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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. The David Icke Videocast: ISIS - made in America and Israel

    You want trustworthy and reliable then you'll do worse than gnomes. Good workers are gnomes and nowhere near as irascible as Dwarves. We'd be up to our necks in Faeries if it wasn't for the Gnomes eating the little swine and keeping down the numbers.
  2. Thought after Enlightenment

    No biggie. It still makes more sense than anything the OP has ever contributed.
  3. What are you reading right now?

    Totally agree. I was very disappointed with the first one The Long Earth ( it was Moby Dick re imagined basically). Hence haven't bothered with the other two. One wonders to what extent, of necessity; Terry Pratchett has now become a marketing brand name to shift product rather than any indication that the once great writer has had much if any input into these recent books bearing his name.
  4. Help us help Buddhist Discussion

    Some quasi ' Buddhist' boosters on here do not represent the very best of Buddhistic tolerance for sure. Responding to perfectly valid points in the manner of a resentful adolescent or defensive kidult is both unnecessary and counterproductive to constructive discussion. Good manners cost nothing.
  5. Nature = Good

    +1 Satya. We live in a quiet(ish) deeply rural place. Mrs GMP is in London right now at a wedding and enjoying the company whilst hating the environment. She 'phoned me this morning from Clapham Common. The constant background noise is incredible, traffic, sirens, people shouting and that's from a 'green space' in South London. Her hosts, who live in London simply do not register the clamour as it is a constant soundtrack to their lives. It must, however; affect them. When we get visitors staying here it is unusual for people not to say how quiet it is. Some find that disturbing, others say how much better they sleep out here in the country.
  6. Thought after Enlightenment

    Every single separate word I understood. It was your sentences that stumped me buddy.
  7. Accelerate your cultivation...

    That's Santa Claus or I'm a Dutchman.
  8. Women & TTB

    Warren and colleagues (2011) found that "...despite similar levels of physical access to the internet between men and women, the types of use vary. Men are more likely to participate in online community groups whilst women are more likely than men to communicate with others and expand their social network." Furthermore, the authors suggest that women who participate in on line networks experience considerable negative feedback from men and that this has led to a decrease in womens participation on these forums. Reference... Warren J., Stoerger S. and Kelly K. (2011). Longitudinal gender and age bias in a prominent amateur new media community. New Media and Society. 14(1) 7 27 Full paper here.... Hope that helps.
  9. Mooiji - Anthony Paul Moo-Young

    Sarlo's Guru Rating Service here... The ' League Table' of jobbing gurus. You pays your money and takes your choice.
  10. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    Nope. You need a zero. " The Nothing That Is"...
  11. Persistent Rain

    Hide and squeak. Kit required... 1 bath towel. 1 cocker spaniel puppy 13-weeks old. ( Miss Olive). 1 cocker spaniel 3-years old. ( Miss Alice). 1cocker spaniel 14-years old. ( Mr Leo). 1 cat 11-years old ( The Dowager Duchess Emilie Catte) 1 GMP ( 62- years old). Rules. 1: GMP covers Miss Olive with Bath Towel and asks... " Where's Olive?" 2: Mr Leo and Miss Alice look scornfully at GMP and ask... " Do we look like we care? You want her, you find her." 3: Miss Olive runs round house dressed as bath towel and upsets the cat. 4: Mr Leo and Miss Alice bark at cat. 5: Cat exeunt stage left ( via cat flap). 6: Miss Olive emerges from under bath towel and barks at Mr. Leo and Miss Alice. All Participants ( dog) receive Bonio. All Participant ( cat) enticed back into house with promise of milk. Participant ( GMP) realises that he has FAR too much time on his hands. Still and all, it passed half an hour. Soon be bedtime.
  12. Recognizing Reality

    For sure. Nothing much sadder to look on than a corn fed lad born and raised in Wisconsin prancing about in a saffron robe with his head shaved pretending to be a Tibetan or some such. It's their mothers that I feel most sorry for. On the plus side most of 'em will grow out of it eventually.
  13. Stance Competition!

    Honest GMP Bookmakers ( The Olde Firm). Place your bets. Sporting Odds.... Horse Stance to win: 13-8 on. Wall Sits to win: 5-1 Draw: Evens. Half time score odds... Horse Stance leads: 13-8 on. Wall Sits leads: 3-1 Submissions odds (prior to final whistle and excludes any 'injury time') Horse Stance Submits: 100-1 Wall Sits Submits: 15-8 on.
  14. What are you reading right now?

    Birders: Tales of a Tribe By Mark Cocker Zen and the art of birdwatching. Super book
  15. Recognizing Reality

    He's got a shop too... Spin off from Hari Krishna's , chap who operates the site does 'inspirational speaking' and such. It's a living for him and much of what passes for 'wisdom' from one of our chums who posts here is cut and pasted from that shining For me Advaita is a bit like sectarian Buddhism, they use polysyllabic and alien ( to us) words to describe states and experiences common to all cultivation paths. Somebody once said that " Any religion that requires you to learn a foreign language isn't the religion for you."
  16. The David Icke Videocast: ISIS - made in America and Israel

    I've said it before and it bears repeating. Faeries are devious little bastards. They curdle milk for 'fun'. Tinker Belle my erse!
  17. Recognizing Reality

    It's a Hindu cult too....
  18. Nature = Good

    Tribalism is very stunting. Tutsis and Hutus , for one example and retired Brits resident in those all Brit urbanizations on the Spanish Costas for another. Tribes may look cosy-nice from the outside but for someone stuck in a tribe who feels led to go against the flow... Look Out!
  19. The David Icke Videocast: ISIS - made in America and Israel

    AJ and DI get a good living.Jones plays well to his American audience and Icke has cornered the market over here. They pander to those who believe themselves to be powerless yet haven't the gumption to engage with real powerholders and so create their own fictive windmills to tilt at. General run of the mill ' It's THEIR FAULT!' constructs on the DI Forum include. Demons Reptilans ( Our Queen is one apparently) Zionists The Illuminati Cloud Sprayers ( they're not really clouds they are 'chem trails' full of poison designed to pacify us all). Aliens Freemasons Roman Catholics (see under 'Illuminati') TPTB ( The Powers That Be) Ian Duncan Smith MP ( seems fair enough) Shape Shifters The Faerie Folk False Flag Events ( reimagined news stories) Moon Landing Disinfo Agents ( it never happened) Implant Agents ( we're all either chipped or about to be but most of us haven't noticed) Rosicrucians The Queen Alexandra Royal Nursing Corps ( why?) Secret Societies in General ( that the posters claim to know ALL about which begs the question -"Then how are they 'secret' you deranged plank?" The list goes on... "Kids, lids and skids" predominate on conspiracy forums but the DI one can be good entertainment if taken with a hefty pinch of salt.
  20. Ayn Rand on Israel and the Middle East

    "Libertarians" here in the UK are very different to those in the USA. Our academic 'Libertarians' began life as members of an outfit called the ' Revolutionary Communist Party'. Truly odd people. Thatcher spoke about " Enlightened self interest" and in doing so was not a million miles away from Ayn Rand. I found Atlas Shrugged to be hard going although cannot but admire the sheer effort that obviously went into writing it.
  21. I am looking for a Teacher

    Info here... Hope that helps.
  22. Befriending Money

    Socialism has its upsides. For all its faults our ( socialist-model) National Health Service ensures that no one has to go into debt to fund medical bills as they do in some countries.
  23. Recognizing Reality

    ed note: Ignored Deci. Job jobbed.
  24. Befriending Money

    I'd say money and me are more 'aquaintances' than we are 'friends'. A real friend sticks around.
  25. Maybe 'sea monkey' buyers discovered just how easy to breed and tasty those brine shrimps are. Recipe here... Delicious.