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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Is this Mo Pai Level 1 ?

    Are Sifu Lin and Mr McMillan somehow connected?
  2. Lara Croft Tomb Raider for me. The real one not the cartoon. Waddagal! Seven of Nine off Star Trek too. Now there's a wrestling match I'd pay to watch.
  3. Mrs GrandmasterP likes him as well.
  4. Sinfest vs The World

    I'm allowed, posting from home not work now. Hence no smileys :-)
  5. Is that the elf guy with a bow off Lord of the Rings?
  6. ....... No, seriously 47% was the figure quoted in the Times. It did specify "for all or part...." Not "all ". I've no knowledge either way about the USA welfare stats but the Times is pretty careful as a rule.
  7. Sinfest vs The World

    He'll need to spank that pony once he finds it.
  8. Sinfest vs The World

    Did Sinfest maybe forget to bolt the stable door do you think?
  9. DL is down on Dorje Shugdan but the New Kadampas really dig Dorje so when DL came to the UK the NKs picketed his meetings. Really not uplifting seeing Buddhist 'monks and nuns' slagging off another Buddhist 'monk' in the personage of the DL.
  10. did this woman cast a love spell on me?

    Grrrrrrrr Always with the ... "Do It Yourself" I did not get where I am today without having a woman to think for me I'll have you know Miss. ;-)
  11. did this woman cast a love spell on me?

    Where's that then K?
  12. Is this Mo Pai Level 1 ?

    Last paragraph in Mr McMillan's recent and most excellent Kindle book (everyone should buy and read it)..... "It is my desire to find master's ( sic) throughout China and the rest of the world in order to do the will of God and/or create good karma for those that never looked at the development from the perspective I've presented. I am supplying my email address in order to try and facilitate my goal [email protected] If you can help please contact me"
  13. G'day ladies, gentlemen et al

    I like that 'et al'. Have you met SunLover?
  14. That was it. Happy days.
  15. Wasn't 'Shoot the Devil' a heavy metal album? Forget which band but it rings a bell.
  16. Sinfest vs The World

    Well he was here.
  17. Sinfest vs The World

    I am a married man buddy. Being 'wrong' is par for the course in this part of the forest.
  18. Sinfest vs The World

    Just helping them out when they are busy eh?
  19. Tony Parsons Interview

    We do? Little Mr Sunshine that's me. Nary a snap this side of Michaelmas. Ages since I turned anyone into a frog.
  20. Mmmmm, they can't play soccer for toffee there though. The wussies! Atlanteans now, fine soccer players, very good in the wet.
  21. Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit (No man is wise at all times).
  22. Tony Parsons Interview

    Yep he'd agree with you there Shaman FH. 'Nothing at All' is what Tony knows. Figs included.
  23. Sinfest vs The World

    I meant that it was excellent that you are responding exactly as per my summation of many Buddhists Ish. Nothing more. NE Way this is Sinfest v The World so back on topic eh?
  24. hi

    My bad, thought you were someone else. Sorreee.
  25. .... Room for all and it would be a dull old world without the loonies. Every village needs an idiot.