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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. The power of chakras

    Good post OldGreen. Far too many flit from one cultivation to another. Best to dig just the one well rather than have the farm dotted with dozens of half dug wells and no water.
  2. "The Indians are Coming"

    Unless one is reincarnated a Hindu one cannot somehow convert into somehow becoming on, you simply aren't one; this time around. To believe that possible is to fly in the face of the fundamental precept of Hinduism. All these western types schlepping round the ashrams and ISKON centres playing at Hindu are in the same position as those twonks wafting about dressed like Buddhist monks and nuns who were neither born nor raised Buddhist Whilst providing endless amusement to the locals , they aren't fooling anyone but themselves.
  3. Horses for courses. Religious path is either encultured or a choice. I can see the sense in folk from Buddhist cultures being Buddhists, same with those brought up in Islamic, Jewish , Hindu or Xtian ways to name a few. What beats me is why anyone needs to make a huge jump from the tradition they were brought up to into an alien way. Every path has its mystical/ cultivation type options and everything we talk about on here using Taoist-talk is replicated exactly elsewhere using different terms for the same thing. Any path followed with good intent is as good as the next, neither better nor worse. The mainly rather intense bods of western antecedent who take up Buddhism tend to be like converts to anything, rather over zealous often regarded, with some amusement if not a little contempt by the leathery little old ladies who run the centres and chat to each other in dialects the western convert will never truly understand. For a religion to really fit and 'work' it needs to be something we are rooted in having taken elements thereof with our mother's milk. All else is affectation mingled with self loathing all filtered through a sieve of nostalgic longing for a self- state that never was nor ever will be.
  4. The Kali Yuga ending

    To accept that Kali Yuga was ending at some future date you'd need to take on board the idea that it actually began at some stage. I reckon stuff just happens.
  5. The power of chakras

    Nope, just good luck with the QiGong. It's always a useful 'fall back' cultivation. It's all I do these days as I am old but there's more than enough in there for anyone. Been doing eight strands of silk brocade for many years and maybe one day I'll get the hang of it. :-)
  6. white lighting disaster

    LOL My old mum came from the west of Ireland. Plenty of Poteen stills up in the hills round her home village. Very strong hooch made from potatoes.
  7. white lighting disaster

    White Lightning is the brand name of a popular, very strong and far too cheap discount supermarket brand cider here in the UK. It is very popular amongst street people.
  8. Problems with the Study of Objectless Consciousness

    'Infinite limits' makes about as much sense as 'chocolate fireguard' or 'military intelligence'.
  9. the power of now

    Nice pullover.
  10. Scientometrics..... Lovely term. The guy deserves to sell lots of books.
  11. Watch out and not cultivate sensing hands or that avuncular cuff to the ear could take their poor head off MH. ;-)
  12. What exactly happens in a Tantra coaching session?

    Good luck with that bro. The Tantrists who bang on about it online come across as lonely guys not getting any IMO. The ones I've come across 'in action' as it were tend towards the sleazy swinger types. Place I work during summer puts on a Tantra Week, like the seventh circle of Dante's Inferno so it is.
  13. 5 elements in the real world

    It's a useful tool but as far as TCM is concerned I'd stick with western allopathic treatments for starters with TCM as a complementary rather than an alternative approach. In the UK we have high street and shopping mall TCM type stores in many town centres, it must be popular as they tend to be in high rental locations.
  14. The power of chakras

    Good luck with the QiGong.
  15. Elevated testicle, uneasy feeling through leg

    Hope all went well.
  16. Accessing Higher Dimensions

    Funnily enough that hardly ever happens. Sitters are there cos they more or less believe anyway and non believers are generally either too polite, as at work, or totally don't give a toss. It's an indefensible place to be, no one will ever be convinced unless they choose to be; so mediums tend not to bother trying. The religious side of spiritualism says that it's one of the few religions that never evangelises. If someone has a sitting and gets some convincing evidence they'll be happy enough with what they get, if they don't they'll either come back for a second shot or not bother. We keep pretty busy as you can see from the website link at my profile. Our centre is open every day and there's something on daily and most evenings. Accuracy is a funny thing to define. Sometimes you can give names , addresses, dates all sorts, it just flows, other times it's a struggle to get anything at all. The sitter brings the reading with them , mediums are just that, in between the sitter and whatever comes through for them whilst they are with you. I have no idea whatsoever what will come or not til they sit down.
  17. Can anyone work with mediums?

    Ah have faith Sinan. She really fancies you but she's shy.
  18. What exactly happens in a Tantra coaching session?

    Yeah right, tell that to the sleazy dudes at Tantra Week .
  19. Using energy to effect things instead of words

    Amen to that Sinan. I'm not an emotional guy but first time I saw Picasso's Portrait of Olga, I wept like a US Marine on passing out of training parade.
  20. What exactly happens in a Tantra coaching session?

    Well good luck. might be cheaper and more fulfilling in the long term to aim for a steady relationship with someone you love and who loves you though. The sex is an added bonus then.
  21. Can anyone work with mediums?

    I'm a medium but it says Extra Large on my T Shirts. yep anybody can work with mediums but find an ethical one. there are sharks out there. In USA check out NASC at Lily Dale via Google they have a register. In Europe and UK look at website of Spiritualists National Union. That way your medium will be party to a code of ethics, have undergone a police check for safeguarding purposes and be insured for professional indemnity. HTH
  22. What are you reading right now?

    Phil Rickman's latest.... The Heresy of Dr. Dee Flippin' excellent.
  23. 5 elements in the real world

    That pentacle diagram is exactly the same as a logic frame I tried to paste elsewhere, it's from our Math Inst and the super string chaps are using it to visualise PBrane multiple membrane space. They have a dimensional location at each of the five nodes. Looks to be that five is the minimum number of nodes needed to generate almost infinite variations.