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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. ............... Oh boy and me a branch secretary (union official) for a teachers' union and have been these twenty-eight years past. Some of our members would say that some of the strokes management tries to pull are immoral, I tend to say unethical or down right mean and petty minded in some cases. I suspect we are saying much the same things about TTC but choosing different language to do so Aaron. Someone once said that... The unexamined life is not worth living.. And whatever else TTC may or may not do it certainly causes anyone who engages with it beyond the superficial to stop and think. That has to be good.
  2. ... There's no need to argue anymore ...
  3. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    Define your terms guys otherwise it's Bagua. (Goes round in circles).
  4. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    2+2=4 Agreed? Wrong! I was talking about halves, the correct answer is 2
  5. Spiritual Language

    .......... And your point is?
  6. Spiritual Language

    ....... Oh yes I'd forgotten about that. ;-) Eidetic as in very good at remembering images, even images of the printed word. Show me and I'm there, tell me and I am pretty useless as Mrs GrandmasterP will happily testify. (At great length and with reference to incidents going back years and years).
  7. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?
  8. What to wear on my feet while cultivating?

    I once bought a pair of polyester slacks back in the days when those were fashionable. Big mistake. Every time I touched metal I got a right shock, sometimes there were even sparks. Only wore them the once.
  9. Spiritual Language

    OK Better example. A map. Narrate your journey from A to B so that I , not knowing the route; can get to B. No thank you, I'd likely forget unless I took extensive notes as you spoke. Give me a map on the other hand and I'm on my way.
  10. Spiritual Language

    Show the graph whydontcha? ;-)
  11. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    Postmodernist irony is just so last century.
  12. The best way to learn Taoism

    Proper Mozzarella is buffalo milk cheese. Nice and stringy on pizzas.
  13. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    We kinda did this one elsewhere under morality. Truths are indeed subjective but a group of people can agree an ethical code and stick to it. In a court of criminal law for example , it is never the truth that is contested but the weight of conflicting evidences. The heaviest 'burden of proof' wins the day and that's sometimes a subjective call hence appeal courts. People who go around claiming... 'This is the TRUTH' are generally not to be trusted IMO. Guy once said... 'I like God, but some of the people who work for Him are real con artists'.
  14. The best way to learn Taoism

    Water buffalo milk cheese is lovely.
  15. ...

    Bit chilly for that at the moment over here in England MH. Frost on the grass of a morning every day this week. I have read that a good cultivator can sit all night out in the snow and come morning there's a warm, dry snow-free patch of ground all around them but frankly, as someone who took to QiGong to alleviate arthritis; I have never once had the desire give that a try. Maybe you could try that Sinan and get back to us with the results. That said when we lived in London we very seldom saw snow and the frost never hung around either what with the background heat of the built environment.
  16. ... There's no need to argue anymore ...

    There is plenty of refereed research out here showing that aspects of TCM are hugely effective and certainly in China some hospitals offer allopathic and TCM approaches complementary to one another. I'm no expert but I take the TCUGB journal and that sort of research gets reported in there. QiGong is almost universally used in convalescent therapies as it is cheap, has few or no contraindications and has been proven in clinical trials to aid speedier recovery. They know what they are doing over there in China and hey have been doing it for a long long time. Here in the west though I tend to treat some TCM offers with a very large pinch of salt indeed' here in the UK in many town centres and shopping malls you'll find a TCM shop. Some of those are operated on a franchise basis the shopkeepers pay to operate under the brand and all the stock comes from a central depot. The shop operator then pays the franchise holder a cut of the take. Others are independent, the guy who runs one shop in our city centre is known to have failed as he proprietor of a Chinese takeway fast food outlet prior to rebranding himself as a Chinese doctor. I suspect those shops did better business before the recession bit and one at least in our area has shut down this past year for lack of business. Anyone here in the west it seems can set up their shingle as a TCM practitioner and any snake oil salesperson with a tale to tell can pitch his or her woo via books and DVDs too as some do. Without naming names ( did that earlier and was warned off by mods) we all all aware of who sells what and claims to be able to do such and such. Those who believe in such persons, fair enough; it's your own health you are playing with. My own view is to use what works if it works for you as QiGong did for me but to never try anything at all treatment-wise without first getting the OK from a qualified medical professional who knows your case and symptoms.
  17. strong energy cultivation

    I quite liked Mr. Clyman's claim to have cultivated "...six to ten hours a day for the first ten years"..... Damn the guy must be good, after all those hours.
  18. Is anything truly Ineffable?

    Spiros the Cretan maintains that all Cretans are liars. In much the same vein... There can be no such thing as a universal truth. That's the truth. Universally. HTH
  19. Spiritual Language

    A picture may well be worth a thousand words but it usually takes far more than a thousand words to describe a picture.
  20. Spiritual Language

    Hence the graph. No need for words if one can read the graph.
  21. What to wear on my feet while cultivating?

    It is? Feck! I've been doing it wrong. (Pulls on galoshes)
  22. The best way to learn Taoism

    Well said Guro MH. Is this LaoTzu SunLover then?
  23. Free email meditation Courses

    It's no criticism , we do 'first lesson free'. After that, if they sign up; they pay.
  24. contrary to popular belief?

    Anyhoo, it's Friday night. Less posting more clubbing young man. Your future awaits and she's gorgeous.
  25. contrary to popular belief?

    I am allowed. Curmudgeonly comes with the territory.