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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    They were posibly quite kind to themselves. Most psychopaths are charming albeit very self centred (both those are classical symptoms). Lizzy Bathory was a right flirt by all accounts.
  2. David Icke. What do you think?

    Not saying I didn't... might have done but it doesn't 'sound' like me somehow. I might have inferred something similar about SOME buddhists but no way could I generalise like that.. MOST buddhists I know are super folk. One or two I've come across are total planks but that's more about them as people rather than them being buddhists.
  3. My Novel -- selected chapters for review

    I'd buy it to read on the train. Enjoyed it so far but I love south India. I lived and worked in Valpoi for 5-years our R&R village was Bogmalo near Dabolim.
  4. Christian Mingle vs TTB :D

    I'm not single so could be available to blow the whistle at speed dating events. It's a very small pond for those so inclined though, not many ladies here on TTB. One of my regular sitters, a single lady with, reportedly; a most active social life extols the virtues of something called '' as the place to meet unattached possibles. Not something I'd look for to post a link though as Mrs GMP might well remove one or other of my appendages were I to do so.
  5. David Icke. What do you think?

    Horse stood on my foot this morning. Luckily I wear sturdy boots. I swear it sniggered. Natural horse stance is under a blanket in the warmest corner of the stable looking shifty whilst planning which of the nice man's feet to stomp on whilst he feeds it a carrot. No feckin' gratitude at all.
  6. IS Martial arts still Martial arts

    I reckon any MA is good especially for kids, it teaches them self-control and confidence plus respect for others. Progress beings tangible rewards, they work at it, they get the grades. Gets em out from in front of their TVs n consoles too. The kids who come to Zen Archery class fall into two camps, the little sods and the ones who also do MA ( all of them do Shotokan Karate). The MA kids are a pleasure to teach, the others are a pain in the proverbial.
  7. If You were on the Moon..

    Bleddy intergalactic joyriders again! It used to be a nice quiet solar system round here. They should being back conscription, two-years square bashing in short haircuts; that'd soon sort the little swines out.
  8. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    We use a lot of nutmeg on rice puddings. Never had a rice pudding talk back yet. Always a first time I suppose. Back in the dim and distant when it was almost compulsory I tried that LSD. First time was superb, second time bleddy terrifying.. Never again!
  9. David Icke. What do you think?

    It's more what you DID horse stance guy. STOP IT NOW! ;-)
  10. Infinite Fractal Tangent; Sacred Geometry; E=M*C^2

    Viruses have chakras? Where? How? I 've been reluctantly hosting a virus and if I knew where the little fecker kept it's chakras it would be bound for the world of hurt that it's had me in this past week.
  11. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Well we'll never know about Buddha but I'd like to think that the lad could be a bit short with jobsworths. Sometimes it's necessary to be a bit blunt with some folk, if only for their own good. By and large on here I reckon bums are a pretty nice and tolerant bunch. We all of us have off days, pobody's nerfect.
  12. My Novel -- selected chapters for review

    If your audience is south Indians then it's fine dwai, they'll understand the references and terminology. A good sub editor can internationalise any text it's what they do for a living.
  13. Non-duality links.

    'Not saying I don't agree with your 'all beliefs are lies ' riff buddy. If that's what you believe then fair play to you. Beliefs or wannabe beliefs do serve a purpose though otherwise folk wouldn't hold them or chase after them. TTB has seekers, it serves that purpose, amongst others, folk come here to play and try on new clothes. One use for belief is being amongst like minded chums or finding new chums whose mind set is attractive. Birds of a feather flock together.... The demographic for non duality gigs in London is exactly that for the Christian Alpha course. A quiet mid week evening out with chance to meet similar unattached folk plus a side order of 'feel good'. It's a winner in cities but doesn't play well in the settled burbs.
  14. David Icke. What do you think?

    Define 'credible'. ;-)
  15. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Treat folk as you'd want them to treat you and most people reciprocate. The ones who don't are ersholes and that's their problem not yours.
  16. David Icke. What do you think?

    ..........I don't remember calling buddhists 'useless nits' but defer as you obviously take more notice of my posts than I do but thanks for caring. We don't 'have' a reptilian brain anymore than we have a chocolate brain it's simply a label someone has found useful to hang their explanation on. Quite like the idea of Ickey being a government plant though we all know how subtle and shifty our masters can be when it comes to cover ups and misdirection. Power is only power where it's 'held on to'.
  17. If You were on the Moon..

    No more drugs for me!
  18. Animals and Enlightenment

    I have met some wise animals and some stupid people. Cats are pretty wise, they know which cupboard the treats live in. Horses are insane, just look in their eyes. Domestic ducks are plain silly, chickens ditto. Pigs are pretty clever if not necessarily wise. Had some clever dogs and some dopey ones over the years, got one of each at the moment. Enlightenment doesn't exist, hence it had to be invented.
  19. If You were on the Moon..

    Caption......"No more curry suppers for me".
  20. Soma - Plants and the Divine

    I'll give that a try then. Fed up with chewing cloves. The Shiva wallahs out in India spend a lot of time out of their trees smoking bhang from chillums. Seems to be what they are all about in some places. There was a small herd of them lived near a tank in Vrindaban all naked as jaybirds, completely out of their trees. Local devotees fed them. Then again it's pretty warm most of the time is Vrindaban, they'd not last long round here in the snow.
  21. David Icke. What do you think?

    Mmmmmmm Reptilian brain. I know one or two of those professionally. Don't think I have one though. No 'I' as such. Stuff just happens.
  22. David Icke. What do you think?

    Apart from the 'wake up' call I've not noticed Ickey saying do this or that, he seems to be more a prophetic sort as opposed to a teacher. I tend to take that whole lizard schtick as metaphor, works for me that way I don't have to engage with it beyond what I reckon is the underpinning message of us being semi-compliant in our royal screwing by uncaring wealthy and/or privileged elites.
  23. Spending money on books

    There's simple pleasure too of course. Far worse ways of passing a winter's evening than with a cracking yarn by the fireside. I'm chewing through Robert Rankin's novels at the mo. Started at the end of November and maybe ten left to go, reading them in order of publication rather than by series so it's interesting to see his style evolve over the years and the then-contemporary themes he touches on ( millennium bug at the moment). Some plots he phones in, but mostly the lad is on top form.
  24. Spending money on books

    ...........You would think so and some of what folk read for pleasure is a chore to me to read for sure. Pragmatically , these days unless there's some radical change to the curriculum then I read for my own professional development rather than to attempt to learn new stuff to further confuse the poor students with. Luckily, in philosophy of education; it's been a long time since anything especially new came along. What passes for innovation in our area tends to be rebranded old ideas getting another airing under a different name than they had last time out. There is very little brand new under the teaching sun.
  25. Jeff Foster Jeff Foster is taking Tony Parson's message to a new generation and as Tony eases off Jeff is doing more. Jeff rates 8.5 out of 10 on Sarlos guru rating service and that's voted on by consumers. That's a pretty high satisfaction rating. Jeff does puppetry too I see . Anyone who does puppetry is OK in my books. Tony Parsons links are on Jeff's website or you can find Tony's 'Open Secret' book as a free pdf here....