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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Thing is, and I'm no expert; whichever 'translation' used ; being from Chinese characters, it's far more an interpretation than a translation from one textual language into another such as Greek into Latin for example. Sinologists are notoriously argumentative,
  2. As a university lecturer and trade unionist I sincerely hope his does not catch on. At least not until after I retire. ;-)
  3. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Agreed, but as our chum says above it's a convenient label . For example, forum would be called Not the Tao Bums, and that might be confusing.
  4. End of relationship... A little book of comfort here.
  5. What do you want for Christmas?

    Loads of balls. Tree is up now and as pretty as a Xmas Card. Cat is in tree patting balls as I type.
  6. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    I like Josephine McCarthy, anyone who can describe Bradford as a 'magical city' deserves respect. Her concept of someone within a lineage as being a 'Hive being' is rather good too. We've kept bees and having read some of the claims of lineage people on here and elsewhere I'd say 'hive being' is quite an accurate analogy for some of them.
  7. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Yep, I agree. The minute we begin to try and explain or describe these things we're wrong by definition.
  8. Religion

    Maybe Mr Jesus did not exist as such but someone sure felt the need to perpetuate his mythos, not many places don't have some sort of Xtian church or other. I suspect someone of his ilk was around at the time , Life of Brian type guy who a few hotheads imagined was King David reincarnated and come to kick out the Romans. Paul/Saul reimagined the Mr Jesus yarns to carve out a nice living for himself and the rest is history.
  9. Spiritual Lineage Explained It's a common concept is lineage, apostolic succession and the like. Magic heritage. One magic person passing the magic on to the next and so on. Belief is a wonderful thing.
  10. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Isn't Tao called 'Tao' ? Can be named , can't be described. Sorry if that sounds pedantic.
  11. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    Context... Peter is saying to Mr Jesus.... "You da King man!" Sod the Latin the Koine Greek is quite clear Peter is acknowledging Mr Jesus as a temporal wannabe king in the same way and linguistic context that he and his fellow revolutionaries looked back on King David as the mythical bees knees. Life of Brian's got it about right, most of Mr Jesus followers had him for a king in waiting in the simple sense of their King who would kick the Romans erses out and lead them on to a brave new dawn with presents for everybody.
  12. Religion

    Cheers buddy I'll have a look at those. :-)
  13. A useful text for anyone interested in Vedanta is In this gloss on the Akshya Upanishad Osho simplifies and renders accessible ancient wisdom for the modern reader. Free pdf at
  14. Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi

    Spot on about stopping it raining. American chap travelling in northern India with a Lama, rains come, roads impassable, Lama goes out onto veranda, says some words and throws out a cup of tea. Rain stops, this happens several times in more than one place as they continue on the journey. Pretty impressive stuff. Will try to find and post a link. I had the book but sent it on to a chum.
  15. Religion

    Yep I can see your point, it's one of those areas best left alone really because neither of us are going to fall out with each other about it as we respect each others position despite not agreeing with it maybe. Lucy the Sufi and her mates who use our centre would claim they are proper Sufis but maybe other Sufis would say different. There's a Ahmadiya Mosque in Leicester, they are a Kashmiri sect who claim to be custodians of the tomb of Jesus (it's in Srinagar in Kashmir) but the mainstream Moslems don't recognize them as being true Moslems either. Good luck to you buddy, I enjoy your posts.
  16. Religion

    Just saying bro and don't take it personally, no offence intended it's just that I was born and raised Southcottian Spiritualist and still keep it up on high days and holidays and, like gurus; one takes one's prophets wherever one finds them. Loads of Sufis , especially women ones; venerate Octavia. Those Healing linen talismans available via the website are completely free and, in many cases; genuinely effective. If it don't work it has cost you nothing.
  17. Cajun werewolves here.. I've also heard stories about 'Leezar Blanc' from Cajun Spiritist chums. She's a giant white gator who comes and eats the souls of bad people immediately those depart the body. Only the wicked person concerned and any mediums present at the time can see that happening though.
  18. Religion

    Well in that case it's Mabel Barltrop called 'Octavia'' by true believers. Mrs Barltrop was the eighth and final prophet of this or any other dispensation. Free healing talisman of blessed linen via 'The Healing' link here... You know it makes sense.
  19. What do you want for Christmas?

    ........ One cannot gainsay the simple pleasures of small erections around one's property. I would be a sadder man did I not have sheds and stables to retreat to when Mrs. GMP gets the hoover out. Richly deserved day off from work today. Mrs GMP decides to erect and decorate the XmtianmassTree. Along with both dogs and the cat I have retreated to and am posting this from a warm cosy shed lest my opinions and/or assistance be called upon. I like to see the tree once it's up and decorated but as far as participating in its assemblage...........
  20. The difference between illumination and enlightenment?

    Why curse the darkness when you can light a candle? = Illumination. No darkness, No light = Enlightenment. Enlightenment's a slippery beastie, most of us get by on the odd flash of illumination. Anything else is a bonus.
  21. The Absolute Present

    First thing they taught us in physics class back at school was that... Energy can neither be created nor destroyed... That convinced me, if anything is truly immortal then it has to be energy.
  22. End of relationship...

    The very worst times fade into memory eventually and we can each learn from mistakes made in order to avoid future repetition. The first Mrs GMP seemed to have everything a man could wish for (moustache, tatoos, big muscles and a well paid job kick starting jumbo jets at Manchester Airport), but in the fulness of time (27-years) we just drifted apart. You move on, and the second Mrs GMP is much nicer, hence had that first split not happened; this second and much happier domestic situation could not have emerged.
  23. Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi

    I was wondering too. Posted this OP to what is a specifically Vedanta book on the Vedanta forum and, presumably because the book is by Osho the Vedanta-ists demanded this thread be thrown out of Vedanta hence it has arrived here in General Discussion. I can see that a guru who comes out and admits that guruing is all abit of a sham won't go down too well with some who really really need to believe in a guru, but I was surprised that expulsion happened here on TTB. It's the sort of thing you expect to happen on Dharma Wheel but maybe not on TTB.
  24. What do you want for Christmas?

    Ho Ho Ho ;-)
  25. External + Internal Martial Arts

    Chris (iron shirt) Lomas