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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. strong energy cultivation

    Spot on, philosophy is just the words, when you get to the actual doing, more often than not; everybody is talking about the same thing just using different words to describe it. Like Kundalini / Qi... On another thread we saw a link to a site that reckons it's all the same thing just different labels. More people fall out over words than they do over deeds.
  2. is it only me or the TB has lost its magic?

    There's ebb and flow, wax and wane . Looking at an old thread on here and amazed a how few people who were very active back then still post. Turtle was the only one I recognised.
  3. ................ I kinda agree with you in one sense, thinking about an old lady we know; widow with no kids and only her cat for company most of the time who draws great solace and comfort from being involved with her church and she has something to talk about when we see her all the church politics and intrigues and who in the choir does not like the vicar and so on. Keeps her going I reckon. But say the church wasn't there then she'd as likely belong to some other club or social group and get the same sort of buzz from that. These professional religionistas who get their wages from peddling pap to punters really are amongst the lowest of the low IMO.
  4. Properties of individuals and consciousness

    ............ Good post thank you. Check out May be of interest. Good Luck.
  5. daughter dies at the same date as her mother

    Sorry to hear of your bereavement. As far as I know there's no actual sayings around same date leaving the body as such, in our (spiritualist) tradition , in the UK anyway but it certainly is something that we hear about from time to time. Same as moms having babies on their own or their mother's birthday. Could just be coincidence , it has to happen sometimes after all; but it sure makes you stop and think when it happens to someone close.
  6. Metaphysical musings I admire Peter Ralston's work and he majors on this idea of being ego-less but in the moment. It has tangible beneficial effects on martial arts practice so if it works and can be seen to work in that context it has to be worth playing it , if only to see what happens; in other theatres of life too.
  7. Cancer-killing dandelion tea gets $157K research grant

    This does not constitute advice to anyone else nor a prescription but dandelion tea is the best diuretic I have ever come across for flushing out my elderly kidneys. Marvellous stuff. Potters herbal supplies sell it here in the UK.
  8. Stress is a definite killer if it isn't addressed soon enough. Next to back injuries, and those go with the territory; stress is the biggest cause of time off work in the public sector here in the UK.
  9. is it only me or the TB has lost its magic?
  10. East-West mind difference

    Tsoknyi Rinpoche I'll give you and that guy who wrote the book about accompanying the Lama around his home areas in Tibet.. Panchen Lama seems to have the right idea too as far as demystifying is concerned. I wonder sometimes if it isn't the fault of the western converts into Tibetan that has held it back with respect to accessibility these past forty years or so.
  11. East-West mind difference

    Does a bear shit in the woods? I was agreeing with your previous post Cat.
  12. East-West mind difference

    Cacatne ursus in silvis?
  13. East-West mind difference

    Try as we might if we're not reincarnated into this life as a Chinese Taoist or ethnic Tibetan Buddhist then we'll not become one this time round.
  14. East-West mind difference

    The most accessible 'eastern' literature for a western mindset IMO comes from borderlines where east and west blend Academic Buddhisms for example via University of Hawaii where there is a large Japanese- American faculty. The Phillipine Eskrima canon is superb because their dissolved-diaspora in the west feeds back into and informs the 'Ur' texts to produce something that retains the original yet is perhaps more accessible to a western reader. You don't get any of that with Tibetan Buddhisms for some reason, westerners who take to it seem to make the futile attempt to 'go native' hence the mess.
  15. White Skeleton Meditation instructions

    What's the full title and author of that Little Book of Meditation please Jetsun? Looks interesting but Amazon UK can't find it.
  16. If it's for an essay Sinan PM me and I'll send you some stuff from work tomorrow.
  17. Politicians! Bunch of bastards, all of 'em, no exceptions.
  18. We'll find a way to get around it. The internet genie is well and truly out of the bottle. There's no such thing as a system that cannot be subverted somehow. Who are these deluded people anyway that they believe they somehow have the power to legislate against freedom of speech and expression of others? And aint those 'others' usually those saying the things that the power holders don't want said?
  19. Religion stinks, all of it, however and wherever it is practiced it exists to exclude the uninitiated 'heretic'. Some of the proprietary systems being peddled via thinly disguised advertisements elsewhere on this forum are nothing short of cultic religion dressed up in sheep's clothing. Checking out their literature, as I have done with one such this morning; soon reveals their truly odious nature and intent.
  20. Buddha vs Mara short video

    We can't get lamas round here so we use horses.
  21. Massage questions

    Check out Reichian Therapy/ Orgone. It's Qi under a different name. A good Reichian therapist can apply massage in such a way that the client bursts into tears and not through physical pain. Very cathartic.
  22. outlets for kundalini energy

    ................ Librarian is a sweet job especially in a university. Chicago for Divinity... Harvard for networking Hawaii for Buddhism and a nice tan. Have a word with Tenure Track Prof. Jay Sakashita at Hawaii (ex Stirling Uni UK) he's the lad for Buddhist studies if you want to learn.
  23. The Art of Memory

    These guys never miss a single point in debate....
  24. The Art of Memory

    Yep music is good and lyrics. Last memories to go in the cruel descent into Alzheimers are nursery rhymes learnt at mother's knee. Koran's a long poem memorised kinaesthetically. The students rock and 'bow' on the syllabic beats.