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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Upping Sticks

    Hey ho. Last day today at work as I have seven days leave to take prior to my official end date on 19th September. Pretty good haul of cards and goodies with more to come. Managed to hornswoggle a union colleague into being pro tem rep until branch elections can be held. There's a seat that tends to be uncontested and I suspect my hornswoggled colleague may well find that he has the rep's job for life. I await a summons to Buckingham Palace for enoblement ( or at very least my long service British Empire Medal). Still no news of a moving date though so we continue to live surrounded by packing cases.
  2. Dalai Lama says no need for successor

    A yellow hat at that. Very fetching is yellow.
  3. Dalai Lama says no need for successor

    Your name may have been mentioned Apech. May the DL live forever but if the job does become vacant we'll be sure to keep an eye out for white smoke arising over the TTB forum banner. HH The Dalai Apech has a nice ring to it.
  4. Happy Mid Autumn Festival everyone

    I learn something new every day on here. Cheers buddy.

    Yep. Very contentious subject is Dzogchen. I deliberately avoided naming names in my previous post Zoom. However, as you have been kind enough to reply I repeat my good wishes insofar as... If Dzogchen suits you then you enjoy doing it and that in good health.

    Seems to me that Dzogchen has taken over from MoPai as the number one contentious topic here on TTB. Why? If someone likes Dzogchen and enjoys doing it then good luck to them. Just get on with it and shut the feck up as far as boring everyone else with your hobby horse. Or... Maybe they like arguing more than they like Dzogchen. There are some strange folks about and no mistake.
  7. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    Now that is funny on several levels MH! ROFL
  8. Drugs and Alcohol

    Whatever caffeine is in good tea is drug enough for anyone. Booze is Satan's buttermilk and only losers or the soon to be lost ever take recreational pharmaceuticals.
  9. Dalai Lama says no need for successor

    He'll be back.
  10. Happy Mid Autumn Festival everyone

    You're a tad early but have a nice day anyway... Date & Time of Solstices & Equinoxes in 2014 Equinoxes: March 20 2014 16:57 GMT September 23 2014 02:29 GMT Solstices: June 21 2014 10:51 GMT December 21 2014 23:03 GMT
  11. Rudraksha mala

    Yep, it's just one way of looking at the mala. Quite a nice one IMO. Still and all, some folks just have to be 'right' about everything. Best left to it are those sorts.
  12. Is TTB a safe place to post?

    If it aint broke don't fix it. TTB is OK. Mods do a good job. There'll always be some degree of friction on any forum. We get by though.
  13. Rudraksha mala

    I'll be sure and tell him next time I'm over here.
  14. i will be gone for awhile, perhaps forever

    Where are they all now eh?
  15. where did the post go?

    Unless it reappears three days from now I won't believe there ever was a post begun by 3bob and deleted by the mods. Still and all if you guys want to believe in the post and then discuss it....... Ooops . Sorry. Thought this was a religion thread. My bad,
  16. Rudraksha mala

    108 = Tao is 1 We are 0 Infinity symbol is 8 Old boy in Taiwan told me that one.
  17. Dogen's Shobogenzo

    I don't agree with Alan Watts on much but he was spot on with 'aching legs Buddhism'.
  18. Dogen's Shobogenzo

    Interesting that you say that Michael. MCO/ Zazen. I can see where that could work but if someone is sitting zazen and at the same time 'thinking' about working the MCO might that not detract from the zazen? Never tried both at the same time but I only sit zazen now and again anyhoo as my poor old legs don't enjoy it as much as once they did. QiGong every day nowadays and that keeps me moving. Shobogenzo's hard going in parts and is sure to be better in the original but no way can I be ersed learning Japanese. There's some good stuff in there plus lots of humour.
  19. Dogen's Shobogenzo

    For sure. Zen's big in South Korea and Vietnam too. I'd not thought to ignore other Zens but this thread was for Shobogenzo which is basically a Japanese text in the original. Not much interest in this sub forum though. I reckon it was a good idea but maybe not for TTB as there are so few of us and the Buddha Bums we do have tend towards Tibetan interests. Still and all - thanks for posting here.

    This much I do know as I share a faculty refectory with some 'Quantum Mechanics' ( superstringers really but same old and they used to be Quantum until the research funding for that dried up and they switched). You can take this to the bank lads... Not even 'Quantum Mechanics' researchers understand quantum mechanics fully - hence any thread with "QM & X " in its title online is speculative at best and pure BS at worst.
  21. Nature = Good

    If the sweater had this logo on you'd be fine
  22. neat trick to solve flat arches

    These are brilliant... The foot bed is contoured.
  23. Earth chakras and energy spots

    Loads of info , books and links here.... Enjoy.
  24. Ice Bucket bail out...

    It is common knowledge in South India that drinking ice water is fatal. Found that out when I once offered around bottles of water fresh from the freezer. From their reactions and comments I could as well have asked my Indian colleagues if they would like some bottles of poison.
  25. Upping Sticks

    Finally got my retirement date confirmation from work. 19th September. FREE free I tells ya! We're moving on or just before 30th. Living amongst packing cases right now. It seems ages since we started out towards 'Upping Sticks' but looking back it was only June 8th when we decided so really we've done pretty well time-wise so far.