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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    Lineage for example. Teacher A needs to keep his students cos their fees pay his rent. Teacher A comes up with a Graded hierarchy, the closer you are to the top the more knowledge you get and one day you will maybe inherit the business. Down the line the lower orders are kept on their toes by loyalty oaths and mini rituals plus the occasional pat on the head. Now all that works well as long as what is being taught is good, effective and beats any challengers. Soon as something better comes along many students will maybe decamp to the new best thing and Teacher As rent goes unpaid. Or he moves to the west and sets up his shingle. Job done and a nice living for Teacher A from daft westerners buying into the lineage schtick.
  2. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    The layout wasn't Fibonacci as such as Fibonacci was yet to come but the point is valid albeit non mystical. Consider the Platonic forms, you can take that two ways, metaphysically to accept an ur form or order 'extant somewhere' against which all temporal forms may be judged. Something along the lines of.... 'The perfect religion against which all others are judged' or 'divine grace, or as plato might have said 'agape'. Or, and this is the more likely pragmatic genesis of Platonism The best solution to any problem is the one that solves the problem best and quickest, along the lines of pyramids being the only shape for really tall massive structures if you don't have girders . Sunflower seeds and some snail shells grow in Fibonacci sequence without them ever having studied math, it's just the most efficient way for them to grow, so that's what they do. A lot of hermeticism and mysticism has been reverse engineered into systems that were basically pragmatic. All well and good to believe in spacemen intervening in history bringing new knowledge but most likely what really happened is that some guy on the job came up with the best way to get he job done using the materials available. Brilliant ideas do seem like miracles sometimes. Teflon for example, wonderful stuff but it took someone at my old uni quite a while to figure out how to get it to actually stick to pans. Once that was sorted the money just flowed in.
  3. The Power of F*ck It

    Who was Bruce Lee?
  4. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    Good man. :-)
  5. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Not all butterflies fear birds. There's the tornado butterfly for example. That guy gets any grief from the birdies and he just flaps his butterfly wings and causes a tornado. Happens all the time by all accounts, hence there are so many tornadoes. Pissed off tornado butterflies cause 'em. The iron vest fritillary is another. Those guys can really kick birdy ass if the need ever arises, which it seldom does. Birds know how tough the iron vest fritillaries are, there's a handbook or old charter or something; and are taught from an early age to avoid them.
  6. The Tao Of Nietzsche

    It's never plagiarism just as long as you cite the references buddy. I sometimes see end references in assignments with x via y elsewhere as cited by a discussing b in a wiki article drawing on c that was intertextually referenced to a paper by d. Those go straight back to the student for amendment and 'further clarification'.
  7. For Saggy Bums At 61 next and nowhere near as spry as once I was I'll admit to being a bit of a Saggy Bum so this article in today's Daily Mail cheered me up no end. Can you get up from being seated on the floor using no hands or just one hand? Never thought about it before but noticed that I can get up from half lotus seated on the floor using one hand no problem. Going for no hands next. I've seen a lot of oldster-like-me ex MA buddies go to physical wrack and ruin when they stop playing. Just goes to show that continuing to cultivate something do-able in later life does pay dividends.
  8. Crowley's TTC
  9. Having mustered the minimum number of believers required, Sinfest 2 Judgement Day is now, officially; a minor deity. All Hail. Watch this space for merchandise and signed cartoons each one personally blessed by the god himself. (Cash preferred, no cheques). All payments and any queries to Deity PA Logistics plc (Rome, Beijing, New York, Wigan) Flat 5a (rear entrance) The Vatican Rome
  10. New books for EVERYONE

    And further, my son, take note of this. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is an affliction of the flesh.
  11. Greetings...

    Welcome to TTB Sabina.
  12. New books for EVERYONE

    Automatic writing rocks, the spirits do all the work for you. Go for it bro.
  13. Natural Chi Movement - Tienko Ting

    " Once we have received your registration form and payment, we will email you further information about your session and guidelines for feedback and follow-up with Tienko". $270 US dollars for the short course $1,000 US dollars for a month and it doesn't specify how that's delivered, could be via emails. Caveat Emptor = Let the Buyer Beware
  14. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    This thread could be as well called Spiritual Lineage NOT Explained
  15. The Power of F*ck It

    Up ya go little F*ck It.
  16. demonic mantra

  17. New books for EVERYONE

    .... Fifty Sheds of Grey I kid you not it's a real book, for middle aged men.
  18. New books for EVERYONE

    I can find you 100K + words if you like but guarantee that you'll not want to read 'em.
  19. demonic mantra

    Every word bar two I recognise in that sentence K. What is a Biggie and Tupac?
  20. The Tao of Kierkegaard

    Yep that tends to work best. Education is what remains long after one has forgotten whatever the professor taught.
  21. New books for EVERYONE

    Good luck with that guys. Writing books is a blast.
  22. Sinfest 2 Judgement day is now, officially; a minor deity.

    Do something God like then........
  23. The Tao of Kierkegaard

    Ken: I'll tell you what's wrong with you: your head's addled with novels and ..... and a fellow called Kierkegaard who just sits there, biting the heads off whippets. (Monty Python).
  24. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Mrs. McKenna might have something to say about that bro.