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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. The truth behind the Law of Attraction

    You may decide to open a can of beans using only a banana. It won't ever work, but the decision is quite valid.
  2. If you are UK based a visit to Sifu Chris'' centre in Manchester is possibly the way ahead for you.
  3. Why red meat-eating Korea & US have karma of war..

    Maybe it's a local thing but we have stayed with meat eaters out west in USA and they don't eat nearly as much meat as the average brit. They tended to have lots of different portions of stuff with meat as one dish whereas on a brit plate there's a big slab of meat, some potatoes and a few or no veg and usually just one type say a few peas or sliced carrots. Meat is the main component on most british plates whereas in America it was an equal amongst many components. Also they had the food in lots of serving dishes on the table and folk dipped onto tose. We only ever see that at Christmas in most people's homes over here. Normally food is served to you already on the plate it's going to be eaten off.
  4. LOL Truly you have the second sight young sir. It is a week until pay day and I am utterly skint until then.
  5. Past lives

    I had Joanna Southcott as my spirit guide for years. Look her up. She's been promoted now so I don't get her much at all. One of the things I got from her was how to scry using crystal. She reckoned I was just remembering something I'd been good at in a past life and it did come easily I must admit once I got going and 'spookily' found a crystal ball. Good dun and makes a nice change plus some sitters can actually 'see' snapshots from their own past lives in the ball. It is a very old method and was out of fashion for years. When I started with it back n the seventies I was probably the only one in England at the rime. Now you can buy balls on eBay.
  6. Past lives

    Righteousness as in Be a 'righteous dude' NOT the Xtian misinterpretation or righteousness which in their book is... 'Talk and Act like you are better than everyone else'
  7. Past lives

    Well deja vu is pretty common. Also being naturally averse to someone for example sensitives on here KNOW SunLover is a wrong un dragging a big black burden of nasty past life round with him. You can get flash backs to past lives any time and if you come across some artefact from one of your earlier trips round the wheel that is a blast. Dalai Lama picked out tons of stuff he'd used last rime round even though he was only a toddler when they showed the stuff to him. We've all been here (and there) countless times. The earth has been her quite a while and this aint the only planet we could have been on prior to this present go at life. Practical applications of past life work are lucrative doe those of us who can turn a penny doing readings, as far as anyone else goes it's pretty much just something you are either into or not into. You can't really learn from your own past life mistakes cos they are gone but you can rectify and anomalies you sense.. This rime. So for example an irascible person who was likely a grouch last rime could resolve to be nicer this time. A slavey doormat past lifer could maybe cultivate martial arts and kick some ass this time round and maybe any poor sap who wasted a past life as a monk or nun or similar sponging-repressed nerd could make up for it this time by ensuring that every day was partay day this time. Little tip.. Most on here know how to do the Tai Chi/QiGong salute. Right fist covered by open left palm and bow. But few know that it's actually not a salute at all it is a reminder of what you din't manifest enough of in past lives and must rectify in this life by doing lots NOW. Five fingers and one palm equals six things for us to remember to do and to show in this life. the old Kentucky Fried Chicken Poker mnemonic KFCPKR = Kindness Faithfulness Courage Propriety Knowledge Righteousness Everyone needs to learn that mnemonic, then do it all, every day. :-)
  8. Nope YM, it's supernatural all the way up, down and round. As magic as Schroedinger's magic cat. And if you think we're weird you should meet some of the guys in David Deutsch's team up at Oxford. String theorists are the new balladeers, it's all saga and myth, they've even had to invent a new language cos the normal one ,even using symbolic logic as a booster ; simply can't explain their dreams.
  9. How exactly do I lift my testes?

    Seriously though, if ever there was a visual metaphor for Buddhist cultivation; it has to be this one.
  10. How exactly do I lift my testes?

    Nope, he actually does hang himself for real, after seeing the state his bollocks.
  11. Past lives

  12. Oh and the subconscious mind only actually exists as those two words All we have is Intuition Intellect Instinct Intuition trumps the other two, instinct gets you laid and without intellect you'd be either a Buddhist or a Xtian. ;-)
  13. You can take this to the bank. We are spiritual entities temporarily clothed in flesh. When we pass we'll be reborn or not depending how the cards fall. In between passing and being reborn we can hang around quite a while and communicate with loved ones on this side. If the fancy takes us to do so. it's not compulsory. Each time and just before we are drawn screaming from our mother's womb, we know all and see all, the beginning, the middle and the end. then at that first breath moment, a tiny dragon touches our forehead, and we forget for a while, what once we knew. To spend a lifetime seeking to remember what it was. In between lives we pretty much remember latest set of past lives, those who finally make it off the wheel and live in the Pure Land (other names are available but it's all the one place) can recollect every single life, which makes for fantastic anecdotes and many good laughs. no need for anyone to believe or accept the foregoing as you'll find out soon enough one way or t'other whether or not I'm right (I am). Carpe Diem fellow bums. Play the cards you are dealt for fun and frolic and leave the gloomy misery for our cousins the Buddhists and Xtians cos they enjoy that sorta thing.
  14. Past lives

    ET is a missionary and we are his mission field. He stands on a soapbox at the corner of General and Tao every night preachin' the word and singin' his trademark hymn... Come on .... sing along.... Won't you come to ETs mission won't you come You'll get a cup of cold coffee and a bun baby Jesus will be there Throwing' peanuts in the air Won't you come to ET's mission won't you come. Give me a hallelujah somebody....
  15. Past lives

    Best teacher I ever had was a complete dink. I learned from her how NOT to teach.
  16. Flowing Hands is a Shaman on here, he lives up on the Taoist threads. Mr Jesus is recorded as only ever writing in the sand. Anything you read 'by' him is somebody else's riff on an interpretation re-imagined by somebody else then pressed through a dogmatic sieve. But you know that et. Choosing to believe is fine, everyone does that sometimes.
  17. Meat eating thread

    A strange English conserve made from a byproduct of vegetable fermentation. Comes in a jar and looks a bit like thick browny black molasses. You can buy it on eBay or from Amazon UK also in Brit expat shops in places like Florida where we still have colonies Delicious on toast on its own and used as a seasoning by veggies. You either love it or hate it, never any in betweens with Marmite. I love it. Two big teaspoons in boiling water makes a hearty hot drink for cold snowy days. Very versatile stuff.
  18. Becoming like a child... ?

    I can't stand the odious little ankle biters. wasn't it Larkin who defined Hell as .... 'Other peoples' children' ?
  19. Yep, that'll so it. I have been teetotal this thirty-seven years past. Had completely forgotten what a really bad hangover felt like before I began reading some of et's wilder missives on here. Just say NO! :-)
  20. the power of now

    Tolle's a sad windbag and very very dated these days. It's a mittel european trait is sad windbaggery. Germans especially are good at it. Lots of sad yet strangely intense German ladies in communes and Ashrams around the world. Tolle does wear nice pullovers though.
  21. Fair enough when it comes to planting and growing crops but as far as cultivating in the original context goes that's rather a fatuous comment et. And I should know! ;-)
  22. Past lives

    Not right now but if he does come through I have one very specific question for him and then you'll be the second to know buddy. First people I call will be the French Wine Authority to make them an offer they will be unable to refuse, if they want to keep their business.
  23. How exactly do I lift my testes?

    The end bit, where the guy in orange retires to his cell , doubles over grasping his cobblers and screams so loud they can hear him in the next county; has been edited out.
  24. Past lives

    So et, Mr Jesus then... Does he speak to you buddy?
  25. ......... Only time you'll get anywhere near the original message is if the original guy comes back and tells you stuff. Bit like FH and his mate Li Ehr. And very few will believe you. All the rest is just re-interpretation, same as you are doing here et. Unless of course Mr Jesus speaks direct to YOU.