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Everything posted by GrandmasterP

  1. Refinement occurs regardless

    India might be a good call. Saddhu's get a decent living in India plus you don't need warm clothes and can camp out, if necessary; all year round. I met some very jolly saddhus when I worked in India. Those guys have pretty much got it together IMO.
  2. Aversion to Redundancy

    Writer's Block is similar. Nada for ages then BANG! ... the mojo is back.
  3. Aversion to Redundancy

    Not sure if we're hardwired into a desire for novelty or not. Our ancestors sure weren't or there'd be fewer of us around. The main barrier to successful cultivation is boredom. People just become fed up of doing it and move on to the next new fad or fancy. There are plenty of distractions to choose amongst. Maybe one needs a higher boredom threshold than most in order to stick with daily and disciplined cultivation.
  4. Refinement occurs regardless

    Well good luck with that if you decide to do it.
  5. Namo Amitabha.....

    Nembutsu's an outstanding cultivation and very democratic. Anyone can do it. Some Pure Land resource links here.....
  6. Thought after Enlightenment

    Just one thread- related thought ( after enlightenment) here at the moment that... Some folks just pure do not like themself and seek to share their discontent with others. It's always sad but, sadly; not uncommon. We've all met folks like that.
  7. Refinement occurs regardless

    It's not unknown for some seniors to opt for becoming a wandering saddhu as a retirement option over in India. They are respected and supported wherever they wander. It might be difficult to do the same here in the west though.
  8. A timely reminder for the taobums

    Job Advertisement..." Necessary Admonishers Required. Must have own transport and be prepared to travel. Applicants in possession of a current sense of humour may not be considered for the position. We are an unequal opportunities company. Apply in own handwriting in the first instance to... P. Aradox & Associates. Suite 1A Ivory Towers. Narnia." There's no such thing as an absolute truth. Now aint that the truth?
  9. Am I being selfish asking the universe for what I want?

    I reckon there are three possible 'answers' you'll get from asking... 1: Yes. 2: No 3: Wait That said, ' If you don't ask, you don't get.' So, ask in good health.
  10. Upping Sticks

    Update. Well that old boy we're buying the cottage off must be related to a barnacle cos he's hanging out moving and no mistake. We were looking for 6th September completion but heard today that it'll be " Not before 23rd September" . So it may be October now before we're in. Still and all we've never yet had a totally 'smooth' house move. Once would have been nice. Hey ho.
  11. I AM God Consciousness

    Not necessarily. With plum trees, as in life; it's the root stock as influences the fruit rather than the seed. Planting a plum stone will yield either no fruit or certainly a different kind of plum to the one that your seed came from. Fruit trees are grafted onto root stock. Nice metaphor ... Root stock - teacher. Good root stock = successful fruiting.
  12. I AM God Consciousness

    "To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive." (Robert Louis Stevenson: Virginibus Puerisque)
  13. Stupid week ?

    Do you not think that, by and large; we get the politicians we deserve?
  14. I love dogs and cycling but some dogs sure don't love cyclists. One time I was out on my bike and a woman's dog was off the lead and came at me for to take off my leg. The woman shouts to the dog ( to the dog mind you). " Rex! What have I told you about doing that?" I was left wondering if she was expecting the dog to answer her.
  15. Cultivating when in pain

    Cultivating can be good for some pain. A bad back for example. When muscles are locked in a pain spasm then gentle movement can help to ease them far quicker than immobility.
  16. Spirit Guides

    Super image in post 53 Horus ( and 63 ST). Thank you for posting and re-posting.
  17. Astrological Musings

    I still reckon that water signs would predominate if every Bum voted.
  18. ...

    The cheque is in the post. ( Honest).
  19. Stupid week ?

    I'd quite like a fridge magnet from our government here. Ideally it would say... " We're really sorry."
  20. ( Apech)... Everything from 'hypocrisy' to 'Bill Clinton' moved to the Pit. -- Message Ends --- "From hypocrisy -TO - Bill Clinton" See under... "World's shortest journeys"
  21. Hello! Atheist, Skeptic & Open Minded Here:)

    One word... "KIAI" Welcome to TTB BTW.
  22. I AM God Consciousness

    Yep. This is as good as it gets. Enlightenment isn't a destination. Just cultivate. Job jobbed.
  23. Mrs GMP went through similar. We could dispense with the central heating when she got one of her hot flushes. She's OK now though.
  24. Astrological Musings

    Seldom a day goes by but I don't learn something new from TTB. Thanks for that heads up Zanshin and Nungali.