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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. The Tao of Kierkegaard

    Ta. Dave (maths) Wood used to be at ours before he went to Warwick. The turn to the PoMo possibly post-dated your degree, came in with the tertiary feminists. Been several revolutions of the old wheel since then too. America is still slightly the more small c conservative philosophically.
  2. Shift of the Ages - the Mayan message

    He has been strangely quiet of late. Made the transition maybe?
  3. Depression

    We use herbal remedies quite a lot for stuff you'd not trouble the doc with such as mucillage of squill for chesty coughs, but the tried and tested ones, the old stuff . Potters Herbal are excellent for supplies and our dear Queen (Gods bless her) is rumoured to be a great fan. Year by year the list shrinks as to what you can get hold of. Will stop here don't want to take the thread too far away from depression but feel I have nothing to add on that cruelest of complaints.
  4. Get down on your hands and knees, sob and whimper for mercy. Then, when he turns his back on you in disgust.. WHACK HIM! (Homer Simpson).
  5. loss of emotion? WTF

    You are concerned. That's a good start. Best to avoid worm eating contests and the explicitly gross too. Those sorts of obscene spectacle can desensitise. Lack of enthusiasm might also be something of a symptom of ageing so exploring new hobbies and interests or maybe learning a fresh cultivation might help. A brisk walk through the countryside or a nice park never does any harm either, nature being a great natural healer.
  6. Baby Jesus grew up

    Yep that's for sure, this is a tiny village but it contains four Xtian denominational churches.
  7. Entering the Void

    Well one lives in hopes. :-)
  8. You are quite right Cat and my apologies to posters on here for my derailment, which was down to enthusiasm for the topic rather than any intended disrespect at all. As one of the original proposers of this hermetic sub forum I do trust that we are now back onto what is a most stimulating topic.
  9. Depression

    Not so bad here as in USA where big bad pharma has more clout and US doctors might be rewarded for pushing certain pharmaceutical products above others. We are very lucky in our generics legislation where , within our National Health Service a generic alternative must always be prescribed over a proprietary product for the the same outcome. That saves billions a year quite literally, billions of pounds.
  10. Shift of the Ages - the Mayan message

    Early sort of Mexicans weren't they the Mayans?
  11. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    Be careful not to reverse engineer current understandings or definitions of psychology back into Fred's day. He could not discuss ideas that were not yet extant. 'Clinical' Psychology, all of it; is mediated by language because the clinical psychologist can never truly know whether or not the service user is telling her/him what it is the service user thinks that the clinical psychologist wants to hear. Retail psychology on the other hand is an empirical science based on hard and expensively well-researched data capture and analysis. Hence advertising is usually effective ( that's why they do it) and we find sweeties (candy) on prominent display at or very near to supermarket checkouts.
  12. 2012: The End of the World

    One time UFOs were playing over the Tor and everybody's torches (flashlights) went out, all at the same time. That was back in mechanical film camera days , I was there and there are photos. No idea what they are but THAT they are is definite as I have seen with the self same peepers I am using to see to type this.
  13. Depression

    I'll give you psychologists mate, they have a far higher suicide rate as a profession than most others. A clinical psychiatrist though has had 10-years or more training and experience. 4-years for a psychiatric nurse and s/he can't fart unless the doctor says so. No easy answers for depression more's the pity ; but sufferers are much safer being treated in qualified hands than amongst quacks.
  14. My point such as it is, in posting the text, being... It is possible to draw parallels between faith pathways. We might detect a whiff of Taoism in the text cited had we an interest so to do. That way lies lineage narratives or maybe gnosis. OR We can choose to treat with the text as it stands and is read today. Thus critical textual analysis. The first route posits an epistemological paradigm whilst the second would claim that there is no such thing as an epistemological paradigm. Both approaches being equally valid beyond and outside the constraining fences of the purely dogmatic. Unless certain threads are to be password protected to exclude some then Inclusivity surely implies acceptance of contra-opinion.
  15. Aye, the Amerindians are and were known for their longevity. 38 is considered a good innings in the Amazon rainforest.
  16. Depression

    Trust an old psychiatric nurse Sinan, depression untreated can be a killer.
  17. Depression

    ........ The problem with any herbal decoction is that that dosages of the active ingredients may vary wildly depending on all sorts of factors such as time or season gathered, cross pollination of the plant and whether or not (witn ayahuasca) a certain species of tree frog has widdled on it recently. There's little or no regulation to ensure quality of your ayahuasca as compounded by the local shaman. All Mono amine oxidase inhibitors MAOI drugs (which ingredients of ayahuasca contain in varying strengths) can and are used to treat clinical depression but of you decide to go down the chemical treatment route then the proprietary western MAOIs as prescribed by a qualified doctor would be far safer. Psychiatric meds in general now counsel a multi modal approach towards the treatment of depression involving a menu tailored to suit the patient and usually combining drugs, counselling and regular visits from a qualified psychiatric nurse to assess progress or otherwise. Clinical depression is best treated by qualified medical practitioners with any adjunct complementary therapies just that.. Complementary NOT alternative.
  18. Are planets chakras?

    Gaia theory posits a metaphorically 'aware' planet (this one).
  19. It is true without lying, certain and most true. That which is Below is like that which is Above and that which is Above is like that which is Below to do the miracles of the Only Thing. And as all things have been and arose from One by the mediation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. The Sun is its father; the Moon its mother; the Wind hath carried it in its belly; the Earth is its nurse. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into Earth. Separate the Earth from the Fire, the subtle from the gross, sweetly with great industry. It ascends from the Earth to the Heavens and again it descends to the Earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior. By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world and thereby all obscurity shall fly from you. Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing. So was the world created. From this are and do come admirable adaptations, whereof the process is here in this. Hence am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished and ended. (Isaac Newton trans. EmeraldTablet)
  20. What are you reading right now?

    The Sprouts of Wrath Third book in Robert Rankin's Brentford Trilogy Good so far, the first two were excellent. It was excellent. Read Retromancer by him after it.... Not his best, very similar to the Brightonomicon, 12 almost independent short yarns with a linking theme. Then.. Japanese Devil Fish Girl which is superb, India Jones meets War of the Worlds... Last one of this series today The Mechanical Messiah... I can heartily recommend Robert Rankin's work to TTB minded folk. I've read sixteen of the thirty books to date and all but Retromancer have delighted, amused and intrigued. That's some record for any author. Many of Rankin's books can be had for pennies via Amazon partners too.
  21. I'll get my coat then. Nobody likes a party pooper at a believer's convention.. Sorry to have intruded. Be Lucky. ;-)
  22. Saving Ourselves

    One sometimes suspects that these elders who look much younger may just have a portrait secreted in their attic that is ageing by proxy for them.
  23. New guy checking in

    Welcome and Merry Christmas. (It's still Xmas Day here)
  24. Signposts on the Way

    What ponyboy said. :-)
  25. Merry Christmas

    "Put down the mince pie and slowly raise your hands". No more food. Ever.