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Everything posted by GrandmasterP


    Belgians don't exist . Ask any Belgian. There's Flambards and Walloons. That's it. Maybe those aliens are fans of bicycle racing. There's some excellent bike races round Belgium some of them over cobbles.
  2. How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really.

    I'll take that as a ' No' then. It's an interesting thread and I don't think anyone is having a pop at you personally, ( I'm not) they're just challenging your ideas. Thesis Antithesis Synthesis ( sometimes)
  3. You don't gain anything from empowerments

    Not really Ringo.
  4. What if the universe was to end?

    Wanna buy an umbrella Brian?
  5. Runes

    Heck of a bump!
  6. What exactly is the mind and where is it located ?

    What is all yang ? Where is this elsewhere place ? Link ? ... Post 163 here... Hope that helps.
  7. Discussing Tao with the "science"-minded

    TV professionals are very devout. They all worship at the shrine of 'Viewer Ratings'.
  8. Discussing Tao with the "science"-minded

    Taoism's not just religious Cap. It's a big constituency. Room for all sorts and conditions.
  9. What exactly is the mind and where is it located ?

    @ TaoMaster Paragraphs would help. Or are they too Yin? Elsewhere you told us that it was 'all Yang' so where's the beef? If you know that for sure then you've answered all your own questions. Haven't you?
  10. You don't gain anything from empowerments

    That they do and from 'warm' to 'heatedly' elsewhere now and again. We're better than that here though.
  11. What if the universe was to end?

    Or, better yet.. Pull the old fundamentalist scam and carry on trading... " OK the world hasn't ended as such. That date was for 'heavenly changes' the real end of the world date is ........ (insert preferred date)." And repeat as necessary. It works for the Jehovah Witnesses so why not for GMP's ' DoomAway' Magic umbrellas (the ones that really work)?
  12. What if the universe was to end?

    Immediately prior to setting up " GMP's 'DoomAway' Magic Umbrellas plc ( The ones that really work)" I'd cancel all my magazine subscriptions then buy in a load of cheap Chinese umbrellas from the wholesalers. Then sit back and watch that money roll in for two weeks. Has to be worth a punt. If Doomsday does come then no one wants a refund. If it doesn't I won't care cos I'll be off on my luxury yacht.
  13. You don't gain anything from empowerments

    Well for those who like that sort of thing, that is the sort of thing that they like. It's all a bit ritualistic for my taste but if it works for those it works for then good luck to them. There's just that frisson of 'stamp collector' nerdism over on that other site. ( I paraphrase a little here for comedic effect...) " i went to Lama Dama Ding Dongs empowerment I did." Says Poster A " well Lama DDD is piss poor IMO , you'd have got more from going to McDonalds..." Responds poster B and goes on to claim... " now Lama Dingy Dum Dum, he's the lad for empowerments. I was over at one last week and I can almost walk through walls now." In pops Poster C... " You two are mad. The only Lama worth the candle for empowerments is Lama Dongy Din Din. I've been going to him for years and it has cured my piles a treat so it has." And so on (metaphorically). It's always men and they're always so flippin' intense about it all. As if it mattered.
  14. You don't gain anything from empowerments

    Commercially though advertising an empowerment along those lines might not shift many tickets. " Come to this empowerment and you'll be sure to lose something." Whenever empowerment ads or chat pop up on a Buddhist site I visit now and again the subtext is just how much the posters hope to get out of it or did get out of attending. Seems like empowerments are something that those who like that sort of thing keenly 'aspire' to partake of. Now call me Sally Cynical if you like but.......
  15. How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really.

    Enlightenment is 'all Yang' now! When did that happen? Is it a state you've already attained to through Yang-ey effort or still aspirational?
  16. How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really.

    "so we're simple assigining + and - to all things that exist in the universe ." Why? Any definable collection is a set. Thus... Let ' all things that exist in the universe' {T} be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If {T} is not a member of itself, then its definition dictates that it must contain itself, and if it contains itself, then it contradicts its own definition as the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. As any fule knoe.... {T} cannot be defined.

    That or he's commemorating a heck of a lot of dead rock stars who checked out age 27.

    Five gets you ten that Scribe 27's initials are BG
  19. Discussing Tao with the "science"-minded

    Well we'll know eventually I suppose. Time flies!
  20. Earthly sage and mystical Immortal

    In the army officers called NCOs above the rank of sergeant " Mister - Surname". Sergeant and below it was surname only or number then surname if you were in trouble. I'd feel a right prong is anyone called me ' Grand Master' in real life. Plus I'd wonder what they were after.

    Scribe 2 is a nice enough old boy though. Those were proper Scribes back in the day. Not like these new Scribes you get nowadays.

    About Scribe 27...... "He is the Spiritual Advisor for Righteous Warrior Temple. Nothing more can be disclosed about Scribe 27 for his protection as well as your own." FFS! Only on TTB eh? Best one since .....'White Wolf Von Antzigen'
  23. How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really.

    "Yang is what's real and yin is the illusion . " Bit of a stumbling block that statement here in the sunny East Midlands this pleasant Sunday afternoon. Still and all, if accepting it floats your boat then by all means run with it. Might you not be making a rod for your own back though? You're possibly introducing a dualism into the Tao that was never actually 'there' in the first place.
  24. How do we know what's yin and what's yang . Really.

    Would that some of the 'singers' on this year's X Factor had done likewise.
  25. Discussing Tao with the "science"-minded

    No disrespect to you guys intended but, beyond anyone who is getting a living from professionally speculating on this physics and related 'bangy' stuff; who really gives a flying feck? At what point does it matter? ( pun intended). OP-wise... Why in the world would anyone wish to discuss stuff like this with anyone else? Imagine some poor sap buttonholed at a party by someone wanting to bend their ear about what we chat on here. They'd pretty soon be looking over one's shoulder for an escape route.