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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Tony Parsons Interview

    One tries. :-)
  2. The truth behind the Law of Attraction

    Buddy if that worked I would not be sitting here posting this. I'd be on my yacht in the Bahamas, having won the lottery yet again; watching one of the servants peel my next grape. ;-)
  3. Tony Parsons Interview

    Kant was well named.
  4. That's why I can never get my head round the theory. No knowledge of Chinese characters whatsoever. Thank goodness it's unnecessary for successful cultivation.
  5. Mopai Discussion With Grandmaster Lucas Huang

    OIC Well anyone who steals will eventually pay for their dishonesty. Sorry about your loss MPG but you still come across as a pretty sorted guy and you are doing a good job warning others not to part with any money and face a similar loss to yours. That is a good deed.
  6. Tony Parsons Interview

    It costs £10 on the door to see Tony Parsons. The guy is not exactly charging the earth, the Quaker Meeting House hall he uses costs quite a bit to hire. Those Quakers do like money.
  7. Remedy for too much Yang is to draw Yin up from the ground via bubbling well on sole of each foot ( just behind ball of your foot, poke around til you find the tenderest spot, that's it) mix and circulate. Pre and post etc always baffle me, never got my head round the various interpretations. Doing beats talking about.
  8. Mopai Discussion With Grandmaster Lucas Huang

    Well speak as you find say I and GM Huang pointed me towards a most interesting book by Jim McMillan. There does seem to be the intention on that new forum to post the MoPai forms free and without charge. Not sure how things work in other countries but in England if you have paid for goods and not received them then legal remedy may be sought via the small claims tribunal. I mentioned the insurance aspects because anyone can set up a shingle claiming to be a teacher of anything but unless they are registered and insured to teach then one would perhaps view their claimed status with some caution.
  9. A new beginning

    Define sexual trauma I meant. Could be anything.
  10. ..................... Most of them are about three-hours, some even longer. Kalachakra Initiation goes on for hours; the book containing the script for that is as thick as a doorstep and slightly less profound than one. Rituals, all of them; mean nothing and lead to nothing (if they are worked correctly). Which begs the question... Why bother working rituals? It's all nothing to begin with, trying to magic ones way into it is risible.
  11. No holiness

    ............... It is the Zen of boredom is teenage boredom, serious black belt stuff; none of your namby pamby white belt boredom us old uns feel from time to time. Only time I am bored is in faculty meetings. Those can be 'chew your own arm off' boring a times, thankfully they are few and far between.
  12. Mopai Discussion With Grandmaster Lucas Huang

    I just had a very civil and most informative reply to my questions on that site from Grandmaster Huang.
  13. No holiness

    There is bored then there is teenager bored.
  14. No holiness

    Depends on who is doing the math. I observed a poor chap trying to teach numeracy to trainee hairdressers last Tuesday morning. Still suspect I was the only person who actually wanted to be in that classroom. ;-)
  15. Tony Parsons Interview

    .............. Thank you for just about the best description of transmission I have ever read. You genuinely can 'catch' something simply by sitting with these guys sometimes. Old GM Chang could barely speak English but every now and again in his class you just 'got' something that even after all these years I can't put into words. Other times the guy just whaled on us, but now and then.... WOW.
  16. Mopai Discussion With Grandmaster Lucas Huang

    I just joined that forum. It seems to be pretty new. What struck me is that there sems to be a degree of discord. Someone is saying on there 'This is Level x MoPai' then almost immediately someone else pops up and says 'No it isn't'. Bit of a can of worms really. This more for MPG as he seems to know but if anyone else can answer feel free. Of those four guys who we know John Chang taught (the Greek guy who write Sage of java, that chap McMillan {is it?} an Aussie or was he Austrian [?} plus AN Other... which of those four is currently teaching MoPai to actual students, in the flesh {not via a pricey handbook, DVD or online course}, whereabouts are they teaching MoPai, when and to whom? Simple enough once we have that info to find out who is insuring them and for what and then via FOI to obtain the entire cultivation as per insurance company lodged documents. None of this stuff can or should be secret if it is being sold and physically taught as a physical cultivation.
  17. Tony Parsons Interview

    Yes indeedy. Everyone should cultivate assiduously. The more you do the closer you get to enlightenment so.... (Book my classes via website). £3-00 members: £5-00 non members. (optional Tea and biccies 50p extra) Can't guarantee enlightenment but the QiGong is good for what ails ya and the company's good. The ideas that are expressed under any GrandmasterP headings on this website do not constitute any kind of truth or authority. They are nothing more than particular and singular perceptions which are of no value or significance to any individual, and are devoid of any intention to influence. It is clear that they do not contain or imply any kind of teaching, prescription, recommendation or advice as to why or how any other individual should or should not live their lives. It is obviously apparent therefore that any participant's response or reaction to any of these communications is entirely and only a product of their own interpretation and therefore their own responsibility.
  18. Tony Parsons Interview

    On a personal note though, the nonbeing formerly known as Tony Parsons and this one have previous. Many many moons ago we were Osho sannyasins at the first Brit Ashram ( medina) before it all went pear shaped and the movement decamped to a mad place in Oregon and most of us packed it in having sucked all the juice from that particular fruit ( it was very juicy) and , sated; moved on. It took about two years before I stopped chuckling, such a good time was had by all ( she was called Ma Leela) . Tony was a top chap then and he's an even nicer chap today. Like most of not-us he'd had a long long seeking walk in that metaphorical park before the nonevent described.
  19. Tony Parsons Interview

    Tibetan Ice old chum I have no brief to defend anything Tony Parsons says. there's nothing to defend anyhoo. BUT do feel free to call Tony and discuss any concerns direct. Maybe best to read the disclaimer below first though. Best Regards GrandmasterP............... Contact The Open Secret By email: [email protected] please note: You can discuss this communication directly with Tony on (+44 (0) 1747 828188) any weekday morning. He will not enter into email discussions but you can email a question, together with your telephone number, and he will try to contact you. By phone: 01747-828188 (UK), +44-1747-828188 (international) (There is no charge for calling Tony) By mail: Tony Parsons P.O. Box 117, Shaftesbury SP7 9WB - UK FOR EVENT RESERVATIONS EMAIL: [email protected] 01722-330111 (UK), +44 01722 330111 (International) FOR WEBSITE COMMENTS EMAIL: [email protected] NOTICE The ideas that are expressed under any Tony Parsons or Open Secret headings on this website, in books, CDs, DVDs, the spoken word or any other form of communication, do not constitute any kind of truth or authority. They are nothing more than particular and singular perceptions which are of no value or significance to any individual, and are devoid of any intention to influence. It is clear that they do not contain or imply any kind of teaching, prescription, recommendation or advice as to why or how any other individual should or should not live their lives. It is obviously apparent therefore that any participant's response or reaction to any of these communications is entirely and only a product of their own interpretation and therefore their own responsibility. The Open Secret applies valid XHTML-1.0 and CSS ©2005 Tony Parsons All Rights Reserved
  20. Be careful what you wish for hydrogen. There's an old spiritualist story about a squire who upon learning of the Summerland (spiritualist heaven) exclaimed... 'It is SO wonderful, I cannot wait to get there'. He was dead within the week, cause unknown. Mortality is both cyclical and an essential facet of our immortality. Every turn on the roundabout is an opportunity to improve on the last time round.
  21. Stuff just happens all the time. We can choose to label some of the stuff immoral or moral as we choose (and most do, sometimes unconsciously, as with innate prejudice). The better approach is to discount morality in favour of ethical precepts as those transcend sectional interest, have to be worked out and also be mutually acceptable by the contracting parties (let's call those 'society') in order to succeed harmoniously. For example some ( not me) might hold same gender marriage to be immoral. However, I am sure we could all agree that it would be unethical to discriminate on the grounds of sexuality. The subjective moral position is in no wise challenged by that ethical stance both may co-exist even though the latter is somewhat the more equitable. Were the former to have precedence then injustice must prevail as it did for many years in western societies. In an ethical society contra-distinct moralities may co-exist always provided that no single moral stance be taken as paradigmatic. To claim TTC as a moral document smacks of wishful thinking which at best is akin to attempt fitting horse blinkers onto its covers. I shall substitute 'transcends morality' for the obviously unacceptable 'amoral' in relation to TTC but beyond that one cannot go.
  22. strong energy cultivation

    With cultivation it is not what comes out of it but what goes into it. Merceless old chap you would be most welcome to please call at our centre (see website at my profile) if ever you are in this part of the forest. A day without learning is a day wasted and much could be learnt. We have so few visitors of such high level cultivation as your own.
  23. Accessing Higher Dimensions

    You got that right bro, good post.
  24. No holiness There ya go, it's the 6th poem down.