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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. .... Why?
  2. Once you get to that point wher there is no I sensing the incomprehensible then you are maybe half way there. 'I' sense that we are more or less saying the same stuff here but using slightly differing language to do so. Hence I bid a mery.... Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa to all and sundry. ;-) ;-)
  3. .... HTH
  4. The Kali Yuga ending

    Sounds about right. The Shiva wallahs in India are pretty much out of their trees most of the time. Bom Shankar! they merrily intone as they toke on their aromatic chillums. One of those guys sneezes anywhere near you and you feel light headed for the rest of the day.
  5. The importance of the heart

    We are that and my tank is running low right now plus I'm stuck here at work 'til 9pm. 12-hour days! Slaves worked fewer picking cotton.
  6. Like trying to reason with Jehovah's Witnesses engaging with some on here.. Fruitless.
  7. 'Way of the Wild Goose' in some others.
  8. ... Not familiar with Philokalia then eh Simple-Jack? If you choose to hold 1-2-1 converations perhaps with those you can comprehend; then possibly you'd be better doing so via PM. The Pureland jhanas are vipassana/samatha hybrids, and are only available to those advanced practitioners who have attained to the level of anagami or arahat. As such, they are useful landmarks of progress; a person who can access either of the Pureland jhanas is, by definition, at least an anagami. Traditionally, these states are referred to as part of the suddhavasa or "pure abodes." .... Have you the first idea about Pure Land cultivation or does your knowledge stem from a virtual community via t'internet old chum? The above hybridisation would tend towards the latter.
  9. Grindstone. :-) has to be heavier or axe stays blunt. A whetsone now, that can be lighter, quite portable too ; whetstones. People who are comfortable in their religious skin tend not to make a fuss about said skin. Those who really need to convince themselves shout loudest and converts are always the most zealous on any path. We have New Kadampas and WBO (or Whatever hey are called this year) Brit Buddhist 'monks n nuns' locally. Brother they are a sorry crew to behold and the turnover is phenomenal. r've only lived her six years but both centres ( we go to heir cafes) churn devotees. It's a phase some folk go through, as you well know CT.
  10. The importance of the heart

    Agreed. It's all a matter of degree and moderation, the movement's the thing. Any excessive focus is counterproductive. Chap posting elsewhere on here today has had a nasty stickage due to what sounds like excessive focus in cultivation. We seldom see problems but where students do come unstuck it tends to be where they have gone off and done something they found in a book or on a DVD and are cultivating a mix n match cocktail of what they have been taught in class with stuff they are trying out without a teacher. Chap who taught me always said... Anyone who cultivates without a teacher has a fool for a student.
  11. The use of elemental bending

    Neither, but I have been called a bender by some cheeky monkeys.
  12. The Kali Yuga ending

    Unless they live where snakes live and they have sat down outside without first checking the surrounding area.
  13. The Kali Yuga ending

    Metaphors possibly. Not literal in a biological sense but useful metaphorically. Nobody actually has a snake coiled up just above their arse.
  14. The use of elemental bending

    Very useful is elemental bending. We'd have zero plumbing in our houses without it.
  15. The importance of the heart

    Err it goes through and past head n heart foci and thence to and from LDT Jeff. Car don't get far without a petrol tank.
  16. Looking For Complete Internal Arts System

    Trouble with any book same as with DVDs and online is that the teacher isn't there in the room with you to correct and guide. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard this UKAir flight to New York. I'm your pilot for today Captain Tony Bollocks. I learnt how to fly this plane from a handbook"
  17. "The Indians are Coming"

    So become a banana. Biggest Hindu community outside India round here, more temples than churches and anyone can attend but as far as converting to it.... Not a chance. Only the ISKON sell that idea and the largely ethnic Indian devotees of that path here ( a Krishna temple being a Krishna temple) are far too polite to giggle at the western 'converts'.
  18. Is it this week you guys get to vote for a Prez? Not that I read it but there was pages about US elections in yesterday's papers here. I've no idea why. Bet you are spared overmuch coverage of UK elections in your media. IMO whoever you vote for you end up with a feckin' politician in charge, hence I don't vote.. It only encourages the ba*tards if one does.
  19. The importance of the heart

    LDT is yer man for successful cultivation. All else is but an inn on the path. Too much focus on heart centre not advisable at all for beginning cultivators. Stick to what your teacher tells you or you find on the reputable DVDs. It'll not be heart focus and there's good reasons for that, amongst which... A: It gets you nowhere. B: It can make you very ill very quickly. Same goes for the head.
  20. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    Good for what ails ya is that microcosmic circulation bro. Keep up with the QiGong and I reckon you'll be right as ninepence before you know it. Behind the sternum or just below the atlas axis in the neck are the two main sticking points for most people. Might be that doing a cocktail of cultivations has thrown some Qi out of whack so QiGong on its own with nothing else cultivated should do the trick in settling and moving on any backups. Standing 8 Strands of Silk Brocade is what the Dr ordered I'd say and watch not to grip the ground with your toes or have all your weight in your heels. Root and draw through bubbling well just behind ball of each foot being as flat footed as you can. Be well. :-)
  21. Spot on Jeff. All this stuff is embedded in every faith pathway you just need to know where and how to look for it. Buddhists don't have a monopoly on non duality,. Philokalia ( sayings of the desert fathers) for example marvellous stuff. Thing that bugs me slightly about some of our 'convert to Buddhism' cousins is their over dependence on the written word, kit ( they do love a bit of kit do born again Buddhists) and endless bleddy rituals. Born Buddhists I've come across more or less take their pathway for granted and don't make such a song and dance about Sutra this and canon that as these rather intense bods who take to it as a hobby cum lifestyle tend to do. Whatever path gets you up the mountain is as good as any other path that does the same job.
  22. 5 elements in the real world

    ......... That Lama lad stops it raining when they have to cross a slippery pass and it's teeming down so it would be dangerous for the ponies. Chap I know has travelled with him and he has no need to tell porkies it's just something the Lama can and does do if he needs to. No fuss about it and the locals , this is way up in northern India ; seem to expect it of him when he's there. Where I come from, on the high Pennine moors with the highest rainfall in England; webbed feet are seen not so much as a birth defect but more as a useful attribute. I've given up being skeptical about what folk can and can't do. There's a little woman at the old dojo she's not eight stone wet (112 pounds) who can push a seventeen stone hulk through the air and onto his back without breaking sweat. I come in at 14 stone plus and she's had me flying a time or two.
  23. I love this stuff. Trouble is some prat has convened a faculty meeting at 9 am tomorrow and it's a three-line whip so I have to show my face, whether said face truly exists or not. You want illusory? Try sitting for two hours or more with thirty academics some of them labouring under the illusion that meetings actually accomplish something worthwhile. G'night all. :-(
  24. Bit like that finger pointing at the moon, it also indicates the death of irony .
  25. Yep, this iPad exists at the moment. I just posted this message on it and it's still right here on my lap next to the cat. cat definitely exists. Try telling her otherwise and she'd likely have your eye out. Not a very nice cat.