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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. What's up with the illuminati?

    Mortgages on homes are a total rip off. First house I bought cost £23,000 but if I'd paid the mortgage over the full 25-years I'd have shelled out more than four times that to the building society (latterly a bank). Islam gets by pretty well without usury, there's a branch of an international Islamic Bank in Leicester, the city closest to us; they make business loans and such but at very fair rates I've been told.
  2. Cultivation without ideology?

    Oi, Mr ShenLung sir, with deep respect (((bowing))) some mediums and channelers aren't creepy at all. The 24/7 ones can be really hard work though. Good post and I liked your point about multiverses though, the superstring guys are all in favour of an immeasurable 'infinity' of probable universes or 'realities' so it's a fair bet that there could well be a multiplicity of 'us'-es out there and, in an infinitely probable series then it's possible that they might well get to chat to each other now and again by some means or other.
  3. Financial Sorcery

    This is good stuff and I would recommend Jason Miller to anyone interested in practical magick. I came across him a while ago via the GLF (Gnostic Liberation Front) website. Miller's also ( or was, a liberal catholic bishop consecrated in the theosophist succession), there has been some good work out of that area some of it published within the academy, one of their women Bishops is a celebrated don. Would be interested in hearing from any bums who have had a go at this and made it work. I've held off buying the book so far mainly due to laziness plus a backlog of reading but feom what I have tracked down Miller might be drawing some affirmation work from the 'prosperity Gospel ( God wants you rich 'school' an interview with him on the GLF is, to my old ears; a little resonant of Kenneth Copeland and that crew from the 80s). Super posting Oldgreen, thank you...and I do hope that we can have more of the same, if we can get stuff like this on the forum, have a go at it collectively and see what works.......
  4. HK

    Nine out of ten past life regressionistas claim to have been something quite spiffy prior to, you seldom come across someone who had a menial or regular job. no way did the Temple of Isis have that many priestesses over the years.
  5. Happy New Year!

    Another myth about a myth. Myth by an inch and you may as well myth by a mile. Either way you've mythed. ;-)
  6. Happy New Year!

    Have a nice time Vmarco.
  7. Happy New Year!

    There's a lovely story in Kilvert's diary of the animals all kneeling down in their stalls on 'Old Christmas Eve'. Dunno about anywhere else but our then parliament changed the calendar back in 1750 so that in England, the year 1751 was a short year of 282 days, running from 25 March to 31 December. 1752 began on 1 January. To align the calendar in use in England to that in use on the continent, the changes introduced in 1582 by the Gregorian calendar were adopted with effect in 1752. To this end, the calendar was advanced by 11 days: Wednesday 2 September 1752 was followed by Thursday 14 September 1752. The year 1752 was thus a short year (355 days) as well. Hence 'Old Christmas Eve' was a different day to 'New Christmas Eve' and folk grumbled about being 'robbed of eleven days' from their lives. That folk tale about the animals kneeling down persists in some parts yet, I've heard it told for a fact.
  8. Anyone over a certain age may remember 'Count' Dantes ads in comic books for his 'deadly' Dim Mac system all via mail order. Article here from page 23 onwards....
  9. Tonal & Nagual

    Gnostics gnow gnothing but gnats and gnus do.
  10. What's up with the illuminati?

    Caption.... Mr Jesus: "You stay offa my turf. I run the rackets in this here Temple now!" Moneychanger: "ouch! Not the face I beg you Capo, NOT the face".
  11. why are you into this stuff?

    Great posts all. I love Lovecraft. However we cultivate and whatever path we follow, we perceive the outcomes as phenomena with our senses; albeit one of those senses is intuitive. Old Kant was maybe on to something.
  12. Blaming a gun for killing is like blaming a pencil for bad spelling. We do Zen archery, factor out the cultivation side and those arrows were designed to kill both prey and people. Both targets would be pretty safe if I was the shooter as I am useless.
  13. Happy New Year!

  14. Meat eating thread

    Kill and eat the priest. It's what he'd want surely.
  15. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    "John Lennon sang about peace. Well he's got it now". (Bernard Manning) Wouldn't a Taoist .lifestyle be whatever lifestyle a Taoist chose to lead?
  16. why are you into this stuff?

    Ah but GMP is a part time semi pro magician by trade and calling and an initiated one at that. Almost all real magic occurs north of our own necks, the paraphernalia are resources to expedite same. The external remainder, well that's magic too. Good crit though.
  17. Cultivation Is Not A Separate Practice

    There's magic. ;-)
  18. Cultivation without ideology?

    Yep good point K, being counter-cultural is 'against' prevailing ideology for sure. Seems like most things sorta start off revolutionary and new then become ossified into yet another ideology over time.
  19. Meat eating thread

    Cows have much the same feelings. :-)
  20. Tonal & Nagual

    Poor Hector
  21. Meat eating thread

    "Eat what you will shall be the whole of the law" but if anyone's thinking about going veggie then that might make for a New Year resolution.
  22. Happy New Year! Happy New Year TTB chums and may 2013 bring everything you wish, and more; with ever increasing abundance for you and yours. May Health, Joy and Wealth abound. Warmest Best Regards from GM Pete and all at Leicester Progressive Spiritual Training Centre UK. :-)
  23. Cultivation without ideology?

    Osho's USP back in the day was that most faith paths and sects were largely defined by those outside them according to what they didn't permit such as smoking, booze, dancing, having fun on Sundays, not accepting blood transfusions, not allowed to spend 10% of their own salary as it had to go to the church. Endless lists of "DONT'S". So Bhagwan (as Osho then was) turns up saying... " Do whatever comes naturally, no sweat" and although that is a given these days back then it was a radical message coming from someone who was perceived as a 'religious' leader ( even though he wasn't one as such). Tony Parsons whose little book I posted the other day is an example of an ideology-free sorta guy and there are sure to be more out there. One thing about TTB I've noticed since I joined a coupla months ago is that ideologies lead to fallings out and I am trying to be more careful towards not causing offence to folk by my posts. If someone sincerely believes in an ideology then good luck, most bums though; I suspect are pretty eclectic in their approach to any and all ideologies. We can pick the fruit that suits us from lots of trees in many orchards without having to lock ourselves into one particular orchard for life. But if others like their own orchard best then that's fine too just as long as they don't throw apples at the people just popping in for a taste or passing by on the perimiter paths outside their fences.
  24. why are you into this stuff?

    I reckon old Wil was an Illuminatus , Ben Jonson likewise. Dee and Kelley too, that goes without saying. Travelling players and those like Dee n Kelley who got about a lot due to their jobs were naturals for fraternal 'secret' societies and Latin was the internet of its day so Dee could correspond with chaps in Prague and elsewhere and vice versa and chat like old chums to his peers irrespective of 'mother' tongue. Walter Raleigh for sure was an illuminatus, Wal was given the blue silk banner by Good Queen Bess (hermetic 'fag hag') bearing the motto you see above my tag to the left Richard Brinsley Sheridan definitely was, he was a Grandmaster. And there's a guy called George Cooper Murray from the old days who still gets a mention wherever like minded folk get together, not many know George's full story; but it's a good 'un.