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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. A choice between pre-existent destinies sounds more like Calivinistic predestination no matter how many potential destinies there are to choose between in that you only get one that was already 'there' amongst the rest. Not free will at all looked at that way. Stuff just happens and there are consequences. I'm not sure the Tao actually gives a sh*t. How could I be?
  2. 5 elements in the real world

    Way old Grandmaster Chang told it was.... Wood through fire burns to earth Mine earth for metal Pure water condenses out of the air onto metal. Which for some reason was always a highly polished metal mirror. I had no idea then what he was talking about, still don't.
  3. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Anyone know which Zen monastery Lennie retreated to? I remember reading an article a while back and prior to his last successful tour than he'd been on a long term Zen retreat somewhere but it never said where.
  4. The Science of Qi Healing

    They are selling something. I feel it in my water.
  5. Piccy of Fidel in today's paper. Poor old guy does not look like he's long for this mortal coil. I quite like the reading of Mr Jesus as a revolutionary but possibly Monty Python's Life of Brian is as close to whatever passes for truth in these matters. Every faith path depends on stuff the founders followers wrote down long after the founder passed over hence they tend to consist of what folk would have had he founder say if only he or she had seen things heir way. Paul and all who came after him for the Xtians plus any Sutra you ever read for our Buddhist cousins. Re-imaginings upon re-imaginings.
  6. My Kundalini/Shaktipat Initiation

    Fair dos. Whatever floats anyone's boat floats the boat. Anyone getting a living from guru-ing in these straitened times deserves our respect if not, necessarily ;our individual devotion. Sarlos is a kind of 'Which guru' consumer guide. Bit like trip advisor is for hotels.
  7. Endless re-reading of the Xtian myths , Mr Jesus as a proto Che Guevara and such is just another reading. We can, and do; create our gods according to our own preferences . Love manifests in its enactment rather than in any interpretation, be that interpretation Eros or Agape of Filia in this current Koine Greek context.
  8. I need some advice fellow bottoms.

    Yep some Buddhists in UK live like nabobs, others less so. Please say it wasn't a New Kadampa gaff you went to. Those guys are seriously cultic. You don't really need a monastery to cultivate in at all, they are pretty artificial places on the whole. Some good people but seriously sad , nobody happy ever went on a retreat of whatever duration. Taoist alchemists on the whole are much the same they just tend to be sad alone rather than in company. Searching for the meaning of the Tao is just a normal part of life as, should be; cultivation. There are no answers to your specific questions, never were; never will be, cos nobody knows and anyone tells you otherwise is either deluded or a liar. Just cultivate, regularly for a long long time, embrace life as it comes and enjoy what happens. It's all a dance, make it a merry one. You can you know. Good luck with your journey. :-)
  9. You got that right Oh wise one. Seems to me that a lot of folk use religion as a bolt hole from the real world. If it ain't all part and parcel of a regular life then it ain't much to speak of at all. Saddest sacks I ever met in quite a long life have been full time pro religionistas of one brand or another. The guys at the top, the abbots and gurus and such are a cheery crowd as a rule cos they are skimming the cream but the poor shaven headed grunts in orange robes and such further down the rankings, man; if miserable was an Olympic sport those guys would all be gold medallists.
  10. Pain

    I was on mega doses of anti-inflammatory drug for arthritis before I began cultivating QiGong. That was a long time ago and I've not had to take any this many years past. Not saying it'll work for everybody and never stop taking prescription meds without medical advice first but it sure has worked for me. Was at occupational health a couple of months back for a work check up and all clear as per usual. They asked us to run a class down there for their regulars.
  11. Meat eating thread

    A water buffalo would keep a very hungry meat eater fed for a heck of a long time. Those beasties are BIG.
  12. You come across as a pretty enlightened dude MH.
  13. My Kundalini/Shaktipat Initiation

    He's not very high in the pro-guru league tables over at Sarlos Guru rating service but if it works for you, go with it.
  14. Trust someone who has met them both buddy Sadhguru and Osho are two chips off the same block. Osho was an old scallywag, Sadhguru less so. Sadhguru's gags are word for word Osho jokes as are many of his anecdotes. Nothing wrong in that at all. Osho lifted most of his stuff from Chuang t'zu. Sadhguru is the better motor cycle mechanic too, Osho preferred being chauffeured. Mate of mine who lives in California was his driver in the Rajneeshpuram days. There is no new thing under the sun.
  15. damn kundalini up to no good again

    Very popular with South Indian auto rick drivers she is for some reason.
  16. Several hells sorta like boot camps to knock the corners off any really bad sorts prior to them coming back for another turn on the wheel. Seems fair.
  17. Cinnamon is good. Palm Hearts . Beech Mast. Loads of tasty tree-derived munches.
  18. Shiva God of Death sitting on slain tiger skin

    ............... Mrs GrandmasterP on a bad day would out-fearsome Shiva with one hand tied behind her back.
  19. Well it is active procrastination. By non doing... Stuff happens. Ah sweet sweet Tao, gives so much, demands... Nothing at all. ;-)
  20. And even if you did fancy a bit your legs would be too stiff for you to get out and meet someone. Come ON guys........ Really!
  21. damn kundalini up to no good again

    And don't forget lucky old Maha Laxmi.
  22. Being Different

    ............... Not Malhotra please. He was done to death on Dharma Wheel. Total subaltern studies clap trap from cover to cover. Slightly racist too from a European point of view but I guess that's tit for tat.
  23. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Ah young folk today. Them and their crazy hippy hoppy music. Back when I wer a lad we had proper music. Beatles, Stones good old 'Keep the Party Goin'... Leonard Cohen.