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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    As the Buddha is reported to have said in the Diamond Troll Sutra Edited as post broke forum rules
  2. Cultivation and calmness can go out of the window in dreadful situations like yours and neighbour nuisance is one of the most common stressors. Other people can be absolute toerags. You are the innocent party and it is your peace that is being invaded so yes, landlady complaint and if that doesn't work call the authorities. It's tough not to be angry but the noisy neighbour is the ersehole NOT you and once an eresehole...... Sometimes though you just have to move on, sounds like you may be in a pretty insalubrious place anyway what with the drugs and the noise.
  3. I quite like that idea of having meditation and stuff in an 'arsenal'. "Incoming.... Yoginis attacking at 3 o clock skipper and they look pretty fierce." "Not too worry Number 2. Blast them with the nei gung phasers, that'll give the blighters something to think about"
  4. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    There is not enough love and goodness in the word for us to be permitted to give any of it away to imaginary things."
  5. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    "First, are not enlightened, and thus have no idea what an enlightened man does. Second, as discussed before, you have no clue what compassion is, why do you continue to insist you do?" Don't hold back Vmarco old chum. Get it off your chest buddy, you'll feel all the better for doing so.
  6. Is this Mo Pai Level 1 ?

    Not so sure about a MoPai 'frenzy'. That MoPai forum is as dead as the DoDo.
  7. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    “We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.” (Goethe)
  8. The Power of F*ck It

  9. People do seem to crave more and more variety. Some seem to be in and out of things every few weeks, this style that style. Such and such a teacher, then someone else, then they disappear. Keeps the book and DVD merchants in business I suppose and does us no harm at the centre either. The 'seekers' who pass through bring something with them and hopefully take something positive away with them when they move on to yet another whim, hobby or spiritual interest.
  10. the importance of posture during meditation

    ... Poor you. We get quite a bit of rain here in Leicestershire too. I have arthritis and it was always a lot worse in cold or wet weather. If it's any consolation, since three months or so after started with the QiGong I have been pain and medication free and that's a good few years now. It's never too late to start, just take it easy and only do as much each day as you are comfortable with. Stick with a simple routine and you'll be amazed at the benefits. Costs nothing and no side effects either. Good luck to you and be well.
  11. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    ............... I don't know is the answer having never observed that happening. The physical mediums I know do not cultivate as we do. I do cultivate and have manifested physical evidence, I post an invite on events on here when we are doing a physical workshop at the centre, all are welcome to pop along and make up their own minds . But, physical mediumship is mediumship it has nothing whatsoever to do with internal cultivation, the energies are external to but working through the medium, hence 'medium' = between this world and the next. I was a working medium long before I began with the QiGong.
  12. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    .... I can see that. My guide Mabel Barltrop is the 8th and presumed last in a line of seers but I'd not say I was in her lineage as such because no such term or concept has ever existed in the Southcottian tradition. With us just one thing happens after another, as in life. We do have LaoTze and ChuangTzu in portrait upstairs at our centre. Psychic artist did them years ago and told folk they were the guardian spirits of the place. Fair enough and that's a super lineage to have although I'm not sure there was an actual Mr LaoTze. Who could know that and be sure?. That said I've not especially noticed either of those auspicious gents popping in at seances and the like. We get any amount of Red Indians, some Chinese gentlemen and grannys bringing flowers from spirit by the cabinet-load but nobody who has fessed up as being either of those two lads thus far. It's a super painting though I have long coveted a copy of it.
  13. Trance and the Path

    Gives me a headache does full trance so I don't do it. Mediums have to do it in training and some take to it almost exclusively, most do not. Not many full trance mediums on the circuit these days, in days gone by when I was a lad there were far more. Fashions change, sitters tend to want eye contact and conversation with the medium these days. 'Overshadowing' (half entranced, half not) is better and most on here will have experienced that state now and again, often on awaking in the morning and before getting out of bed.
  14. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    'Proof of the pudding' and all that maybe. Anybody can claim to be something or be able to do anything online, or in a book or DVD. Lots of armchair warriors over on the MA forum and nothing wrong with that at all, I'm one and admit to it. My fighting days are over. What is delusional is claiming to offer something that simply does not work, or pretending to be able to do something that one cannot actually do. Bit like a bald guy selling patent hair restorer or a clinically obese bloke flogging supposed fitness regimes. OK if they are just fooling themself then little or no harm is done as a rule, but to sell such fantasy to others in exchange for hard and honestly earned cash is akin to sharp practice.
  15. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    .... I'll agree with that entirely but is that a lineage or a spirit guide simply inspiring a medium directly, sorta 1-2-1? If so then that seems to be a different thing than the lineage chaps on here are talking about.
  16. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    As far as effects outside the physical body I'd say yep, possible, easily faked though so much that passes is a sham. We do table tilting workshops, all tables tilt, not all tables tilt inexplicably. Psychokinesis, maybe but nobody has yet claimed the big money on offer for convincing demonstration of that working. Physical mediumship in general is all about energy, where it's done well I reckon it's genuine young Scott Milligan for example, he's good and I've seen him work in good red light, pretty impressive. Mainly though physical mediumship as sold in the £40-00 a seat dark shows (no light in the seance room) it's second class stage magic done in the dark passed off. John Chang the Mo Pai guy may or may not have been genuine I never saw him work but what I have seen online is all standard stage magician and bogus physical mediumship schtick. The outward and visible manifestations of the energetic earn good money for those who can put on a show and there are more physical mediums doing the rounds than there are alchemists and the like getting a living by it as far as I'm aware. Most of those guys sell books and DVDs to earn a crust and you can claim or fake anything in those media. HTH
  17. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    .... Not sure about the alchemists, it all seems a bit wordy and, like those Tantrists who don't get much at all; I've never met an alchemist yet that can do anything particularly spectacular beyond talk or write about it. That said, I just don't know for sure as I've not met that many alchemists really, read tons of them online but in real life very few. QiGong I do know a bit about and reckon that the energetic component sorta develops albeit very slowly, given time and serious, dedicated cultivation. That's not necessary either as QiGong is a super keep fit regimen, like TaiChi or Yoga the internal stuff is an option few bother with. These chaps who sell the propriterary systems seem to make the bulk of their money from folk who constantly chop and change from one practice/DVD/school to another. The BMS is an industry and no harm in that, advertising helps keep forums open.
  18. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    Ah, tea and biccies. Magic.
  19. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    ........ Green Tea for me. Have a biccy. :-)
  20. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    ...... No it isn't. The pyramids are still there , the engineering was that good. It's not magic stops em falling down it's how they were built in the first place. The magic was and is just window dressing to keep insiders in and outsiders out.
  21. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    ........ Because knowledge or skills cannot be instantaneously transmitted either by osmosis or magic. That'd be something along the lines of the Xtian idea of 'salvation' and it's quite a new concept bolted into eastern 'lineage' discourses and that only since those began to be sold here in the west.
  22. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    ....That's be 'engineer' Imhotep buddy. In Koine Greek they called him a Geometroi. Pythagorus whose dad the bronze smith kicked him off Samos for wooly dreaming fetched up in Egypt and secured work as a chain lad working for Geometroi. He walked out with the knotted rope and sticks at the Geometroi's command. The Geometroi had a sweet business it was handed down from father to son and through a craft guild structure, the big secret (how to do the job) was closely guarded. Each year the Nile flooded and mud covered the fields so the Geometroi resurveyed and replaced boundary markers. Dressed it all up in ritual with oaths threats , golf days and ladies auxiliary fund raisers in order to keep the job in house amongst their own and frighten off the plebs. (Freemasons anyone?). Pythagorus works out the trick ( equidistant knots at 3,4,5 spacing along a rope plus two sharp sticks = a perfect right angled triangle every time) and tries to set up a rival surveying firm. The Geometroi put a contract out on him, Pythagorus legs it and sets up elsewhere. The rest is history, mystery and ritual. At root it's just estate agents, construction engineers and surveyors protecting their lucrative turf.
  23. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    ...... Absolutely, academic grades go up to Level 8 and no further, after that it's just a job description and/or tenure. Same with gradings or belts in the MA. Nothing at all mystical about that you do the work and climb the ladder or do some of the work and remain on a particular rung. My issue such as it is concerns the mystifiers of lineage who seem to claim that the act and fact of being initiated into a lineage somehow confers arcane knowledge or power or both almost by osmosis, along the lines of apostolic succession. Now that's nonsense as the only route to knowledge and/or skill involves both sweat and time applied in almost equal measures.
  24. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    Pyramid Building Solutions Inc (The olde firm, no job too big) came first, mysticism was bolted on afterwards, and not by the guys with measuring rods, they were off on the next job laying a patio for the Pharaoh's cousin. It was the merchandise sellers wearing silly hats and calling themselves priests as done it. Tombs often become pilgrimage sites, cults only develop once the merchandise stalls have been set up. Nothing to buy = No cult. Twas ever thus.