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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Spiritual Language

  2. Metaphysical musings

    3 And they're off........
  3. The true enlightened beings, TLK, MLP: FIM?

    Our ponies worship apples.
  4. Metaphysical musings

    Then by that reasoning, there is one. ;-)
  5. Is it "healthy"?

    Sounds fair enough. :-)
  6. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    Ah that symbolic logic. Nope the Philosophical app. It's not mathematical unless that is specified. Specialist tool, find it in the journals. The math heads don't like it at all as a rule cos it aint sums.
  7. The true enlightened beings, TLK, MLP: FIM?

    Little Pony? All ponies are little in comparison to their mum and dad.
  8. Is it "healthy"?

    Non attachment is a bit of a cop out for some who take to Buddhisms. Not, I hasten to add; as a rule with ethnic Buddhists who on the whole seem to be busy , hard working folk. Poncing your food from punters and sitting on your erse in the sunshine doing sod all for most of the day is an attractive alternative to work and responsibility for some western chums of Mr Buddha. Thailand's chock a block with 'em mainly in forests.
  9. What to wear on my feet while cultivating?

    Yep that'll work, static electricity goes to 'earth' given the chance.
  10. Is it "healthy"?

    If one can encourage that then success is sure to follow. A student who desires to succeed usually does, the ones who cruise through in second gear tend not to attain firsts.
  11. The truth behind the Law of Attraction

    Oh boy did we get that Toronto Blessing over here? Folk falling about laughing like hyenas all over the shop in Pentecostal churches, it was on TV. So un-English. Don't hear as much about it recently, maybe the spirit has moved on. That Xtianity as entheogen schtick though, I reckon that may have legs. Mr Jesus was a medium for sure so who is to say he didn't advocate a bit of light recreational toking? Purely for Shamanistic purposes of course.
  12. Is it "healthy"?

    . ...... WRONG and double wrong. PaKua is a young man's game, ask my well-kicked erse.
  13. What do you wish you'd learned as a kid?

    Had I learnt then that keeping horses was almost as expensive as running the space programme then I may have been a far wealthier man than I am today. If we don't get at least a Christmas card from the vet this year........
  14. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    God loves a tryer. ;-)
  15. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    Two halves make one. Two ones are two. Don't believe me? Ask Mrs. GrandmasterP. :-) Math'll only get you so far in Philosophy as Russell and Whitehead discovered to their chagrin. Symbolic logic is yer man and old 'laugh a minute' Wittgenstein fair sickened his mentor Russell with that punch line in the Logico... Whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must remain silent.
  16. Is it "healthy"?

    Yep I am no stranger to the obsessive-compulsive. It gets better once you've turned 50. ;-)
  17. What to wear on my feet while cultivating?

    Different strokes for different folks YM, we teach draw Yin up from ground. There's plenty there for everyone.
  18. What are you reading right now? The Secrets of Chinese Meditation. Been waiting ages for it to arrive as I bought it cheap via Amazon partners second hand. So far so good. First published in 1964 and appears to have been in print ever since so obviously a standard text. Author was a PL Buddhist but syncretic.
  19. Is it "healthy"?

    Obsessions aren't healthy but there's a fine line sometimes between obsession and dedicated focus. We transgress that line at our peril hence cultivators are encouraged to develop other arts such as calligraphy or a MA form or both. Obsession is when whatever you are obsessed with begins to prevent you from leading the socialised life you led prior to the obsession. Zen archery or any archery is a nice social 'get you out of the house and meet people' pastime for anyone so inclined who does not fancy the erse kicking that comes with some MA. Enough cultivation in archery to keep you interested but a competitive edge to it too if you want it.
  20. Ascension thru inner power

    ........ I think maybe it is a local phenomenon along the lines of the MoPai is to Surabaya and maybe then Tangki caters to and draws support from particular sub groups and those not necessarily the graduate class professionals maybe rather more working class people although I believe some business people are drawn to Tangki as a form of insurance and hope for good fortune. Tangki is a patois word and means literally a tank as in a tank you fill up with gas or water. You see the word on the side of some gas tankers as the company logo.
  21. The truth behind the Law of Attraction

    Most people mature out of taking pills in night clubs. Taking a wafer in a mass on the other hand.....
  22. What to wear on my feet while cultivating?

    Good point. That's our school motto below this post, part of it says... Rooted like a tree.. When we teach 'sink' and 'root' we explain that is 'into' the ground not 'onto' the ground. You can tell who is standing on the ground rather being rooted into the ground when you tell them... "don't claw your toes to grip the ground" ... and then immediately see who visibly unclenches their toes. You can't see their toes but their exp<b></b>ression and actions give them away as they relax into the ground. I reckon aura (energy body if you will) is a good knee to sole length distance again into the ground beneath on most cultivators, sometimes a lot more for active Martial Arts cultivators and at least nine inches to a foot all round even on absolute beginners. Sometimes I can see or sense their aura, but that depends on the person; not on me.
  23. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    Excellent. :-) Bed for me too. Zen archery class tomorrow morning. Have a good one chums.
  24. Spiritual Language

    Eidetic memory is on the autistic spectrum, you may have noticed that I post quite a lot. That's another symptom.
  25. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    LOL Good idea. I drive a Chevvy Matiz and somehow they worked out a way to make the petrol tank grow bigger with age. When I bought the car new it cost £22 to fill the tank with petrol. Today it cost £38. If they could maybe shrink it back to the original size?.....