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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Enlightenment - the Short Way

    Cut and paste 'wisdom' yet again. Reading is not experiencing, it is reading. Regurgitation is just that. Compassion has to be manifest, if someone talks the talk but obviously cannot yet walk the walk then it's just talk. Nothing more. There's a morbidly obese chap sells physical/spiritual work out courses and DVDs online. Some buy his products. Nuff said.
  2. The Hermetic Tradition or Lineage

    Aye, lineages depended on it.
  3. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Ahhh but without the pan the void within could not 'be'. Not in the pan anyway. Cos there'd be no pan. Sure enough the void could maybe move somewhere nicer so it would still not-exist as it were. Just elsewhere. But not as anything in any way related to the pan. Which to all intents and purposes, being now no-pan, possibly never existed in the first place anyway. Hence Apech has not nor could ever have truly cooked an omelette nor any other pan related comestible. All is egg related illusion.
  4. Pole shift

    The labourer is worthy of his hire and, do not muzzle the ox that treads the grain. I read someplace. Anyone who gets a living from quasi spiritual schtick and can keep a living thereby deserves that living. It's the paying customers who keep businesses going and as long as they feel that are getting their money's worth then it's all good.
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    The workers, united; shall never be defeated. (Trotsky) ((Pre ice-pick))
  6. Pole shift

    Free is good. Not necessarily 'best' but gooder than rip off and slightly above con. So many masters, so much merchandise.
  7. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Once you have the skill-it's the only way.
  8. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    In a multiverse a pan-dimension cuts little mustard.
  9. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    They did but VW beetles are made in Mexico now. Home of quality engineering these days is Mexico and Brazil for aircraft. An Italian apocalypse could be fun though. Might arrive late but we could all make a nice piece of change in the run up.
  10. Christmas Shopping Frenzy

    ...... I sincerely hope so.
  11. Meat eating thread

    Carnivore! ;-)
  12. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    Are you a media graduate K? That's what they say all day in their workplaces.
  13. Pole shift

    Follow the money with these guys. The exit is always through the gift, merchandise and bogus-course store. All major cards accepted.
  14. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    The question being... What is the product of seven times six? That's all there ever was or needs to be known. Ultimately.
  15. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    Well call me Sally Cynical but that Mayan apocalypse was a bit of a damp squib and no mistake!
  16. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    ....... You are welcome. ;-)
  17. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    Yep, boy and man. There be gold in these here old battlefields. My mate Steve does better though, he has one of those metal detector thangs, he had three grands worth of Roman Gold out and was on TV back in October Our ashram is only 20 mins away from Glasto, cracking spot to hone dowsing skills too. If you can't get any response in Glasto then you are officially dead.
  18. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    ((((((Strokes beard)))))))) Interesting, so maybe in a parallel universe........... That mouse was severely traumatised for sure. I put it on the bird table with a bit of fruit cake.
  19. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    Top man yourself sir. Do you dowse?
  20. Pole shift

    Prescient that. Noisy drunks just rolling home through the village here. There was an end of the world disco/karaoke billed at the village inn tonight. It's no wonder we lost an Empire!
  21. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    I rescued a mouse earlier and now the cat is giving me the evil eye as it was the cat's intended supper. No sign of that apocalypse yet and it's been an hour since it was due. I'm giving it ten more minutes and if it hasn't arrived by then it's off to bed for me.
  22. Pole shift

    OIC Nice people, very hard working.
  23. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    This you know for a fact experientially, or did you just read it?
  24. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    Navel of the world is the Tor. Powerful spot to be sure.