain and have a party. Konkani slang for a Hijra is a sixer
  18. Non-duality links. Who would have imagined that there was such a non-duality cottage industry? Lots of links above.
  19. Non-duality links.

    The ritual runs thus and so... Hermit: "Behold.. the magic soup stone" Householder... "You is pulling my chain bro" Hermit "Stone into pot, pot to boil soup to make" Householder (after twenty minutes) "Still tastes like boiling water to me chum" hermit "Pop some salt and pepper in there".... and so on. At each stage you get the householder to pop something in. carrot, Onion Garlic Celery Rabbit or Chicken (if you are non veggie) and so on After a couple of hours the magic soup stone has done it's work. Hermit "Behold the magic soup stone hath created soup" Householder " Yum Yum".
  20. Non-duality links.

    Maybe no philosophers stone in taoism but we do have one that if you put it into a pot of boiling water then, with a bit of magic; the water is transformed into the most delicious soup. The Taoist hermits always carried one, good for a meal and a bed anywhere those stones. We sell them at the centre, there's a very short familiarisation ritual and then off you go into the wide world, you and your magic-soup stone.
  21. Infinite Fractal Tangent; Sacred Geometry; E=M*C^2

    Well I've visualised it and given it lots of welly , seems to be on the way out now thank goodness. Nast little virus, pernicious. Could be cool if every sentient thing has chakras (and I can't see why not).
  22. David Icke. What do you think?

    No problemo.
  23. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Yep, you're right there Cat, my bad... not classical but classic as in prototypical. Psychos can be charming (but never turn your back on one).
  24. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    Well you live and learn. Ta
  25. IS Martial arts still Martial arts Pretty reasonably priced long stay residentials here and elsewhere.