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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. No holiness

    Depends on the system really and has to be posited on some fictive 'from-to' scenario. What is, IS now. There's nothing else. Old Joyce Grenfell (look her up if you don't know) riff goes..... There is no such thing as time... Just this minute... And I'm in it.
  2. New to qigong - what just happened?

    Ken Cohen is a BS free writer on the WTF of QiGong effects. You could do worse than check him out. He's a genuine PhD and a top cultivator.
  3. New to qigong - what just happened?

    Crikey that was quick! Keep at it buddy you sound to be making very rapid progress.
  4. strong energy cultivation

    Osho was an old scallywag for sure but anyone could do a lot worse than checking out his Chuang T'zu gloss... 'When the Shoe Fits' , excellent little book.
  5. just saying If anyone's interested. Same insurance they offer is half the price direct from Holistic Health Insurance Co. though.
  6. just saying

    Who is Bruce? Certificates such as they are tend to be issued by particular schools or teachers or organisations. There's no accepted standard or norm and no overarching body unless you accept the PRC state office that issues those green ribbons and certs to approved teachers of the state sanctioned forms. The CHQA opened an outpost here in the UK but it has not caught on to any great extent thus far because to all intents and purposes it is just another school with rather expensive insurance for instructors. Tai Chi and QiGong traditionally never really went in much for belts and grades along the lines of our MA cousins . There's the CHQA Duan descriptors but that's more to do with job description, length of service and teaching roles. As far as I know; and not that it matters anyway; there are very few above 7 anywhere in Europe. These one man band 'Masters' can print out any old certificate and claim whatever they want but in real terms titles with any real meaning are those awarded by satisfied students. Students call you master you are one, masters call you master and you are a grandmaster. Most though prefer 'teacher' or better yet just their first name.
  7. Ah but does any of it work SJ? This stuff is a bit like calling a restaurant and asking them to read the menu out over the phone but never actually eating.
  8. .......... With one hand , if you are a Buddhist.
  9. A new beginning

    Sexual trauma?
  10. Wei-Wu-Wei, paradox unraveled

    Yep, needs not wants. All desire is illusory cos the object of the desire or want is of necessity not present when the desire is happening. Huge waste of energy is desiring.
  11. Why red meat-eating Korea & US have karma of war..

    Who cares what her name is, just as long as she can cook.
  12. Qi wash works for some. Usual breathing. In both hands float up to chest height. out.. Hands to LDT In ..rubbing hands together just the palm to palm out... Doing same In... Again as hands float up to face."wash face with hands from brow down to chin".. Breathing out. Hands float down then in as you rub hands together again but this time as if washing them rubbing palm and back of hands and fingers so all each surface of hand has been rubbed then rest. Lovely warm hands. I teach a class to Age UK seniors, that move is very popular on chilly mornings. HTH
  13. Mmmm quite a bit of warring and poisoning behind this chap's lineage. Same as his predecessors. The history of Tibet is one of strife and tribal factionalism, it was whoever had the biggest army or the most cunning poisoner who got to live like a nabob in the Potala. We (Britain) even had a puppet in their at one stage back in the old Queen's day, he was paid a Foreign Office salary.
  14. Why red meat-eating Korea & US have karma of war..

    ............ OIC Well you know my opinion of Mr Satan. (He Doesn't exist so folk had to invent him, bit like Mr God)
  15. Why red meat-eating Korea & US have karma of war..

    Nope not judgemental, a statement of fact based upon empirical observation. The guy is what we term.... "Half way between Dagenham and Romford" (Where you will find a town called Barking)
  16. Neiye and Daozang

    Taoists have scriptures?
  17. just saying

    Beijing Short Form is the main approved form in PRC, it's also the most popular set taught by TCUGB teachers if you check out their offers on the website. I've been having a go at learning it and it's jolly good, bit energetic for my QiGong tastes but it's nice to learn new things and the TCUGB (Tai Chi Union Great Britain) teacher is a sweetie. It's the main form trained in China. Anyone can go to China and be trained to teach that form, there are package tours on offer and it is as complete in itself as any other cultivation. All Tai Chi is in the set same as all QiGong is in 8 Strands of Silk Brocade. Always provided they are cultivated regularly, with intention and for many years. Chopping and changing cultivations like one changes socks gets no one anywhere. Someone will be glad of those books and might do well from them. You could yourself if you just learnt one thing then kept at it. It takes nine-years minimum at one form before any noticeable benefits begin to manifest, prior to that you need discipline and stickability. Try those bud, they are sure remedies against this unharmonious discord you are currently contending with.
  18. Why red meat-eating Korea & US have karma of war..

    Aye but it was SunLover who started that and he's a loonie.
  19. He's a nice guy for sure and it's more or less all he has ever known but that does not make it right. That nice young Panchen Lama has the right idea, autonomy and modernisation plus he has the backing of PRC so can get stuff done. May he live forever but once DL shuffles off this mortal coil that Harvard educated and non elected 'Prime Minister' of his looks set to take over the circus. Sure to be changes then. If it wasn't for the publicity machine and vested interests DL would be neither more nor less than any of the other jobbing Lamas schlepping around the west. Usually at his stage someone posts a furious rejoinder along the lines of... What about those self immolating monks in Lhasa? etc etc. Well guys, they simply do not know any better, they are ignorant and superstitious to the point of self destruction hence non different than our misguided chums the suicide Islamists.
  20. strong energy cultivation

    Good post. Any cultivation stuck at pays dividends. It's skipping merrily from one thing to another that holds back development and success.
  21. Why red meat-eating Korea & US have karma of war..

    We are pure veg here, always have been but only cos it's how we were raised and what we are used to. The thought of eating meat makes me feel queasy but each to their own.
  22. Why red meat-eating Korea & US have karma of war..

    Well as far as they are concerned holiness includes eating meat. They would only be hypocrites in that context if they said it did not, and then ate meat on the sly. Being a veggie doesn't make one holy it just makes one a veggie. It's what comes out of the mouth that causes most trouble in the world rather than what folk choose to shove into it.
  23. Taking it all of a piece as there's nothing there to be gained or lost, stuff just is; then it makes not a ha'porth of difference what and how we cultivate. Anything done with intention must ( in theory) work as well as anything else. Hence my skepticism about Tibetan kit and endless rituals. Not saying there's anything intrinsucally wrong with rituals and spending one's life reading sutras and the like but when such a system serves to keep some people on top wearing nice eobes and eating the best food and a lot of other people living in shit and ignorantly superstitious as they're not allowed near the top table, then that has to be wrong. hence, having visited the DL at his summer gaff in South India and seen just how hierarchical and feudal that whole set up is, I am no great fan. Back in the day here in England we had some coves called Prince Bishops, they ruled the roost by ritual and status along with handy soldiers to ensure they got and kept the cream. Lovely great cathedrals and palaces surrounded by folk living in poverty. We've kinda moved on from that here but Tibet, nah.. They are still pining for the middle ages and the DL and his cronies live high on the hog on the back of such nonsense. Check out their Patek Phillipe watches next time you get close to DLs travelling circus. Frankly chums, it stinks.
  24. Fair comment ref. The only Buddhist cultivation I do is PL chanting. Very nice too so it is. The PL folk reckon that's all that's necessary, there are journals, I'll post a link later.
  25. ................. He shoots. He scores! LOL