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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. What's up with the illuminati?

    They were hiring.
  2. Bodhisattva

    Oh that some power the gift would gie us Tae see oorselves as others see us (Robbie Burns).
  3. What's up with the illuminati?

    ....... Nope. The number of a man or a woman is 666 and it takes three illuminatii to illuminate a light bulb. One doorkeeper to keep out the uninitiated One mage to recite the instructions One illuminatus to flick the switch
  4. Bodhisattva

    That point of view light has mate. Would that be relative to itself?
  5. Bodhisattva

    No dinner for you then lad!
  6. Bodhisattva

    Fish get out to poo?
  7. What's up with the illuminati?

    All together now...... ((Sings)) 'Underneath the arches....... ;-)
  8. 2013 Year of The Water Snake

    You were born in 1988 Wolfie. You are or will make a great manager because you are practical, levelheaded and demonstrate a knack for organizing. You do struggle sometimes with that need to dictate and be admired, but you are affable, congenial and supportive. Compared to other Dragons, as an Earth Dragon you are much less likely to breathe fire at the least irritation. You work diligently to complete your life goals. The Earth element adds a greater portion of self-control to your personality and usually the Earth Dragon is deserving of the respect he desires. Earth Dragons take their life and romantic responsibilities quite seriously.
  9. 2013 Year of The Water Snake

    Water Snakes are influential and insightful. They manage others well and tend to be good for organizations to utilize as staff. They are quite motivated and intellectual, very determined and resolute about success. They will have what they desire, despite the conclusion or outcome they generate because it is worth it to them to not only be recognized for their efforts, but to be rewarded as well. They are affectionate with their families and friends but do not show this side of their personality to colleagues or business partners.
  10. Holy Guardian Angel

    Tom DLilo has a website and there are books. Only read one and I am NO expert but it could be that he is restating to popularise (repackage?) some of the older hermetic literature. He's very sound on Astral Projection.
  11. Holy Guardian Angel

    It is in the 8th Aethyr, ZID that you will meet with your Holy Guardian Angel. The Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel is an important goal of the aspiring adept. It is no less than the magical experience of your encounter with your own inner divinity -- the divine spark at the core of your being. It is fully experienced here in ZID. Up until here, you have achieved various degrees of this Knowledge and Conversation. However, here, in ZID, is where you get to meet and communion with your Guardian Angel in his/her divine form. This Aethyr is a powerful initiation in that you will change forever. Entering this Aethyr means that you and your inner divinity are nearly one and can begin merging into a single unit. When you leave ZID, after a successful initiation, you will be endowed with your life's purpose and your reason for incarnating. You will possess a link to your Guardian Angel that will allow you to bring forth knowledge and wisdom down from the Spiritual Plane and into the lower planes, including the physical plane -- which means it will not be uncommon to just know things about others or to hear your Guardian Angel speak to you in quiet moments. Knowledge and Conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel is nothing less than establishing a direct link to the Divine Source and being able to tap that source at will for inspiration, knowledge, help, and wisdom. Finally by completing ZID you achieve the grade of Magister Templi (Master of the Temple) and you take on the title of NEMO (ZIM) and can go to the Garden of NEMO yourself to help cultivate other candidates on the same quest. (Tom DeLiso)
  12. Bodhisattva

    A 'filled' cup is contextual. Submerged in the sea the cup is empty of water.
  13. What's up with the illuminati?

    Misdirection is perhaps the most important component of the art of sleight of hand. The magician choreographs his actions so that all spectators are likely to look where he or she wants them to. More importantly, they do not look where the performer does not wish them to look. Two types of misdirection are timing and movement. Timing is simple: by allowing a small amount of time to pass after an action, events are skewed in the viewer's mind. Movement is a little more complicated. A phrase often used is "A larger action covers a smaller action." Care must be taken however to not make the larger action so big that it becomes suspicious.
  14. What's up with the illuminati? Tony Gosling was a BBC reporter, much exercised with these areas, he's here talking about Bilderberg and the Masons with a senior Mason. No smoke without fire I suppose.
  15. What's up with the illuminati?

    Freemasons in these parts tend to be my age (quite old) and businessmen. I know one or two and they are decent sorts, not the sort you'd ever imagine at all involved in any sinister plots. HRH The Duke of Kent is the current Grandmaster, they always have a male Royal in charge. It's been described to me as not so much a secret society more a society with some secrets. They raise a lot of money for charity and look after their own very well indeed. Freemasons in other countries differ. In the USA it's quite the blue collar society whereas here it's mainly middle and upper class 'monied' membership. In Italy , from what I have read in the past the Masons are into all sorts of shady doings, but that's maybe just 'Italy' in general.
  16. Holy Guardian Angel HTH 13,000 plus titles vis 'Guardian Angels'
  17. The Tao of Kierkegaard

    Academic Philosophy is a both a trade and a calling. Each club has its in-house journal. Take a wild guess how many philosophy journals are published annually in English.
  18. What's up with the illuminati? I never posted this link. ;-)
  19. What's up with the illuminati?

    Caveat Emptor as far as Ickey's concerned. That said he filled Wembley Arena this year with all 6,000 seats sold out and spoke for five hours without once using notes.
  20. What's up with the illuminati?

    Conspiracy fiction, all.
  21. Renewing ourselves for the New Year

    ....... New Year resolutions tend not to be kept because, north of the equator; they are made at just about the worst time in the year for anyone to plan for change. Round about Easter (call it what you want) is your best bet for making new beginnings that last.
  22. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    I agree MH. Maybe I have Wu Wei backasswards. Thought it was 'not doing'
  23. A Beginners Guide to Starting a Cult!

    Ta Cat, quite right. Never thought of them and they are right under my nose too. Roll on women Bishops in the dear old CofE say I.
  24. Bodhisattva

    Super point. Intuition simply doesn't communicate person-to-person all that well if at all. We have to use words or if we are actually with the person , looks and maybe gestures. Satsang type transmission, when that works; can do the trick but there's never any guarantees. Serious offer Vmarco, PM me and , if you can get to us; I'll book you for a gig at our centre. Centre details via my profile.