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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Mice can have lice. Or is it the other way round? (Strokes beard)
  2. Teachers in Australia?

    ......... Somebody here is sure to be able to advise you....
  3. The Absolute Present

    ....... That's a fair point. Funny how religion seems to have erupted almost spontaneously way back when with Common themes across many paths.
  4. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Not The Cat Any Cat Mouseists are an equal opportunity secret society
  5. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    No. I swore never to utter the word Cat in mixed company. No more shall I do so. With respect to the arcane misterie of Ye Old Order of Mouseists and my lodge associates, ones lips must, of necessity; remain forever sealed .
  6. External + Internal Martial Arts

    Agreed. MMA fighters are not to be messed with without either a long sturdy stick or gun of some description. Mind you if they keep on banning moves at the rate they are doing then pretty soon MMA'll be a lot tamer than it once was.
  7. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Cake is nice too. This one is mixed fruit. I've eaten your piece.
  8. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Can't I took a solemn oath.
  9. 'Olive Oil's Dark Side'

    There was a docu on UK TV back in the summer about this. Even some of the big supermarket chains were being gulled into buying sub standard olive oil. Tesco has upped their source labelling since.
  10. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Speak not of that which may not be named. (squeak).
  11. "Spirit" - what is it?

    "You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body". (C.S. Lewis).
  12. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Religion more than a set of beliefs... 'Some religions' do equate to a set of beliefs. Mrs GMP has baked you a cake et. You may both have it and eat it.
  13. It would be cool...

    ........ Do you have a brother called Ponyboy who posts on the Steampunkers Brass Goggles forum? If not then you have a doppelgänger Sin and I claim my shiny guinea as finder's fee.
  14. What do you want for Christmas?

    A Pork pie hat would look nice with that scarf.
  15. Yo, wachado?

    8 Strands of Silk Brocade QiGong standing form. Old Southcottian Mediumship.
  16. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Mother mouse was so proud of her mouselings. Day by day they grew in strength and confidence. "The day is here O Mouselings mine" sang mother mouse.. "Follow me beyond the hole and into the lounge, where you may play and gambol beyond the confines of our tiny nest". Oh how the mouselings scampered and cavorted, beyond the hole, upon the warm carpet, within the lounge. And then A shadow, long of tail, pointy of ears and arched of back... Fell upon the mouselings. Who froze in terror. Mother Mouse beheld, as poised to pounce, a fierce pussy cat. Mad of eye and hungry of visage. Drawing herself up to her full height Mother Mouse glared into the wild eyes of the pussy cat and spake thus... "WOOF... WOOF...WOOF" Confused and alarmed the pussy cat turned tail and fled through the cat flap. Mother Mouse turned to the trembling mouselings and smilingly chided.... "May that ever be a lesson to you all oh mouselings mine. Never, ever; underestimate the advantages of learning a second language".
  17. It would be cool...

    Whilst away one visited an old chum HH The Dali Lama who graciously permitted the recording of the silence in his meditation room. Here it is, with HH blessings Use it in good health........
  18. GrandmasterP where are you?

    .... No happy person ever went on a 'retreat'. This includes soldiers.
  19. The Absolute Present

    If you go back far enough... Isn't Buddhism ... 'Hinduism in Buddhist drag'?
  20. AMORC

    Back in the 50s my old Dad took pulp SF mags. Fantastic stuff, wish I had them now, they'd be worth fortune. Each and every one of those mags carried ads for the Rosicrucians. Every now and again the same ad pops up in Old Moore's Almanack. Full back page colour ad on 2012 edition plus a half page inside so they must still have money.. Address... IRS 60 Windsor Avenue, London, SW 19 2RR Website...
  21. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    It never was 'Mince'. That's a mistranslation. Every child knows that. We were taught it in Mouseday School.
  22. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Mousetians Begat Reformed Mousetians Begat Old Order Mousetians (strict observance) They of course split after the Diet of Cheddar into Strict and Particular Mousetians And the more popular First Church of Latter Day Mousetians plc. So claiming Mousetianity as ones path is a priori... Wrong!
  23. Haiku Chain

    Gall stones... silently, thrive. One day soon
  24. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    They walk amongst us.
  25. What do you want for Christmas?

    Never, ever; enter the darkened bedroom of ones Lego mad son, in bare feet. I still bear the scars and he's a father himself now.