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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Haiku Chain

    Gifted in haiku Never in a million years Limericks fit the bill
  2. As someone who is regular contributor towards the expensive private education of his kids, Paddy Power owes me money big time, publicity seeking chap that he is. If ever you read of a punter in possession of a big winning betting slip who does not cash in same, trust an old gambler buddy, you is readin' fiction.
  3. 2012: The End of the World

    There's tons of stuff online. Thing is whenever you hear about them here the authorities come up with satellites or stars or weather balloons or such. The Glastonbury sightings are usually dismissed as figments of the viewers' imaginations,many locals there being well known for their fondeness of exotic recreational pharmaceuticals and herbal smoking products. There's a kernel of accuracy behind such cynicism but as a non drug using teetotaler who has often seen UFOs cavorting above the Tor, I find such arguments unconvincing to say the least.
  4. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Best I read was years ago back in the Medina Osho ashram's (what passed for a..) library, by one of those Gnostic sorts, Samael Weor I think it was; had Mr. Jesus studying to become an adept in Egypt during his formative years of which the Bible is silent then they faked the crucifixion and he ended his years over in Kashmir. I've visited his alleged tomb in Srinagar but could not recommend that as a tourist destination at present. Lovely place that it is, the lake especially; sadly the locals are a tad anti-westerner for some reason of late.
  5. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Yep so in a way a lot of the old ideas must still be buried inside Xtianity and such. Maybe not so many of the old ways though. They did a handy line in human sacrifice round these parts in the dim and distant. The Xtians cleaned that particular ritual practice up a bit. Trouble is everybody and his uncle who ever writes an esoteric book claims to know what's what and quite frankly, nobody knows Eli Shit's brother Jack really.
  6. 2012: The End of the World

    We get lots of UFOs , they tend to appear regularly in certain areas. Glastonbury is a hot spot. Some say Ley Lines are navigation beacons for them and Glasto is ley line central. I have no idea what they might be but have seen UFOs enough times not to doubt their actuality.
  7. 2012: The End of the World

    There's this survivalist guy lives in Texas who has written a couple of rather good books. I could not resist reading him due to his surname.
  8. Baby Jesus grew up

    Quite a few other writers have had some mileage out of it too.
  9. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Well it's nice to have a bodisatva (Sp?) posting here on TTB. Christmas is Xtian for the Xtians and prezzie-tide for some of us non-Xtians. Most of the old churches round these parts are built on formerly pagan high sites and earthworks. Our village church is 10th century Saxon (with any amount of bits added over the years) and there's a fine Green Man carved above the chancel. They are forever digging up far older pre Xtian bits and bobs locally. The Xtians simply bolted their bits and bobs onto the locals existing customs and deities in order to assure continuity.
  10. Edgar Cayce- The Greatest Prophet of the 20th Century

    Top man was old Edgar. There's a university he endowed, they do good work.
  11. New Years resolutions

    Good point. I'll have to give that some thought. Sprouts perhaps. I love a steamed sprout so have schooled myself to avoid them as a form of self denial and discipline. Will maybe eat lots of sprouts during Lententide.
  12. Well it certainly did the trick.
  13. Entering the Void

    ..... Then possibly you are one of the many who believe that rituals must be prescribed and defined in order to delineate belief. Nembutsu, for me as for most is a superstitious ritual and as such I hope that it may well pay off one day. Millions of Chinese are not necessarily wrong. Just cos I aint won big on the lottery so far via chanting doesn't mean that it might not work tomorrow. I back horses too, sometimes they win and the proof of any medium's pudding is in the eating. If I didn't get it right more than wrong more often than not then I'd have been out of business thirty years or more ago. If mediums could foretell the future then the luxury yacht builders would all be working three shifts each and every day to meet demand.
  14. I'm still waiting for someone to magick up those big-winning lottery numbers. Bit like finding that philosopher's stone, foreseeing the big winning lottery numbers seems to elude these high magicians. Guys, except for north of your own neck; none of it really works. If it did then you'd all be rich and we'd be watching some amongst you on the Youtube.
  15. That whole violence approach has a few flaws in it. The noisy neighbour could be... Armed A MMA champ Out of his tree on drugs Mentally Challenged Own a large fierce doggy or two (or even a Lion) The list goes on. Violence tends to beget violence but I'm glad to hear that it worked for you without unpleasant repercussions taomeow.
  16. New Years resolutions

    Next Lent I plan to give up abstinence.
  17. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Happy Christmas Vmarco buddy. May 2013 bring you all and more that you wish for yourself.
  18. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Happy Mithras. :-)
  19. 2012: The End of the World

    ...... Man you got that right. We work round nature, against nature sometimes (weeding for example) but there's no way we can control nature, it'll always 'win' if you look at it as a man v nature thang. But if you think of it as us being part of nature and working with it wherever we can then that can help. Even a weed is just a plant growing in the 'wrong' place from our point of view. As far as the weed is concerned it's just going about its natural business, usually amongst our crops. Finest weedkiller known to man Is a dutch hoe plus some sweat.
  20. Is this Mo Pai Level 1 ?

    Good book though.
  21. Are planets chakras?

    I quite like that atomic model that visualises each solar system as maybe a single atom in and of, but not in any way measuring, an infinitely unimaginable; greater something.
  22. Merry Christmas

    Wishing Health, Abundance and Prosperity to one and all. Merry Christmas
  23. Merry Christmas Everyone.

    Happy Christmas to one and all and may the new year bring everything you wish for you and yours. Sending Best Regards and intention for Health, Abundance and Prosperity to each and everyone. Festive Felicitations from GMP Mrs GMP Ducks n Chicks all the four legged GMP family.
  24. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Q: What do you call a Real IRA man with his hands over his ears, his eyes shut and his face screwed up in concentration who is jumping up and down in a field whilst wearing very heavy boots? A: A mine detector.