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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Meat eating thread

    Brian's rabbits come pre-stuffed with cabbage. That has to save time. I agree though that if people want to eat meat that's their choice and good luck to them. Bad luck for the poor animal the meat came from though and such a bleddy waste. Putting grain through a cow to produce meat is just crazy. Eat the flippin' grain.
  2. Just you wait and see my hard to please chum. One day the right person for you will just roll her eyes at you across a crowded room. And your heart will be hers to command. .. Then, to the faint sound of future wedding bells, you'll pick up her eyes and roll them right back to her.
  3. Plus Barbie is a Buddhist. She is truly empty within.
  4. That's outdoors Barbie. Harley or a Jeep, you get to choose. I have granddaughters. Thank you Barbie Corporation for saving us from present buying dilemmas this twelve years past.
  5. Normals Just Don't Care...

    LOL You got that right. :-)
  6. 'Is available with a jet ski' is possibly better.
  7. How exactly do I lift my testes?

    Old MA cultivation. Avoids damage to the old Crown Jewels. You are bringing the Qi via a small reverse loop right at the bottom of your microcosmic circulation from anus via perineum to scrotal sac the up, round, down and repeat. They'll go up eventually. Once they do move up, send the Qi back up backbone and around in the normal way. It's getting the beggars back down that's a problem sometimes.
  8. How can we discover if we do not seek , Grasshopper?
  9. .......................... Laydees and gentleman your attention please. The groom and his lovely bride will lead you all in the first waltz. Please put your hands together to welcome onto the dance floor and congratulate Mr. Moore Pie-Guy And his lovely bride Mrs Barbie Pie-Guy
  10. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Nice things can happen sometimes too. Things are as they are so seeing them with an attitude of gratitude helps. Even the shite is educative sometimes.
  11. Just as sure as you can see a silver car covered in leaves out your window. As certain as you go to bed and sleep then awake between two and three am before settling back just watch and see where before that cherry tree along the way comes into blossom again that you will have met the right one for you More Pie Guy. And if you don't make up your mind about the big change needed, AND ACT; then nobody is going to do it for you. Happines will come but you need to allow it. ;-)
  12. This is just an observation but it is based on 60years worth of obervations in and around the movement called spiritualist. Women in general are far more spiritually inlined than men. More empathic,far more patient and have more stickability. Men tend to dip in and out of things. Take up a class or a cultivation,learn the words,buy the kit and then drop it and move on to a new hobby. Women in the main stick with it whereas a lot of men want results NOW and don' persevere if there' long term application needed. I am not putting men down in any way this is jus what I have observed. I do know that all the MBS mags aim at and are read by women also that the new age fancy is a lucrative industry as is religion in general and not necessarily the worse for it. Mo Pai is as much a part of it as is Feng Shui or Yoga. They are pastimes people choose to spend moey on,as is their right. No matter how we choose to cultivate we shall all die eventually. Some will be reborn others will escape the wheel. It' all onwardsand upwards either way and any path cultivated diligently is as good but no better than any other for ensuring eventual success. Surprising who you meet from the Pure Land there are even Xtians over there alongside the rest.
  13. Hi Lara, you might find it worth checking out Tony Parsons Urban Guru via Google for some useful non-duality references. Good luck with your research.
  14. Sadhguru is a righteous dude, one of the good guys currently working the pro-guru circuit. He talks a lot of sense, charges what people can afford and does a lot of good work charity wise in his home state. He's ripped off most of his act from Osho but that's not to detract from any of it, the jokes are just as good now as back in the day and he's ditched the more offensive material. Anyone in the market for a guru (and many seem to be) could do a lot worse than Sadhguru. Anyone UK based or Hindu-trappings-averse might try Tony Parsons another one of the good guys. Tony can be found is Google, don't buy any of his slender books though it's all free online if you look carefully.
  15. Hope that didn't come across as being 'anti-male' that wasn't intended. I'm a guy but gender being to an extent performative I love a good gossip as much as the next person and have always been social animal hence enjoy all things to do with centres and temples.
  16. I post on here and on Dharma Wheel (a big Buddhist site). Women posters seem to be few and far between on either. Par for the course I suppose. Men talk about it whereas women get on and 'do' it and save their chat for their chums when they meet up at temple or centre. I do think anyone ONLY posting is missing out on the opportunities for growth and learning that come via being part of a real world group of like minded chums.
  17. Just back from visiting a Tai Chi teacher. Twelve in the class. One man all the rest women plus me a male visitor. Rare as hen's teeth are men in social cultivation situations. Same with mediumship very few men working platforms never have been many. On the other hand in professional stage (theatre) mediumship the numbers are skewed as there are probably as many men as women doing that.
  18. Men are outnumbered about ten to one by women in our neck of the woods and that's always been the case. If you visit the temples it's the same far more women than men doing stuff. It's only online where you find mostly chaps posting and IMO quite a lot of those chaps are solo practitioners either because there's no centre nearby for them to attend or they prefer posting online and working on their own.
  19. How exactly do I lift my testes?

    Good way to find out who your real friends are. :-)
  20. Manifestation, Law of attraction

    You go out looking for friends you find some. Go out looking for trouble and it's there waiting for you. Think lucky and you'll feel lucky. OK you may not be lucky all the time but you're enjoying waiting for luck to come. A smile is a frown turned upside down. No one in their right mind imagines cancer sufferers brought it on themselves. Even the lifestyle diseases like boozer cirrhosis or smoker lung are a lottery some beat the odds some don't. Anger is cancerous. It eats away joy. Better to aim for happiness cos then it tends to meet you halfway.
  21. Meat eating thread

    Only snakes we get round these parts wear three piece suits and drive BMWs.
  22. Dynamic tension/ Tensed tai chi?

    Not for Tai Chi. Tension is an alien concept. Didn't Wong take on board the old Charles Atlas system and attempt to intro that into CMA. Seem to remember something a few years ago. Others will know more.