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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    Yep it's a much better metaphor really MH as in harmony within an orchestra, one or two instruments may be dissonant of necessity in some musical phrases but the overall effective sound produced by the 'whole is harmonious. I withdraw 'balance as flux'. I'm never too comfortable in TTC 'catechisms' anyhoo. There are so many translations of TTC it's such an ambiguous text, even those who can read it in the original pictograms (I can't) differ as to 'interpretation'. As a ground for debate fair enough but possibly we'd need to agree a common text (not as 'better' but simply as 'common'), for more fruitful debate or maybe I have missed something and you are all using a set text.. 'We win more when we're all singing off the same hymn sheet' as my old trade union 'shop steward' mentor used to say.
  2. What is individuality?

    We are all of us very similar, in many ways; on here though.
  3. What is individuality?

    Creativity and diversity define, to identify; individuality.
  4. Do we Change? Do we Evolve?

    Yep I think he's got it.
  5. If there is not then there should be a special circle amongst the Hells reserved for Fig Newton Cookies along with their foul brethren the lime flavours. YECHHHH
  6. ........................... No idea who is under the slab but the tourist stalls did a nicely camp line in postcards and plastic baby Jesuses.
  7. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    ....................................... How about 'balance' as a flux state as in cultivation where balance and rootedness fluctuates between one foot then another along with 'core'?
  8. WARNING! A strange person has just joined your forums!

    Fair enough way to look at success and accomplishment but a nice warm house, cuddles now and then and a full belly beats sitting out in the cold-cold snow hungry and unloved so maybe it's a matter of degree (same as 'reality'). What do you think DB?
  9. Taoism and education HTH
  10. There's an entire cultivation in martial arts based around the concept of the player being 'possessed' by a spirit. Forget the name of it but Nigel Sutton mentions having seen it in one of his books. Nigel says that for all the aspects of 'possession' claimed the moves pretty much represent standard CMA ones.
  11. When you could go to the beautiful lake country around Srinagar in Kashmir before all the trouble began one of the sights on the tourist circuit was 'Jesus' Tomb'.
  12. WARNING! A strange person has just joined your forums!

    You are amongst chums DreamBliss. As you can see from some of these posts.
  13. WARNING! A strange person has just joined your forums!

    Nope... intuitive.
  14. You got that right bro. That said we have a Kadampa sect Cafe run by their nuns across from another sect cafe run by competing nuns in Leicester.They come round local shops and businesses drumming up custom and leaving menus. Loads of fun when you get one on the premises and a competing nun from the other sect walks in. Talk about House of Flying Daggers or 'High Noon' . If looks could kill! One day it'll kick off and we'll have a nun-rumble out in the street. When it does.. my money will be on the Kadampas. Their nuns are chunkier and look like they do martial arts (or heavyweight boxing maybe). The other sect's lot are a wan, pasty crew, look like they need a good dinner or something equally hot inside of 'em.
  15. Do we Change? Do we Evolve?

    People I meet who remember past lives all seem to have been something really spiffy before. Priestess in the Temple of Isis, some sort of Queen. A super-duper magus, Shop Steward to the Druid, Bards and |Affiliated Trades Union..... that sort of work. And usually the ones claiming that have pretty mundane lives, jobs or no jobs at all this time round I hardly ever seem meet anyone who was a sewer operative in Delhi in a past life but when you think of it for every top job there are thousands of ordinary jobs..
  16. ................................................ I love that last line in Camus 'The Outsider'.... "I surrendered myself to the sublime indifference of the universe"
  17. A tree is not a tree when it is a New Zealand Palm (That's a fern). HTH
  18. I simply do not believe that such a thing as an atheists forum could ever truly exist.
  19. WARNING! A strange person has just joined your forums!

    Hello Nigel, Nice to see you here. Are you still living with your mum? Do pass our best regards to her.
  20. Crikey, that's a bit gloomy More Pie Guy, hope you're not right. My two cents on it... Everybody is an eternal spirit. We keep coming round and round the wheel til we get it about right. Once we do we can either get off the wheel and enjoy life in the Pure Land (or Heaven or Niorvana or Valhalla or wherever it is really good church mice get to go... the land of cheese). Wherever, soewhere really really good. OR We can opt to stick around and help other people struggling on this side as a Boddhisatva or Spirit Guide or Angel (put your own job titkle in there). Either way everybody (even Hitler) gets the chance to improve and move onwards and upwards over time. may take a long time, but who is in a hurry? HTH
  21. Everybody is psychic. But you already knew that Stimps. Maybe saw it coming. I a crystal ball perhaps?
  22. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    Wu Wei 'causal'? Some mistake surely.