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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    There's this giant turtle see....
  2. What do you want for Christmas?

    Is that you Santa?
  3. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Some may say that mousey got his just desserts. Not I. Away.... I needs must grieve alone.
  4. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Poor wee mousey. DEAD!! And never called me Mother. (SOB)
  5. What do you want for Christmas?

    No it isn't a trap.... It's a wish list. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Santa reads TTB.
  6. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Speak not of tinsel at such a time. Mice are dying.
  7. 3 souls 7 spirits

    Nice hat though.
  8. The Absolute Present

    How about you bubbles? What have you asked Santa to bring?
  9. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    I know where you are coming from, there is something about a finely turned ankle beneath a dark serge cassock. Damn that General Synod. I was looking forward to women Bishops. They would have sorted the dear old CofE out, once and for all. Be another ten years at least now unless Mrs Queen steps in, and she's no fan apparently.
  10. External + Internal Martial Arts

    I did MA from being 9 , started with judo and stuck to that til army then did Greco Roman wrestling , then Pakua (I know but that's what it still says on the sign over the door). Then modern arnis and Pakua. Then arthritis and sod all for two years then TaiChi then QiGong. The QiGong got me mobile where the TaiChi didn't cos I could not move my legs and do it properly. I didn't do anything internal at all when I was fighting, we didn't back then. Reckon if I had have done I coulda been a contender for sure. Internal lends power to external forms. The amazing thing about internal is that even if the external body is a bit fecked as mine was, if you cultivate regularly you become so much better, more supple and (touching wood) pain-free without medication.
  11. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Yes I have pondered that long and hard whilst in the Bardo fighting off the unwanted attentions of Steampunkers, howsoever well intentioned. Off topic I shall nary stray. Hence..... If religion IS the poison of Spirituality Then Spirituality IS the poison of Religion. Stands to reason dunnit? Now if that's the case then there's a lot of coves out there wearing saffron robes, dhotis, turbans, cassocks and the like (not simultaneously of course, that would just look silly) who are seriously wasting their time.
  12. The Absolute Present

    Well World Peace of course. That'll never happen. So how about... A billionaire vet who only does it for fun, never sends a bill in and does not create such a fuss when the horse stamps on his foot. Sheer fantasy. I really want another puppy but as the North Koreans say A dog is not just for Christmas Day, you can stretch the leftovers with rice and a dash of curry powder to make it last the entire week.
  13. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Fair point but I reckon we'd have known. Some of our ladies are great fans, items would have been thrown for sure.
  14. External + Internal Martial Arts

    We do Zen Archery. That's an internal martial art.
  15. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    He's not dead either. He was on that dreadful The Voice thing on telly in a whirly chair with Will I Am , a nice lady and some Irish bloke nobody ever heard of.
  16. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    It might not have been Lao-Tzu anyway. He spoke English with a slight Welsh accent. You cannot rely on all of those gone before to tell the entire truth.
  17. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Sprouts are good for your according to Mrs GMPs Weightwatchers Points Thingy . Apparently you can eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a light supper every day of the holidays and never gain an ounce.
  18. As the Tao Turns

    Why would Tao choose? Surely to do so would be to reify a fictive duality.
  19. I feel like I'm being targetted

    It's intuition, not paranoia; if they really are out to get you. (Chews security blanket)
  20. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    I asked that of Lao Tzu once in a seance. He was noncommital.
  21. The Absolute Present

    My wish for this Xtiantide is that each and every Bum gets the presents they hoped for.
  22. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    Brussels Sprouts every which way here.. Steamed Fried Boiled Poached And With Custard. Lovely lovely sprouts
  23. Xtiantidetime Inyourfacetime

    How do you know Santa has passed his driving test? There are No-el plates on his sleigh. What do you get from eating too many Christmas decorations? Tinsel-itis Two snowmen on a lawn. One asks the other "Can you smell carrots ?"
  24. GrandmasterP where are you?

    Steampunk Forum took me in and fed me. Don't ask. It was hell. They all wear goggles.