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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    We did not have the electricity until 1958 and it was a real novelty when it arrived in our village. My grandad said... "Well it's alright, but it'll not catch on round here" He was wrong. What you've never had you don't miss. The big change came over a couple of years as people began to get TV sets, only two channels back then but once most folk had a TV people just did not socialise and neighbour as much. Pre-TV there'd always be one or two neighbours sitting in our kitchen having tea and chatting or we'd be round at a neighbours. That all went and life became more privatised somehow.
  2. Interview with Bruce Frantzis

    Hadn't heard about this guy before I came on here read a couple of his books since and enjoyed the interview, thanks for posting it. Good guided meditation at the end. Here's someone who has made this sort of thing his life's work and made a living from it along the way. An interesting fellow with a fascinating tale to tell which is told well. In a pond containing not a few sharks and charlatans, Mr. Frantzis is of the righteous system-sellers I'd venture.
  3. What the !@#$ is Postmodernism?

    LOL What is that movie please?
  4. On Sacred Geometry/Art as a cultivation method

    ..... Prince Charles gets a bit of stick but one of his charitable foundations funds the publication of some superb educational resources , one I use every year with Year 1 s " The Arch in Islamic Architecture" is fabulous on so many levels. It's only a pamphlet size, well illustrated and one of the best 'deep conversation" starters ever.
  5. The Art of Letting Go...

    Yep, you can't beat the old pipe and slippers. ;-)
  6. Questions about exercise

    "All-cause mortality is decreased by about 30% to 35% in physically active as compared to inactive subjects". Now I really don't want to appear to be wazzing on anyone's bonfire here chums but might we just pause for a moment to consider the flaw in that sentence above?
  7. A New Start

    21s no age to be bothering with spirituality buddy. Time for fun, new places and new faces. Theology degrees are great venues for meeting like minded people and a breeze compared to math. Outside of the skilled trades any degree is better than none in today's job market. Good Luck on your path.
  8. What the !@#$ is Postmodernism?

    Derrida the Movie here. Knock yourselves out....
  9. The Prophet Elijah and John the Baptist

    Top lad was old Edgar Cayce and his work continues down to this day. Good courses available here....
  10. ........ The Dog Brothers Martial Art path is about as close to the spirit of tha excellent movie Fight Club that you'll find out there. Not for the fainthearted but they are fine people.
  11. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    I knew a wise man once, he was pretty chipper most of the time. Not always though.
  12. What the !@#$ is Postmodernism?

    No problem at all, the PoMo is as good a philosophical turn as is any other, was just aiming to respond to the OP question.
  13. Questions about exercise

    QiGong is very user friendly. Aim to expend no more than 70% of your maximum effort and switch to standing form 8 Strands if moving set is causing discomfort. MCO is very good for any 'itis', send the inflammation around to disperse and dissolve it and then lose any nasties via exhalation. HTH Best wishes to you for fruitful cultivation.
  14. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    TTC cannot be a theistic text by any classical definition of theistic as it nowhere posits, specifies nor identifies a deity. HTH
  15. What the !@#$ is Postmodernism?

    ..... Proofs of consistency which are based on models, and which argue from the truth of axioms to their consistency, merely shift the problem.
  16. HK

    No way. I'm the union rep. Demarcation. I don't sort computers, techies don't undertake tutorials. If everybody did everything..... That way lies anarchy, closely followed by redundancies. ;-)
  17. What the !@#$ is Postmodernism? This may be of interest K.
  18. HK

    Thanks buddy seems like I can get something that'll run Adobe sourced vids on iPad via a HTML conversion. All Greek to me so will let tame techies at work sort it next Monday.
  19. Chuck Cicero wrote a couple of books one's a self initiation 'how to' sort of guide. Regardie, like Alan Watts came up via the Theosophists a group who pop up in connection with just about everything mystical and then some. They started Buddhism interest and organised activities here in England.
  20. Producing physiological effects from heat?

    Give it a go mike, there's no real skill involved, in classes we can get people doing it in pairs in session 2 without any problems.
  21. Bushmen healing dance documentary

    Four minutes with heart stopped and brain damage ensues and prior to that the person has collapsed. You'll never beat the autonomic system, it works on its own, mind has little or no say in what it gets up to. Very slow heartbeat, for sure...stopped heart and walking about....never ( unless technically dead and being a ghost).
  22. Interesting site and a sample I-Ching reading style here. Hope this isn't too far off topic, posted to illustrate popularity of magic
  23. Most magic is manipulation and/or misdirection, not all though. Magicians have always been popular, there's no society ever that has not had magicians of some sort or other.
  24. The pursuit of happiness is the road to hell...

    A smile is a frown turned upside down so we should all aim to turn those lemons into lemonade. :-)