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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    Fred does sort of approach stasis, albeit subtly. That example of the great birds of prey and the lambs they prey on. Fred posits the system those creatures inhabit as 'thus and so' , that's just how things are. It's the differing viewpoints of the birds of prey and the lambs within that natural order that he has fun imagining and presenting for our delectation. He was quite the joker at times was old Fred. Seriously funny guy.
  2. loss of emotion? WTF

    Makes sense. One of the criticisms of the 'passive' paths is that those societies don't progress so far or as fast as societies with a more dynamic worldview. Tibet is a good example, those guys were positively medieval before the Chinese went in. As an individual cultivation stasis is OK but it doesn't necessarily help the trains to run on time.
  3. 2012: The End of the World

    Good call on Eris as an influencer away from the material and towards the spiritual-altruistic Witch. The Bristol astrologist gives a good example of Eris in action with a look at the horoscope of Bill Gates, the man who made his name as the force behind Microsoft Software. "Gates' development of Microsoft is illustrative of single-mindedeness and high attainment. Perhaps, he has experienced a conflict between the desires of the personality and the pursuit of an inner call in that he now gives very extensively to charities of various kinds including his own Bill Gates Foundation, (worth $30 billion). Its objective is to assist in ending poverty, providing much better education and tackling global health problems".
  4. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    What's inside tends to pop out every now and again. Nobody's perfect after all. I was a bit ticked off with Vmarco telling someone on here that they were not enlightened but then I get right up some peoples noses too. I'm sure the guy means well enough and it can't be easy being a bodhisattva where few seem to want to be bodhisattvad. Just maybe, the guy might be one and we're just not realising it.
  5. IME doors intended for one to walk through sorta appear at the right time. Very few 'coincidences' on the path. You're in the right place here for wise advice and encouragement. Good Luck on your journey.
  6. East vs West?

    Not exactly the same area but I did MA for many years and then cultivate QiGong and also practice as a medium in the western spiritualist tradition. No problems so far. Be careful not to spread yourself too thin though, better to do a couple of things safely and well rather than lots of things all at once and maybe not have the time to give one's best to everything.
  7. Baby Jesus grew up

    Edgar equated the number seven in the Book of Revelation with the chakras.... You need to scroll down a bit to the Q&A pages in the above extract.
  8. loss of emotion? WTF

    NE way our chum doesn't have those symptoms, thankfully. If it's any reassurance what's been described sounds perfectly 'normal' insofar as most adults might report the same or very similar at one time or another in their lives.
  9. loss of emotion? WTF Doubt it would be sociopathic but I'm no psychiatrist.
  10. loss of emotion? WTF

    Autistic spectrum disorder perhaps? (Viewing others as objects or somehow robotic).
  11. Tonal & Nagual

    Well I for one sincerely hope that you are wrong Vmarco.
  12. A Beginners Guide to Starting a Cult!

    Yep you gotta have an anti-Santa, someone or something you can be opposed to. Protestant v Catholic or Islam v Jews sorta thing. No fun at all being in a cult unless you can point an accusatory finger at something or other you really don't agree with.
  13. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    If it was down to us perceiving them to be 'thus and so' then wouldn't their bodshisatva-ness be kinda conditional?
  14. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    So they are both hot and wet then?
  15. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    By their fruits?
  16. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Cnut's Witnesses? Latter Day Cnuts? Strict and Particular Cnuts? The possibilities are almost as endless as the improbability. Hollow speculation all though and as empty, in its way; as Lafayette Ron's mother's nursery cupboard.
  17. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Somebody once said that if Jesus were to turn up and ask to speak at a modern Christian conclave they'd probably not let him. Trouble with prophets in general is that the closer to the truth they are maybe the less folk want to listen to them. The sorts who get on are maybe those who tell people what they want to hear. Real Bodhisattvas though, they are a pretty altruistic bunch by all accounts.
  18. Baby Jesus grew up

    Fair comment, just laziness on my part same as Xmas, no offence intended but apologies if any caused.
  19. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Now if Noggin the Nog's son Prince Cnut was to start a cult would his followers be referred to either as cultists or a bunch of Cnuts?
  20. A Beginners Guide to Starting a Cult!

    Read somewhere that a cult is just a religion but without political power. Can't be too hard to start one, there are lots of them about. Sweet job, cult leadering; has to beat the old 9-to-5.
  21. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Honestly! One bodhisatva turns up, a real one by his own account and just look what happens? We drive him away. For shame!
  22. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Something to do with crop fertility seems to be the current idea but nobody knows for sure cos they weren't there. Guarantee though that at the edge of every human sacrifice audience there was some guy with a tray selling snacks and souvenirs.
  23. Are planets chakras?

    Not necessarily. Across the world there are many different words for 'rain' . It rains, people need a word to describe what's happening. Rain may not have a word for itself but it does not need a describer in order for it to be. The word 'rain' is not, of itself; rain.
  24. The Tao Of Nietzsche

  25. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    "The problem with the other origin of the “good,” of the good man, as the person of ressentiment has thought it out for himself, demands some conclusion. It is not surprising that the lambs should bear a grudge against the great birds of prey, but that is no reason for blaming the great birds of prey for taking the little lambs. And when the lambs say among themselves, "These birds of prey are evil, and he who least resembles a bird of prey, who is rather its opposite, a lamb,—should he not be good?" then there is nothing to carp with in this ideal's establishment, though the birds of prey may regard it a little mockingly, and maybe say to themselves, "We bear no grudge against them, these good lambs, we even love them: nothing is tastier than a tender lamb." (Fred in On the Genealogy of Morality). That 'person of ressentiment'' is a key concept there.