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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Merlin was a pretty good wizard by all accounts.
  2. .... Oi! There's an honest dollar to be made from entity removal for them as needs it. Some folk would as like take the bread out of a poor jobbing medium's childrens' mouths.
  3. Tony Parsons Interview

    ..... I don't bite.
  4. Tony Parsons Interview

    LOL Happy Diwali
  5. Thank you Jetsun I'll look him up, much obliged sir.
  6. Hello again!

    Welcome back, sounds like you had fun.
  7. 5 elements in the real world

    Not much call for peddled garbage round these parts, we usually pay for someone to take it away but if anyone would like to buy it....
  8. Or maybe it is a hot day and they are wearing a wooly hat. Most 'hot heads' have very little going on north of their neck. A cultivator would not have an unusually hot scalp as a general rule but everyone is different. Why do you ask/, what's the context?
  9. Sinfest vs The World

  10. Sinfest vs The World

    Man how those long winter nights must just fly past when the DL is on form.
  11. 5 elements in the real world

    TaiChi boxing against TaiChi boxing is interesting when punches are being exchanged.
  12. 70% of max effort is wise. Who is Bruce Frantzis? (any links please?) Asked that a while ago and no one answered.
  13. 'Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg'... Not in some of my classes it doesn't. 'Golden Rooster topples over whilst trying to stand on one leg' can be more like it. If ever they are going to keel over it's either that or 'Search Horizon & Clouds'. We lose more students through those two...
  14. Which of these authors is properly teaching meditation?

    Leadbeater was indeed a Theosophist and a very dodgy one at that. Meditation s best learnt from a teacher rather than from a book. QiGong is 'moving meditation'. HTH
  15. Sinfest vs The World

    See what I mean? Miserable. Not happy. Gloomy. Ish old sausage there is more to life than whingeing on a forum, look out the window bro. Life is passing by right now. Enjoy .
  16. Never come across QiGong psychosis but have met a very few students who turned out to have prexisting mental health issues that QiGong seemed to highlight if not exacerbate. From my own side the only negative physical effect I have ever had meditation wise was years ago almost getting piles after a zazen week 'retreat' in Scotland. My erse was stiff for a month afterwards.
  17. Well of course you all know in your heart of hearts that England is the best country certainly on earth if not in the entire universe, That's how it was ordained to be by God (who is English of course). Rule Britannia and all that but I do feel that every other one of these pleasant little nations mentioned here already, deserves equal second place. PS Thought I saw the n word earlier. MODS!!!!
  18. It's a big place is China, lots of people, lots of choices. These various deities and practices have grown up over time and are still growing up. Santa is very popular in China these days as he is in Japan. Who doesn't like Santa? (Buddhists probably, the miserable gits). Every path that has believers is a valid path, the believers make it so for themselves. Might look like Jedi Knights or WW2 re-enactors (sad w*nker central) to us on the outside but as far as those lighting the incense sticks are concerned; it's their religion so good luck to them.
  19. strong energy cultivation

    ........ Yep it is a bit pro-PRC for sure but the gigs are good, they have loads of free kit and.... what the hey.... In another ten years the Chinese'll be ruling the world anyway so start as you mean to go on say I. Comrade GrandmasterP Secretary of the English QiGong Cadre (Mao Tse Tung Division: Plum Blossom Cadre). Glorious success through disciplined effort. (Resisters will be shot).
  20. Is this Mo Pai Level 1 ?

    Living is pretty useful, plus the food's usually good. After that, dying. Not so much fun, but inevitable. It all sorta pans out in the end. Just cultivate, every day and suck every drop of juice from life that comes your way. If not enough juice flows your way, move to a juicier place. HTH No charge for the consultation.
  21. No way are younger folk 'emotionally stunted' over here these days. My generation for sure, stiff upper lip and all that but these days we've turned into Italians almost. Every time you turn on the TV some twonk is emoting or blubbing over a broken finger nail or something equally tragic to them. I blame Princess Diana, since she bought the farm England sems to have become a cesspit of vicarious emoting.
  22. Sinfest vs The World

    DL says to the hot dog vendor.. "Make me one with everything" Suicide rates amongst Buddhist converts are right up there alongside those for psychiatrists and Swedes. Check out the happy little Buddhist bunnies posting on here or over at Dharma Wheel. I rest my case.
  23. Sinfest vs The World

    There's a guy on Dharma Wheel (and I am not making this up), English guy but lives in USA, calls himself a monk; who writes thus..."Well I have set myself the task of reading everything in the original Tibetan'... and so on..... LOSER. Fair play to anyone who feels they need to defend their Buddhism, I'm not playing, just here to say.. "Get a suit, get a job, grow your hair back then get on your knees and beg your mother for forgiveness. Then get a feckin' life brother" (It's always men and ten years later they are running survivalist communes in Montana, tea shoppes in Pinner along with Bruce their significant other or something similar and equally not to do with Buddhism).