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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Tien Tao Chi Kung
  2. demonic mantra

    The Osmonds. Evil personified.
  3. detachment and bliss?

    Bliss is not an achievement, hence one cannot be ambitious for it. One cannot even desire it. To desire it is to miss it. It is already the case. We have it but we are oblivious of the fact. (Osho)
  4. All the shit is still there it just don't have the hold on one that once it did.
  5. You Meet A Wizard

    Immobilise Wizard using MA or a sturdy stick whichever is easiest. Steal both potions. Dilute potions greatly then sell via e-Bay for many dollars a dose. Buy house next door to Simon Cowell and live like a nabob on illicit gains.
  6. You have a blast this Crimbo K. Enjoy. :-)
  7. The Power of F*ck It

    Well the dictionary says.... (See above) ;-)
  8. End of relationship...

    You'll not go far wrong with Quan Yin. Chanting her nembutsu is a great cultivation, all success to you. Enjoy.
  9. The Power of F*ck It

    Schmunk? Who that K?....... Well a day without learning is a day wasted. Who would have thought .....?
  10. The Power of F*ck It

    Can you imagine the chat up converstaions at a F*ck It retreat? Fancy a dance? F*ck It Might I offer you a drink? F*ck It. Were I to offer you my body what might you do? .... ..
  11. End of relationship...

    You meet a nice class or person at Tai Chi. Plenty of Tai Chi classes in Eire. Dublin especially.
  12. Massive RIP coverage of that tragedy over on the MA forum.
  13. The Power of F*ck It

    I expect those are de rig around the pool on their Italian retreat holidays. Amazing isn't it. Someone comes up with an idea, beings out a book and before you know it there's yet another an embryonic cult. Have you seen what they are charging!
  14. Aye, unless we first stare into the abyss we'll never manage to cross it. Recognizing barriers is the first step towards overcoming them.
  15. End of relationship...

    Worst chat up lines in the world are spiritual ones. Show an interest, ask questions, find out what she is into... Job done. ;-)
  16. End of relationship... Hot, beautiful, spiritual........... Cora LV is still wowing seances to this day.
  17. End of relationship...

    No spiritual women? Wash out ya mouth bro! The list of spiritual women is feckin' endless... Start here...
  18. The Power of F*ck It

    There are T shirts and sweat tops to be had as well What's not to like?
  19. The Power of F*ck It

    F*ck It retreats, holidays and a convention already..... Here.....
  20. End of relationship...

    Philip Larkin had it about right on mums and dads.
  21. Forced evolution via Internet

    Well, not that the inclination has ever arisen but she would for sure set fire to my legs were I ever to peruse internet porno that's for sure.
  22. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    Yep Tao's about the same I reckon. It's all Tao when you come down to it.
  23. Forced evolution via Internet

    You've met Mrs GMP?
  24. Dream Journal anyone?

    Idea from another thread and squash it if it's daft. A dream journalling thread for sleeping (qiGong and the like) cultivators. Any comments?
  25. Dream Journal anyone?

    Ta.. PM will do nicely More for us.... ;-)