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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong?

    Yep I can still do the old iron shirt a bit. Comes in useful when Mrs GMP is on the warpath and the saucepans begin to fly. You are right about that breathing out sharply a beat before impact ShenLung, also the self-hitting toughens one up. Time was, someone could break a sturdy stick across my tum and nary a wince from me. Not now though. (DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED. IT REALLY HURTS. YOU JUST TRAIN YOURSELF NOT TO NOTICE IT)
  2. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    What sort of mess would this (could not run a beer tasting session in a brewery) current set of clowns pretending to run England make of a place the size of the USA if we had not lost it? One shudders to think.
  3. New Tantra Titles from Tharpa Publications
  4. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong?

    Luxury we calls it. Up to our necks in a frozen stream cultivating in't nude, taters like tiny blue walnuts. Luxury, and glad of being fanned whilst we were at it too.
  5. The Power of F*ck It

    See, better already.
  6. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong?

    Or just move to the North Pennines.... where Chris Lomas and us come from ....'going into a cave, and having water poured over the body, and then having a partner use a fan while you practice' is classed as a good night out.
  7. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong?

    Local lad to us is Sifu Chris Lomas, I’ve watched him grow up from a boy; but we have moved away from the North West to the East Midlands. The DVDs are superb. If you can get to Chris’ sessions in Manchester so much the better if not the DVD has it all in there. The guy is 100% genuine and you’ll find You Tube clips of him here and there.
  8. How often do you practice?

    Aye, you can take a horse to water, but if it isn’t thirsty…..
  9. Sleeping Qigong/practices

    Interesting and come to thknk of it the monks at Mount St Bernard near here tend towards being pretty spry and they get up during the night for a service. It's my nursing head on. Everybody needs 8 hours sleep in 24 and any more is a bonus. I seldom go the full 8 hours these days more like 6 or 7 but unless a dog gets me up I do sleep through.
  10. The Absolute Present

    ......... You be careful there with that ' changing the past' et old buddy. I was only saying to Elvis last week at that nice Mr. Hitler's coffee morning how messing with the past might be risky.
  11. The Absolute Present

    It's all names but as far as I am aware that first law of physics has yet to be refuted. The only eternal thing they have come up with so far that cannot be created or destroyed is energy. I reckon Qi is energy.
  12. Sleeping Qigong/practices

    Broken sleep isn't healthy.
  13. Sleeping Qigong/practices

    I do 8 strands standing form one round before retiring every night then once round the full mala nembutsuing (for family and sick list health and a big lottery win, one out of two aint bad so far) in bed. Usually sleep like a large and rather elderly baby and never have nightmares (there's a trick to that, PM if you want it). Dreams tend to depend on whatever I've been reading or what's at the front of my mind. This week I've been mainly out in the old west on a wagon train. No idea how the elephants arrived but they are pretty handy against marauding Apaches.
  14. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    .... Only way a lamb will ever lie down with a lion is if the lamb is inside the lion's tummy being digested.
  15. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    ....... Truly the meek shall inherit the Earth... (If that'll be OK with the well armed guys).
  16. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    ....... A decent Koine Greek interlinear New Testament is the closest you'll get to what passes for the original. And even then what you'll be reading is a gloss on original fragments that are just that... A jigsaw puzzle of re-assembled bits and the earliest of those not written until many years (about one lifetime) after Mr. Jesus allegedly left the stage, if he ever occupied it in the first place.
  17. Has anyone tried Iron Vest Qigong? Sifu Chris Lomas is the lad for this form. Highly recommended.
  18. World Peace has been taken already.....
  19. Sleeping Qigong/practices

    Will let you know buddy. I'm just off to bed. :-)
  20. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    Jolly excellent it sounds too. As long as belonging within a lineage brings peace and contentment to an individual then it's all to the good.
  21. dissociation and healing

    Cultivating can make you feel worse for a while and some give up on it because of that but if you persevere and just cultivate through the pain you'll be home free . The simple repetitive discipline of a daily set form pays dividends. Something easily learnt and do-able without too much disruption to your day. 8 Strands of Silk Brocade standing form QiGong is excellent , expect to see tangible results after about three months of daily practice and from then on it just gets better and better.
  22. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Well he'd have been Yeshua bar Joseph and Joseph would have been Abu Yeshua locally in much the same way that even today's Palestinian dads after the birth of their first son become abu. So my buddy Faris's dad who was Mohammed has been called Abu Faris ever since Faris was born. Names for people tend to identify who or what either they or their parents belong to and/or identify with. I was born in England but it is immediately obvious from my surname that my heritage is Irish. A Chinese cultivator with Chen as part of their name will likely do Taiji in a particular style.
  23. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    But Josephine McCarthy who coined that 'hive beings' descriptor seems to defend the lineage position. Having read some of her stuff hers would be an Hermetic line one suspects. It's all good. People believe whatever they choose to believe in, when they believe in it. Some people believe several different things either consecutively or even, sometimes; concurrently. We are a believing species. There are even some very devout atheists out there.
  24. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Koine Greek's the closest to the local Aramaic insofar as it was the lingua franca 'market' language in that neck of the Roman Empire back in the day. Saul/Paul would have used it for sure.